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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Corrupt SFA and SPL are only interested in punishing Rangers. Hearts in contrast will get their help.


    I hope CG is watching this situation with Hearts closely. Rangers were fined for bringing game into disrepute following non-payment of taxes when Whyte was chairman. So Hearts be fined too if there's any consistency.

    I wonder just how many more clubs are or have been in this situation too? And the football authorities in this country turned a blind eye to it yet when it was us it became open season.

  2. But aren't there rules that say no 3rd party can get involved in SFA/SPL bussiness?


    Surely the SFA/SPL can just say it's none of BDO's bussiness and say it's our money now and we're keeping it


    Just let them try it. Rhegan, Doncaster & co will be in for one hell of a shock. They've still got the money haven't they????????

  3. The people who caused the demise of the oldco were LBG IMO. Fullerton & Kane were in charge of LBG Scottish business division at the time(guess who they support?). Don't listen to Bill McMurdo's blog where Fullerton convinced McMurdo he had nothing to do with Rangers bank accounts. Aye Right. If it wasn't wasn't Fullerton & Kane did they put someone up to it within LBG ? i.e. destroy Rangers ? Don't believe a word from Fullerton & Kane.


    We need to estabish whether SDM was blackmailed into selling to CW. For that reason alone I believe LBG have many questions to answer not least Fullerton & Kane.

  4. It will be interesting to see what happens if Green pushes Sky's buttons. Remember they walked away before.


    very good point. Rhegan & Dungcaster know this only too well. It's the SP hell chairman who don't seem to get this. SKY is not a national broadcaster but a subscription service. It'll broadcast whatever it thinks it'll get the highest viewing figures for - and the SPL figures have been in freefall this season without us.

  5. would have thought the police had more pressing issues than this to deal with their alleged stretched resources as we're constantly told by their overpaid chief constables. Seems our chum Mulholland is the chief architect behind this. That doesn't surprise me. Is a ST at the Girodome btw? If so wonder what make of the green brigade & their songs? maybe like Speirs he suffers from selective deafness

  6. Except the debt hasn't even been paid by the SPL yet apparently, and they're keeping hold of cash when it should at least be going to the creditors.


    if debt was due to creditors then I'm sure D&P would have chased them for it. IMO CG should pursue legal route SPL & SFA for monies due.

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