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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. or they'll start giving out free tickets. just watch.
  2. we need a manager who can manage a team with a proven record in a decent league. Billy Davies has managed in one of the toughest leagues in europe i.e. the english championship. However I acknowledge there are other candidates too. I'm sorry to say that Super Ally(despite being one of our all time greats) simply isn't up to the job as Rangers manager.
  3. Not a legal expert m8 but who do you mean regards ticketus ? I simply cannot understand why this company handed this money over to Whyte in the first place. Were they mad? Whyte's business record was in the Daily Telegraph on the day he got control of Rangers. It's not as if no one didn't know his shambolic business history
  4. no conspiracy ? didn't former chairman AJ say that LBG forced SDM to sell to whyte? Rangers debt was 3% of the £700m+ MIH debt so why were they so concerned about Rangers debt? whyte was a car crash waiting to happen. AJ's suspicions about came true with a vengeance did they not ? watch him like a hawk as I recall. He hadn't the funds to run or finance the club. He should never have got near the club but he did - thanks to LBG. And who was running LBG's Scottish business division at the time? Fullerton (Celtic trust) & his sidekick Kane (another one) Go tell ticketus about staying on right side of the law. They're the ones who were genuinely duped in all of this to the tune of £20m or whatever thanks to LBG getting Whyte control of Rangers. (BTW fred the shred never broke the law. His downfall at RBS was the purchase of toxic bank ABN Amro without due diligence. he was hailed as a genuis a few years earlier when RBS purchased its much larger rival Nat West)
  5. Would rather the liquidators found out if SDM was blackmailed by LBG into selling to Whyte. MIH owed around £700m yet LBG seemed more intersted in what Rangers owed which around £18m. Why was that ? was it because their 2 most senior execs. in scotland were celtic supporters ?
  6. I've said b4 & I'll say again the real villains were LBG who forced SDM to sell to CW. Who were these people at LBG ? I know who they are . Do you?
  7. Been a disappointment so far. Can't understand why Ally doesn't give Kai Naismith a chance again. Looks decent any time I've seen him.
  8. Be sceptical about SPL attendances too. Was talking to a St Mirren season ticket holder this morning who told me he got three FREE season tickets for U16's when he renewed his ticket at the start of the season. Presume this to overinflate attendances to hoodwink potential sponsors. The End Game for the SPL is now in sight. Will it see out the season with 12 clubs ? Whatever happens next I want Rangers to play a big part in rebuilding Scottish football in conjunction with the SFL. We need to bury the hatchet in one or two instances but it must be made clear that there are no places for Liewell, Petrie, Thompson and Doncaster & Regan. Believe me this is a critical period for Scottish football as a whole. Let us lead the way. We are Rangers.
  9. Hearts in big trouble now & it appears Motherwell & Killie are the two supposedly considering leaving the SPL. SKY TV will be getting nervous about the poor viewing figures & clydesdale bank aren't renewing their sponsorship at the end of the season. That's three clubs who may well decide enough is enough. When Doncaster joined as CEO three years ago it was to improve the SPL interms of sponsorships, revenues etc. He has failed miserably. The sensible club chairmen can see this now. The SPL is dead. Scottish football needs a clearout at the SFA too
  10. about 20 years ago there was a programme called the cook report where reporter Roger Cook chased dangerous criminals and often got beat up by them. Seems to me Thomson is a sort of a poorman's Roger Cook but lives in a fantasyland making up all sorts of ridiculous claims & counterclaims
  11. CG needs to clarify this. What's going on ? why are SFA & SPL withholding monies ?
  12. Hearts got this meaningless transfer embargo(instead of something much more severe) because SPL don't want to lose them in case they quit SPL to join SFL & other SPL clubs decide to follow them.
  13. in all honesty m8 I think Ally's now realising he can't cut it as a manager. His sole objective this season is simply to win SFL3 ( never mind league cup & scottish cups) and after that I think he'll leave
  14. Is this idiot oblivious to the real world ? look at the SPL today - Hearts are on the verge of meltdown, Motherwell & Killie would appear to be the 2 clubs on the verge of quiting the SPL ( mentioned in the full article not this one) and according to Leggo's sources SKY are considering binning Scottish football next summer ( presumably due to the abysmal viewing figures). It's biggest sponsor could walk away not to mention the fact that Clydesdale bank have already said they're quiting at the end of the season. Yet this eejit thinks the SPL garden is rosy. Are Dundee Utd, Aberdeen, Hibs & last but not least Ra Sellik planning a four team league by any chance ? that's the way it's beginning to look.
  15. Very intersting article. SFL beckons for jambos(no chance Romanov will pay this) along with Motherwell & Killie whom I believe are the two clubs dis-satisfied with the SPL & considering quiting. If the SFL got those three and maybe a couple of others the SPL would be finished.
  16. Pointless even thinking about CL. Immediate concern is getting a consistent run of decent performances in SFL3 - something which seems to be beyond us at present. Regards Mr Green I do wish he'd tell us how he intends to get the monies due to us from the corrupt SFA/SPL. Launch the exocets please Charles. Lets get them into court. It's the only way to deal with these cretins........
  17. don't worry I'm sure Mr Doncaster from the SPL will explain how one of its clubs can apparently be run by three companies. No rules will have been broken ( if there were any in the first place) and even if there were any broken the fat, lardass lawyer McKenzie will rewrite them anyway. That's the way these things work is it not?
  18. Of course. Him too. This D&P stuff is all a red herring to divert us away from the real culprits
  19. I still want to know the role of LBG in all of this. Did Celtic-supporting Fullerton & kane blackmail SDM into selling to Whyte ? Whyte was a disaster waiting to happen. He hadn't the funds to buy or run the club. AJ said as much at the time. How right he was. I believe this D&P stuff is a smokescreen to divert attention away from the individuals who caused all of this.
  20. as I said earlier playing in a getting-poorer SPL every year won't do them any good. Their current players will eventually leave for better leagues & new ones will be inferior to the ones they're replacing. I genuinely believe we'll be back in the top tier of scottish football next season, whatever it'll be called
  21. without us they'll struggle to keep their current players to play in a meaningless SPL & struggle to attract decent new players. Qualifying for CL will therefore be harder as a result. If he was honest ( which he isn't) Liewell would admit he wanted us kept in SPL but with points deductions for each season over 2 or 3 years. It was only when a few of the hooped horrors from their supporters associations got in on the act he changed tune.
  22. yes it does Scott. It's all about Sporting Integrity you know.
  23. That's what the company Celtic FC Ltd were formerly known as. Both Celtic FC Ltd & Celtic plc are very much in use today. It's The Celtic Football & Athletic Coy Ltd which isn't used much. Maybe Mr Doncaster at the SPL could explain to us how one club can be run by three different companies. Must be in the SPL rulebook somewhere though.
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