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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. hate to say it, but I've got absolutely no confidence whatsoever in our manager at present. And I don't mean just after wednesday night. We have resources to play in a league where we should be winning with conviction week in week out. Yet we're not.

    I wondered about the signings in the summer. I thought we'd be short in certain areas e.g. central defence & midfield bearing in mind we'd be unable to sign anyone for one year. And does Ally have problem with young players ? we all know young Fleck & he didn't always see eye to eye but Crawford & Naismith came in (and scored) and seem to have disappeared again. Why is that?

    Tomorrow of course is the SC. Alloa will, I believe, be very much the Qos i.e nothing to lose & will have a go. That worries me. When things aren't going well Ally seems to have no idea how to change them. A good manager knows how to change things

    Hope I'm wrong but I'm dreading tomorrow.................

  2. their big problem will be at the end of this season when their one year SKY TV deal expires. The viewing figures have been poor & SKY will want to renegotiate or walk away altogether.

    The other thing these muppets forget is that the SPL withheld our prize money from last season. One way or another CG will have to get that money as he's legally obliged to do as CEO. Talks have already taken place regards this but with no outcome. I suspect the SPL haven't got this money to give to us therefore CG may well need to go down the legal route to pursue this money. That being the case it could well force the SPL into administration. How sad would that be.............NOT.

    Also don't forget the SPL's major sponsors the CB are renewing at the end of this season. Others will no doubt reconsider their position too.

    So it should be interesting to see where we all are in a years time.

  3. total non-story. when are the mhedia going to investigate dermot 'serial tax avoider in ROI' Desmond and his dodgy OAP care homes ? or the dodgy deal for ID cards proposed during the last Labour UK government (while 'Dr' john Reid was a government minister) where one of dermot desmond's companies would have got the contract to manufacture these ID cards? contract worth billions BTW. Surely even Mark Daly might want to look into this ? yet again maybe not.

  4. The Mhanks are actually surviving without us, long may it continue say they.


    will they keep their current players in a league which is crumbling around them ? how will they attract new players? they players they got in the summer - sorry, never heard of any of them. Their CL gains may well br offset by their domestic shortcomings. Don't forget they'll have a wagebill around £40m

  5. Butcher's biography is the reason. He was told by a number of people at the Club what they thought of his classless act of dragging the club's name through the mud just for a few pieces of silver (or more likely to gain acceptance from the Rangers hating element and enhance job prospects, which still amounts to pieces of silver. Prick that he is!). He gave the rabid media and Rangers haters all they ever wanted to hear by telling them that sectarianism was rife within Ibrox, even down to slaughtering the wee old kit man Jimmy Bell. Utter lack of class and thankfully the Club ignored him publicly, but privately they let him know that he wasn't Rangers class.


    butcher left us in late 1990 as I recall after he'd been dropped by souness after a poor run of form. As I recall we were due to play a LC semi against someone (can't remember who?) and we'd a few injury problems. Souness asked butcher to play & he refused. remember souness saying this on TV at the time. shortly after butcher left for coventry city I believe. perhaps he's had a bee in his bonnet since. don't know

  6. I've wondered that myself. Is he retired or is it more down to the fact no one will employ him?


    In his prime was a good journo?


    would suspect leggo's more or less retired(or semi-retired) but like any good journo (unilke most today) he'll have his contacts. most journos today sit on their backsides and just write their opinions, often with little or no research. Speirs is a good example of this which is probably why where he is now(an online writer). others can't hide their affiliations to their beloved celtic like Guidi, Keevins, Grants etc which is why their circulation ain't great.

  7. we need a manager who can manage a team with a proven record in a decent league.

    Billy Davies has managed in one of the toughest leagues in europe i.e. the english championship.

    However I acknowledge there are other candidates too.

    I'm sorry to say that Super Ally(despite being one of our all time greats) simply isn't up to the job as Rangers manager.

  8. You could and may be in for a surprise with regard to ticketus and their reserving of their options, as for the rest the liquidators will either uncover wrongdoing or they won't, of course it could depend on how hard they look.


    Not a legal expert m8 but who do you mean regards ticketus ? I simply cannot understand why this company handed this money over to Whyte in the first place. Were they mad? Whyte's business record was in the Daily Telegraph on the day he got control of Rangers. It's not as if no one didn't know his shambolic business history

  9. I doubt very much there was any conspiracy, just people who knew and know how to stay on the right side of the law if only just, it happens every day and will continue to do so.


    Fred the shred is still walking the streets.


    no conspiracy ? didn't former chairman AJ say that LBG forced SDM to sell to whyte? Rangers debt was 3% of the £700m+ MIH debt so why were they so concerned about Rangers debt? whyte was a car crash waiting to happen. AJ's suspicions about came true with a vengeance did they not ? watch him like a hawk as I recall. He hadn't the funds to run or finance the club. He should never have got near the club but he did - thanks to LBG. And who was running LBG's Scottish business division at the time? Fullerton (Celtic trust) & his sidekick Kane (another one)

    Go tell ticketus about staying on right side of the law. They're the ones who were genuinely duped in all of this to the tune of £20m or whatever thanks to LBG getting Whyte control of Rangers.

    (BTW fred the shred never broke the law. His downfall at RBS was the purchase of toxic bank ABN Amro without due diligence. he was hailed as a genuis a few years earlier when RBS purchased its much larger rival Nat West)

  10. It will be interesting to see if the liquidators find any impropriety in any of D & P's actions.


    Would rather the liquidators found out if SDM was blackmailed by LBG into selling to Whyte. MIH owed around £700m yet LBG seemed more intersted in what Rangers owed which around £18m. Why was that ? was it because their 2 most senior execs. in scotland were celtic supporters ?

  11. Be sceptical about SPL attendances too. Was talking to a St Mirren season ticket holder this morning who told me he got three FREE season tickets for U16's when he renewed his ticket at the start of the season. Presume this to overinflate attendances to hoodwink potential sponsors.

    The End Game for the SPL is now in sight. Will it see out the season with 12 clubs ?

    Whatever happens next I want Rangers to play a big part in rebuilding Scottish football in conjunction with the SFL. We need to bury the hatchet in one or two instances but it must be made clear that there are no places for Liewell, Petrie, Thompson and Doncaster & Regan. Believe me this is a critical period for Scottish football as a whole. Let us lead the way. We are Rangers.

  12. Hearts in big trouble now & it appears Motherwell & Killie are the two supposedly considering leaving the SPL. SKY TV will be getting nervous about the poor viewing figures & clydesdale bank aren't renewing their sponsorship at the end of the season.

    That's three clubs who may well decide enough is enough. When Doncaster joined as CEO three years ago it was to improve the SPL interms of sponsorships, revenues etc. He has failed miserably. The sensible club chairmen can see this now. The SPL is dead.

    Scottish football needs a clearout at the SFA too

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