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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. you need to take any attendance increases in the SPL with a pinch of salt. Many clubs like St Mirren for example have been going round local schools & boys clubs and giving away free tickets to their home SPL matches.

    Others too have been giving away at least one free u16 season ticket for each adult season ticket bought. I believe Aberdeen & Hibs operated this scheme.

    Im sure there will have been other attempts at inflating SPL attendances which from a business point of view simply aren't sustainable

  2. If you look back to before Whyte took over, where we had so many of Rangers dealings with HMRC being leaked to the press and photographers laying in wait every time the taxman visited Ibrox due to tip-offs. Even SDM accused HMRC of treating Rangers differently from other businesses and questioned these leaks.


    Do I think that HMRC have an agenda against Rangers? As a whole, no. To think that would be paranoid. However I do believe that an element exists within their ranks which was determined to destroy Rangers when given half a chance.


    Think much of what you say is what the criminal investigation is all about. There were individuals who were employed in certain organisations who had access to confidential information about Rangers who clearly divulged this information to ant-Rangers bigots whose names I won't mention but we know

  3. Absolotely no chance us or them from the east end will ever get to the EPL. The English clubs wouldn't have us for a start. They've just signed a new, very lucrative TV deal and don't need us either.

    I see Liewell was going on about European regional leagues today. Me thinks the Japanese General may be realising the folly of voting us out the SPL last summer and getting the other SPL stooge chairmen to do the same. Attendances at SPL games at the girodome will soon be in 4 figures if they continue as they are................

    And Lemmon was saying it'll be hard to convince his players to stay in the SPL (or that's how I interpret it).

    All not rosy in the SP Hell garden is it? Oh wait there's a BBC Alba SPL TV contract... they can but try I suppose

  4. Of course Whyte has previous with HMRC.


    This was the problem in a nutshell. HMRC couldn't/wouldn't do deals with Whyte.

    But, as I've said numerous times before,we must find out how Whyte got the club at all.

    His dodgy business history was well known. On the day he got the club the Daily Telegraph had an article all about him & his colourful past.

    No one was duped. His past was there for all to see.

    No, I believe it was LBG and the 2 amigos running the scottish division who blackmailed SDM into selling to Whyte who was a car crash waiting to happen.

    Forget HMRC.

  5. Let Sky dictate who will or wont be involved in the top League post reconstruction, our position would be secured in that diktat. However that is secondary imo to real issue of who is going to govern the game going forward? Is it to be the self interest of the Rangers hating SPL or the honest integrity led SFL, who want a more level financial playing field for every club.


    If the SPL win the right to run the game then disaster looms for the smaller clubs, if the SFL wins the position of power every club benefits, If our club and supporters have learned anything this last year, it is this. There is life outside the SPL, it's not about dog eat dog. But about looking after each other and what is best for everyone.


    Long live the SFL.


    When we were voted out of the SPL and got accepted into the SFL little did the SPL clubs realise at the time that they were in effect voting for the end of the SPL as we shall soon find out. Remember our chum Rhegan has said he too wishes one governing body as per McLeish report. As usual however he's not said which one. Lack of leadership as Ally said a few short months ago. How true Ally.

  6. Dave Longmuir isn't stupid. He knew the proposals the other day were simply a shot across the bow of the SPL. Frankly it didn't matter if it was 16-10-18 or whatever but this is simply the SFL(with Rangers in their ranks) sabre-rattling as they attempt to seize control of Scottish Football and put the SPL out of business altogether. What are the SPL's alternatives then? status quo ? we've already had SPL chairmen stating the obvious that we don't need two bodies running the scottish leagues. One has to go. The smart money is on the SPL is it not?

    At the end of the day whoever runs the scottish leagues next season will need to sit down with its biggest financial contributor (SKY TV) and keep it onboard. Judging by this season's SPL viewing figures that might be a difficult task. Therefore SKY will have a major say on what happens next if scottish football wishes to survive from its current predicament. They will decide who is in the top division next season if scottish football wishes to retain their significant financial input. Sporting integrity? save the jokes for another day please.

    I firmly believe Rangers will return to the top division of scottish football next season whatever it may be called. I look forward to the many scalps taken along the way when we get there........

  7. I was once told by a CA that you can literally create company accounts to make profits look as big or small as you wish. Debts aren't the be all & end all either so long as you can service the debt and the debt provider is happy with that there's no problem.

