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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. does this dhim who writes this website actually have a paid job? if not where does he get his income from ? phil 3 names too? shouldn't this be getting investigated ?
  2. What makes me laugh is when they fly the palestinian & basque flags at the girodome. The palestinians are a people without a nation to live in. The basques are people seeking an indepedent nation to live in. THEY are a people who have had an indepedent nation to live in since 1922 but won't live in it. Whyever not I wonder?
  3. if I'm hearing correctly from a wee birdie there more than one or two questions now being asked about their stadium regards safety certificates. just watch. Drastic action may be required costing them a fortune
  4. I'm not entirely in favour of a wage cap either but we really must do a hell of a lot better when it comes to buying players also. We seriously overpaid for the likes of Lafferty and others. It'll be all about budgets IMO. The more successful we are the more income we get & the more will be available on the playing staff. We also need a much better scouting system too. For example howcome in N.I. bluenoses such as Brunt, Jonny Evans etc get missed?
  5. It is a fact that the dhims are seriously over-represented in law, media & politics in this country
  6. When it suited him he also claimed to support Partick Thistle. Of course only the daftest believed that
  7. Quite frankly I don't see the big deal in all of this. We'd been over-paying too many people for too long whose contributions weren't good enough. We need higher performance targets all round for those employed by our club. The first team manager must ensure we're competing in all three domestics competitions and in a European competition beyond August. There must be a proper domestic & worldwide scouting system constantly identifying players. IMO we don't have this at present. We need a youth policy capable of producing players with first team ability & ambitions. Until we see substantial offers for players who have broken thro' into our first team then we don't yet have this either. If all of these are achieved then salaries/funding shouldn't be an issue. When CG talks about a wage cap I'm sure he's talking about a salaries budget related to turnover. More success means more turnover meaning a bigger budget for salaries meaning succesful players at Rangers will earn more
  8. We also need a decent worldwide scouting system for a start. Not sure I've confidence in what we've got at present
  9. Not all Celtic players on £25k plus p.w. Only Brown & ledley I'd say. We need to get real though and copy the likes of Ajax. We need to buy low & sell high and start producing our own players thro' a youth policy. In the country we're in it's the only way I'm afraid.
  10. It'll be interesting to see how the SPL respond. They must know the end is in sight. Their much needed SKY contract will be re-negotiated at the end of this season. Without us(CG will refuse to sign new one) it's a goner and the SPL having allowed their clubs to vote us out meant they couldn't use their biggest(and some would say only) bargaining chip - OF games. But as things stand we won't be in SPL next season either. SKY won't like this so either it's league reconstruction(whereby we return somehow to top division) or financial meltdown for many clubs. The SPL clubs survival is dependent on them rebelling against Liewell, Petrie & Thompson & telling where to go. If they don't they're finished. Let's hope for the sake of the future of Scottish Football common sense prevails.
  11. They key thing here is consistency here by those who run scottish football. I don't believe that can happen whilst we have the Regan & Doncaster puppets in control at the SFA & SPL. They are controlled/influenced by liewell & co. That needs to change quickly for the survival of scottish football.
  12. Don't care. I detest them & everything they stand for. I have no friends who are supporters of them. Never have done & never will do.
  13. How sad we have elements in our country who hold these heroes in contempt. You know who I'm talking about don't you?
  14. do you think there'll be something similar at Torbet Towers 2morrow?
  15. Dunfermline have problems too by the looks of things. They must pay HMRC £80k within the next 10days. They're even talking about sponsored walks to raise the money. Doesn't look good Would they get fined too for bringing game into disrepute?
  16. I hope CG is watching this situation with Hearts closely. Rangers were fined for bringing game into disrepute following non-payment of taxes when Whyte was chairman. So Hearts be fined too if there's any consistency. I wonder just how many more clubs are or have been in this situation too? And the football authorities in this country turned a blind eye to it yet when it was us it became open season.
  17. Property market is dead m8. wouldn't get that much wouldn't think
  18. for non-payment of taxes to HMRC. Or does that just apply to us ?
  19. Can't agree with RST wishing fat McKenzie a speedy recovery. No fate too bad for that fat chancer
  20. We all know what happened. The clubs were bullied into voting us out the SPL by the corrupt cartel running ( or should that be ruining) Scottish football all in the name of 'sporting integrity'. But there will be consequences for that 'sporting integrity'as we will soon see.
  21. Don't worry. I'm sure the SFA & SPL will have the monies owed to us tucked away safely in accounts so that when the nice men from BDO come looking for it they'll simply hand it over. Won't they?
  22. Just let them try it. Rhegan, Doncaster & co will be in for one hell of a shock. They've still got the money haven't they????????
  23. What do you mean by that ? thought they idolised him.
  24. Amazed D&P didn't pursue this money for creditors when we were in administration. Wonder if BDO might pursue it ?
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