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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Will HMRC have the brassneck to appeal? Surely they'd be better sorting out themselves inhouse for a start & investigating whichever of their employees was responsible for the leaks throughout the RTC. Maybe some of their employees have allegiances which make them want to disregard the confidentiality requirement of their jobs. I think I can guess those allegiances.

    Why would they appeal ? they're not going to get any money. They will have caused the eventual liquidation of our oldco chasing taxes they weren't entitled to as per last tuesday's verdict. They shouldn't have been main creditor whilst we were in administration trying to get a CVA. That should have been ticketus who'd approved the CVA.

  2. I'd prefer to see Ally McCoist concentrating his efforts to get us more convincing performances & victories on the park. He seems to me to be tactically inept & totally clueless as to how to change a game when things aren't going well.

    Frankly I couldn't give a damm about his media skills if we're winning with conviction every week.

  3. The tax case, they claim if we had made more of an effort to meet HMRC in the middle we wouldn't be in this. The silence when Traynor pointed out we had offered 10mill to the taxman 3 years ago was deafening.


    whether people like it or not EBT's were perfectly legal if done properly. Last tuesday's verdict seems to suggest ours was in general OK.

    Over 5,000 UK companies had EBT's before they were abolished late 2010(or should I say the tax loophole was closed). They were legal tax avoidance schemes to put it bluntly.

    Some companies agreed to pay HMRC sums to compensate for the tax they had avoided. Others chose not to.

    I believe we offered HMRC a sum ( you say £10m) which HMRC rejected. Now they've got nothing except a large legal bill ( ha! ha !)

    I actually enjoyed winning the taxcase last tuesday almost as much as beating the dhims..........there you go !!

  4. 'their club being forced into liquidation'


    Let me explain. The club wasn't liquidated. It's playing in SFL3 at present.


    When CG's Consortium had their CVA rejected ( wrongly now after last Tuesday by the looks of things as HMRC wouldn't have been main creditor) they created a newco & transferrred over the assets of the oldco i.e. club, stadium, murray park etc. What couldn't be transferred over was SFA membership & SFL share. The players contracts are still being disputed as per TUPE.


    Oldco is simply an empty corporate shell with £5.5 m in its account (not a lot is it ?)

  5. To be fair, Jimbo did point out that we had offered HMRC a £10m settlement. Did we? Or did MIH? A lot of things tend to get muddied.

    What is clear to me is that HMRC should never have been in a situation to oppose the CVA.

    I could have come forward with an airy-fairy concept that Rangers owed me £150m.

    No more far fetched than HMRC.

    I read a quote from an insolvency expert who said the BTC should have been valued at £1 by D&P in administration because its outcome wasn't known. Certainly not £75m or whatever. This would have meant, of course, that HMRC couldn't have blocked CVA as they weren't main creditor. That would have been ticketus who accepted CVA

  6. In view of Tuesday's ruling and order the SPL to abandon its commission due to sit next year into our EBT payments which is due to sit next year.

    The SFA are the governing body of Scottish Football and should have the authority to do so.

    Tuesday's ruling proved that these payments were not indeed contracts therefore the dual contract allegations are unfounded.

    I believe Doncaster is as good as 'dead man walking' at the SPL & should be shown the door immediately. The SPL has descended into a farce over this and is it true they have run up a £1m plus legal bill to Harper McLeod as a result of this ? I don't think they'd be able to pay that bill & I cynically believe they'll try to fine us an equivalent amount to that via this commission.

    Ally McCoist bemoaned the lack of leadership in Scottish Football at the start of this season & time and time again he's been shown to be justified in what he said.

  7. following tuesday's verdict it is time to move on & question the role LBG played in all of this. Did they force SDM to sell to whyte? if so who at LBG insisted on this & why ? after all our bank debt was being steadily reduced under the stewardship of AJ. was fullerton and/or kane involved ? or did they get some patsy within LBG to do it for them? this whole episode is far from over.