    Cashflow is the killer though and this is where all SPL clubs are in the brown stuff (or soon will be) . Reduced incomes through reduced sponsorship monies(CB ending sponsorship at end of season & what will SKY do next season ?) & falling attendances will bite at some point for all of them

  8. the tax payer will have to pay it. gcc are going to have it fixed before the c/wealth games come.


    It's not GCC's stadium. There would be an outcry the length & breadth of this country if a club got taxpayers money to do this.The opening ceremony could easily be moved.

    No m8 as I understand things, it's going back nearly 20 years as to how it got safety certificates in the first place. Remember the old CP with the smallish jungle ? it was small for safety reasons with entrances/exits around cemetery at rear. There was of course larger terraces behind goals.The old board said rebuilding CP would be difficult & started looking at other sites as u may recall. Then this 60,000 stadium got built, albeit on the cheap. Who approved it? say no more

  9. mate that is the bampot who is obsessed with telling lies about rangers. the club are taking action against him. :thup:


    does this dhim who writes this website actually have a paid job? if not where does he get his income from ? phil 3 names too? shouldn't this be getting investigated ?

  10. for an oppressed minority the do well in their adopted land.


    What makes me laugh is when they fly the palestinian & basque flags at the girodome.

    The palestinians are a people without a nation to live in. The basques are people seeking an indepedent nation to live in.

    THEY are a people who have had an indepedent nation to live in since 1922 but won't live in it. Whyever not I wonder?

  11. And who is to say the BHEASTS won't have to introduce a wage cap in the future?


    if I'm hearing correctly from a wee birdie there more than one or two questions now being asked about their stadium regards safety certificates. just watch. Drastic action may be required costing them a fortune

  12. that is exactly why i am against this wage cap nonsense. we have to show ambition. not crazy wild debt but smart clever scouting. our club needs backroom changes which we dont look like getting. we need a total football input from pure football brains both in scouting and coaching.


    I'm not entirely in favour of a wage cap either but we really must do a hell of a lot better when it comes to buying players also. We seriously overpaid for the likes of Lafferty and others. It'll be all about budgets IMO. The more successful we are the more income we get & the more will be available on the playing staff. We also need a much better scouting system too. For example howcome in N.I. bluenoses such as Brunt, Jonny Evans etc get missed?

  13. Tiger Tim was prone to gaffs, I once heard him play 'Friggin in the Riggin' by The Sex Pistols on the Radio Clyde 70s show, the song was half way through before he pulled it and spent the rest of the programme apologising for it claiming he'd never heard it before. Aye right, Tiger.


    When it suited him he also claimed to support Partick Thistle. Of course only the daftest believed that

  14. Quite frankly I don't see the big deal in all of this. We'd been over-paying too many people for too long whose contributions weren't good enough.

    We need higher performance targets all round for those employed by our club. The first team manager must ensure we're competing in all three domestics competitions and in a European competition beyond August. There must be a proper domestic & worldwide scouting system constantly identifying players. IMO we don't have this at present. We need a youth policy capable of producing players with first team ability & ambitions. Until we see substantial offers for players who have broken thro' into our first team then we don't yet have this either.

    If all of these are achieved then salaries/funding shouldn't be an issue. When CG talks about a wage cap I'm sure he's talking about a salaries budget related to turnover. More success means more turnover meaning a bigger budget for salaries meaning succesful players at Rangers will earn more

  15. Great news and about time imo, should've been in place years ago. In fact I would go a step further and make their wage far more performance related.


    We also need a decent worldwide scouting system for a start. Not sure I've confidence in what we've got at present

  16. fans better get ready for relegation battles in the future. this is ridiculous to say the least. all geared towards making profit and playing on fans blind loyalties. count me out.


    Not all Celtic players on £25k plus p.w. Only Brown & ledley I'd say.

    We need to get real though and copy the likes of Ajax. We need to buy low & sell high and start producing our own players thro' a youth policy. In the country we're in it's the only way I'm afraid.

  17. It'll be interesting to see how the SPL respond. They must know the end is in sight. Their much needed SKY contract will be re-negotiated at the end of this season. Without us(CG will refuse to sign new one) it's a goner and the SPL having allowed their clubs to vote us out meant they couldn't use their biggest(and some would say only) bargaining chip - OF games.

    But as things stand we won't be in SPL next season either. SKY won't like this so either it's league reconstruction(whereby we return somehow to top division) or financial meltdown for many clubs.

    The SPL clubs survival is dependent on them rebelling against Liewell, Petrie & Thompson & telling where to go. If they don't they're finished. Let's hope for the sake of the future of Scottish Football common sense prevails.

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