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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Well said but couldn't he have given this sort of reply more often during his stint on Radio Cattolica.
  2. Don't bet against him doing that too m8.
  3. brilliant. when we return back to where we belong we must bring re-sign him. We need players who genuinely want to play for us.
  4. The reason Naismith left for Everton was because they offered him £35k pw compared to the £15k pw he was on at Rangers. He could have stayed & done what Edu did but chose not thus thus denying the club a much-needed fee. Rangers supporters aren't stupid and realised this. He will never be welcome back at Ibrox like his other deserters. Unfortunately though it's all about to go disasterously wrong. The TUPE advice he got last summer now looks extremely dodgy wherby he could simply walk out & go elsewhere. If not why are the SPFA ( & their legal chum Gribbon of Bridge litigation) launching this ridiculous counter-claim against Rangers for 67( yes 67) players if they're not confident the advice they gave was sound ? They say they'll drop this claim if Rangers don't pursue the players who walked out but there's no chance of CG doing that. He knows he's got a winnable case even if he has to go to the law courts if the SFA tribunal doesn't go in his favour. This is just the start of a case which could have repercussions in the football world longafter.
  5. I get the impression that some lawyer has acting on behalf of the players union has taken it upon him/herself and done this unilaterally without consulting anyone. Margaret Gribbon of Bridge Litigation per chance?
  6. I think Bell will primarily be back to Alexander. Rightly or wrongly McCoist doesn't seem to think Gallacher is up to it.
  7. I was TUPED over at the start of this year. The onus is on the employee to refuse the transfer.
  8. How do the SPL intend to finance their new set up without a TV deal ? after all CG has told them he won't be signing any new SKY deal and will SKY be interested in Scottish football without Rangers ? lots more developments in this to come methinks.
  9. Whenever certain individuals apologise unreservedly we can start to build bridges. The end is nowhere in sight yet. People were actively trying to shut us down during the summer by various means. We must no longer have the dignified silence approach. We must identify our enemies & actively pursue them.
  10. Get our own people working for us please. We've already had the IRA supporting chef at MP.
  11. and they're not exactly ecstatic at the moment about this are they ? SPL have too big a slice of the cake based on viewing figures
  12. don't think so. When Liewell & Doncaster went hand in hand to London to talk to SKY all they got was a reduced deal for this season which would be reviewed at the end of this season. No figures have ever been officially released have they? What this means presumably is SKY would need to take into account SPL viewing figures for this season for any future deal. SKY's SPL viewing figures this season aint been great have they ? don't forget according to young McMURDO'S blog the other day) SKY have already had talks with CG regards league reconstruction. Why would they do that I wonder?
  13. if they (the SPL diddy teams) think this is bad wait til CG refuses to sign a new TV deal for next season. I actually think this proves he means business with them & they know it now
  14. Let's see if the chase the SFA & SPL for old co's monies due i.e. Davis transfer fee and last season's prize money. Should be interesting times ahead if they do.
  15. when HMRC chose us as their testcase was always rumoured they'd chosen wrong one. FTTT outcome seemed to vindicate that. Interesting what happens now. They need grounds for an appeal before they'd get permission to appeal. They could just as easily be refused permission.
  16. Without the rest there is no Scottish Football. Maybe that's Liewell's aim so as to try & get into English football. However the English would never let them near their leagues. Everyone now knows they represent hardcore Irish Republicanism in its worst form. Even the real Irish know this as well.
  17. Hate to say it but this is where we need to build bridges with SPL clubs to isolate Lawwell & his merry gang. If we can convince the clubs the SPL isn't the answer then the likes of Celtic, Hibs, Dundee Utd & Aberdeen will be left with their own 4-team league
  18. what about the rest ? all doing well financially ? next season really could be the armageddon if CG sticks to his guns & refuses to sign any new SKY TV deal and SPL don't replace a sponsor like CB.
  19. has to be point of law as I understand. The lawyers rejected it (presumably from a legal perspective) Poon is , I believe, a tax accountant who would have us all believe everything & anything is taxable.
  20. reduced TV income ? there might be no meaningful TV income . Even CBeebies wouldn't touch the SPL the way things are going
  21. In any court of law you need a basis for an appeal. My understanding is that HMRC need a point of law for a basis of an appeal. What that is remains to be seen. You cannot simply appeal just because you don't like the verdict (well you can but it will be thrown out).
  22. This £12m will only grow & grow. If CG sticks to his guns & refuses to sign the SKY TV deal for next season that will blow a massive hole in the finances of the wee diddy SPL clubs. Without Rangers there's little to interst SKY in Scottish football. Also have they replaced the CB sponsorship yet? These clubs are being led down the path to oblivion. Can't they see what's coming for them?
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