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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Your last line says it all. I believe someone or some people did orchestrate its demise. We deserve to know who they were
  2. I stopped reading McMurdo's daily blog when Fullerton convinced him he'd nothing to do with Rangers accounts.
  3. This where our new regime(CG) needs to bans these articles from Ibrox stadium. The editors of these so-called newspapers will soon get the message when their circulation plummetS
  4. The people who caused the demise of the oldco were LBG IMO. Fullerton & Kane were in charge of LBG Scottish business division at the time(guess who they support?). Don't listen to Bill McMurdo's blog where Fullerton convinced McMurdo he had nothing to do with Rangers bank accounts. Aye Right. If it wasn't wasn't Fullerton & Kane did they put someone up to it within LBG ? i.e. destroy Rangers ? Don't believe a word from Fullerton & Kane. We need to estabish whether SDM was blackmailed into selling to CW. For that reason alone I believe LBG have many questions to answer not least Fullerton & Kane.
  5. very good point. Rhegan & Dungcaster know this only too well. It's the SP hell chairman who don't seem to get this. SKY is not a national broadcaster but a subscription service. It'll broadcast whatever it thinks it'll get the highest viewing figures for - and the SPL figures have been in freefall this season without us.
  6. he was supposed to quit at end of last season was he not ? wonder who'll be their new SPL chairman/ Titanic Captain. What's craigie whyte doing these days ?
  7. would have thought the police had more pressing issues than this to deal with their alleged stretched resources as we're constantly told by their overpaid chief constables. Seems our chum Mulholland is the chief architect behind this. That doesn't surprise me. Is a ST at the Girodome btw? If so wonder what make of the green brigade & their songs? maybe like Speirs he suffers from selective deafness
  8. Doesn't surprise me. They're running the SFA now so it'll be one of them. Won't make any difference though. The jacobites won't be going anywhere fast. They're crap
  9. Exactly. This is what I don't get. If this money not ours then surely it's for the creditors. Certainly doesn't belong to the SFA or SPL does it? someone CG (?) needs to clarify all of this.
  10. After all he's said about SPL cannot believe CG would have gifted last season's prize money to them
  11. what's the situation ? anyone know? heard different opinions. If we're due it when are we getting it ? will CG need to go down legal route?
  12. The SPL gets put into administration i.e. can't pay its dues. That's what happens.
  13. What about last season's SPL prize money ? are we getting it? and what about monies due from SFA?
  14. hate to say it, but I've got absolutely no confidence whatsoever in our manager at present. And I don't mean just after wednesday night. We have resources to play in a league where we should be winning with conviction week in week out. Yet we're not. I wondered about the signings in the summer. I thought we'd be short in certain areas e.g. central defence & midfield bearing in mind we'd be unable to sign anyone for one year. And does Ally have problem with young players ? we all know young Fleck & he didn't always see eye to eye but Crawford & Naismith came in (and scored) and seem to have disappeared again. Why is that? Tomorrow of course is the SC. Alloa will, I believe, be very much the Qos i.e nothing to lose & will have a go. That worries me. When things aren't going well Ally seems to have no idea how to change them. A good manager knows how to change things Hope I'm wrong but I'm dreading tomorrow.................
  15. Will ally play 2 up front tomorrow ? with shiels looking to be out will he play someone alongside Jig ?
  16. their big problem will be at the end of this season when their one year SKY TV deal expires. The viewing figures have been poor & SKY will want to renegotiate or walk away altogether. The other thing these muppets forget is that the SPL withheld our prize money from last season. One way or another CG will have to get that money as he's legally obliged to do as CEO. Talks have already taken place regards this but with no outcome. I suspect the SPL haven't got this money to give to us therefore CG may well need to go down the legal route to pursue this money. That being the case it could well force the SPL into administration. How sad would that be.............NOT. Also don't forget the SPL's major sponsors the CB are renewing at the end of this season. Others will no doubt reconsider their position too. So it should be interesting to see where we all are in a years time.
  17. Let's start with a ban for Speirs closely followed by his chum Grant at the Herald. Then we can concentrate on the BBC from pacific quay. One wrong move & they're out too.
  18. total non-story. when are the mhedia going to investigate dermot 'serial tax avoider in ROI' Desmond and his dodgy OAP care homes ? or the dodgy deal for ID cards proposed during the last Labour UK government (while 'Dr' john Reid was a government minister) where one of dermot desmond's companies would have got the contract to manufacture these ID cards? contract worth billions BTW. Surely even Mark Daly might want to look into this ? yet again maybe not.
  19. will they keep their current players in a league which is crumbling around them ? how will they attract new players? they players they got in the summer - sorry, never heard of any of them. Their CL gains may well br offset by their domestic shortcomings. Don't forget they'll have a wagebill around £40m
  20. butcher left us in late 1990 as I recall after he'd been dropped by souness after a poor run of form. As I recall we were due to play a LC semi against someone (can't remember who?) and we'd a few injury problems. Souness asked butcher to play & he refused. remember souness saying this on TV at the time. shortly after butcher left for coventry city I believe. perhaps he's had a bee in his bonnet since. don't know
  21. would suspect leggo's more or less retired(or semi-retired) but like any good journo (unilke most today) he'll have his contacts. most journos today sit on their backsides and just write their opinions, often with little or no research. Speirs is a good example of this which is probably why where he is now(an online writer). others can't hide their affiliations to their beloved celtic like Guidi, Keevins, Grants etc which is why their circulation ain't great.
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