    I believe this whole thing was orchestrated. We must find out who was behind it all & why. It is too easy to blame SDM. Let us get the real culprits

  8. A couple of things were conveniently overlooked in the Rangers documentary:-


    1) EBT's weren't illegal. Over 5,000 UK companies had them before they were abolished

    2) SDM had reduced our debt down to £6m by the time PLG became manager in 2006 after the shares issue he underwrote.


    But it was Daly who did the documentary and anything he does regards Rangers is inevitably biased because he's a tim.

  9. rab c aside, i see tims are have cleared up in these awards too. this country is so one sided it is frightening. maybe we should be waving the oppressed card!


    The BBC in general is unaccountable & out of control (especially at pacific quay where it does what it likes)

    Only way to change this is to get rid off the licence fee & force it look elsewhere for its revenue. Only then would it be prepared to look at who they employ & what they were broadcasting. No viewers or less viewers would affect its revenue. They'd change their tune then alright.

  10. How CG succeeds in improving us commercially will go a long way to determine how successful his stewardship is. Murray abandoned ship long ago and we were drifting on & off the park. Then of course we had Whyte who should never have got the club in the first instance IMO.

    At least we're now seeing signs of people in charge who are prepared to fight our corner with our enemies & trying to improve our commercial performance which hasn't been great over the past few years if we're honest.

    Also if Dave King wants to become involved again by investing then why not ? he's a real Rangers man like all of us on here. He's winning his battles with SARS as he said he would. Don't listen to the negativity about him from the usual sources after all THEY have one of the biggest tax-avoiders on the planet in DD as a major shareholder

  11. they needed a big fish to catch the attention. We fitted the bill.

    I believe they also targeted BP(or some other multi-national based in the UK) who had EBT's too & sent them a tax bill. They declined to pay it & were offered FTTT like we got. They refused that too & told HMRC if they wanted money they'd need to go to court. If HMRC won then they told HMRC they'd consider moving their HQ out of the country losing them billions more in tax than they'd get from EBT's.

    We were an easy target cos we couldn't up sticks & leave the country like multi-nationals could.

    I've done a fair bit of reading up on EBT's in general. Some of the stories in the tabloids are totally inaccurate

  12. Tell that to SKY (biggest finanincial contributor to scottish football) who have seen their viewing figures collapse in some cases for live SPL games. We'll see what they've got to say at the end of the season whether they remain or not.

    Also don't be fooled by SPL attendance figiures. Many clubs like St Mirren are going round giving free tickets to their SPL home games to local schools & boys clubs. Others like Hibs & Aberdeen have been giving at least one free u16 season ticket for each adult season ticket bought. Others will have done something similar no doubt

    So I wouldn't read too much into this. It is written by McKeowen after all. You know who he supports don't you?

  13. They're not all relevant to this particular incident, but here's some useful names worth keeping in mind:


    Brian McBride, Non-Executive Director on the Executive Board**** He has been a Non-Executive Director of Celtic Football Club PLC

    Ken MacQuarrie, Director, BBC Scotland

    Donalda MacKinnon, Head of Programmes and Services, BBC Scotland

    Alasdair MacLeod, Head of Editorial Standards and Compliance, BBC Scotland****

    Bruce Malcolm, Chief Operating Officer, BBC Scotland

    Ewan Angus, Commissioning Editor, Television, BBC Scotland

    Ian Small, Head of Public Policy and Corporate Affairs, Scotland**** member of the Board of Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland.

    Jeff Zycinski, Head of Radio, BBC Scotland

    Jemma Rodgers, Head of Comedy, Scotland

    Andy Conroy, Chief Operating Officer of BBC Future Media and BBC Online

    David Jordan, Editorial Policy and Standards


    I gathered these while doing some research for an article a couple of months back.


    very interesting. the backgrounds of these people should be made available & their allegiances known

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