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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. We live in a country where a section of people who represent less than 20% of its population are seriously over-represented in its politics, media and legal profession. It has given these people authority to manipulate these areas into whatever way it likes to achieve their own particular goals and to attempt to subdue & ultimately destroy their opponents in such a manner which can only be described as corrupt. Welcome to Scotland 2012.
  2. Welcome to Scotland 2012. They control the Mhedia and can do this.
  3. If Goodwillie wants to play every week he may not have too much of a choice regards his wage demands once he gets released from Blackburn. Going to Blackburn, who had the over-promoted coach Kean in charge at the time, was a huge mistake. I rate Goodwillie highly and believe he'd do a job for us with the right partner upfront.
  4. Don't think him staying any longer at Blackburn is a good idea. He needs to get away ASAP as he's clearly not part of their plans. He'll probably negotiate a release from his contract next summer. I believe he'd have 2years left on his Blackburn deal by then.Would genuinely like to see him sign for us.
  5. No one would pay him 20grand pw any more. He needs to be realistic now IMO & get released from Blackburn and start playing again somewhere
  6. Surely if HMRC had got permission to appeal we'd have heard from the likes of Mad Phil or the Supervised lawyer by now
  7. Believe he's back at Blackburn because he couldn't settle in London at Palace. Not involved today for Blackburn. Would think Blackburn would want to offload him & believe he'd jump at the chance to sign for us. He'd do a job for us IMO. We need someone with pace upfront prepared to do a lot of running off the ball. Watching Little & Jig they're not mobile enough together for my liking
  8. Anyone think Ally will try & get him after embargo gets lifted. He obviously rated him as he did try to get him 18months ago. Things not going well for him at Blackburn so maybe he'll try & get released next summer then he could join us on 1st september. Thoughts anyone?
  9. we need to find out how Whyte got the club. Did the 2 bhoys at LBG blackmail SDM into selling to Whyte ? if so why & for what reasons?
  10. What a nasty man Keevins is. I remember Graeme Souness being interviewed just after he'd left Rangers & became Liverpool manager. He said that Scotland was a country with a lot of people who simply didn't like to see Rangers doing well. Keevins is one of them as this article shows.
  11. I disagree. Not every young player who breaks thro' into our first team will be a guaranteed superstar. In the current team we're giving youngsters their chance but we'll be lucky to get a couple IMO who'll be good enough to play at the level we want to be at. What concerns me is that Murray Park could become something that produces players for the Dunfermlines, St Mirrens etc i.e producing players not quite good enough for us but OK for their standard. That will be costly unless we really can produce the standard of player we require from our youth teams.
  12. Just wait til the bills start coming in for their cheapskate stadium. It was never built to last. It's nearly 20 years old now. That's its lifespan.
  13. Should be noted Jeff Randall is one of us. Describes Rangers as 'the quintessential British Club'.
  14. Ally neede to make the right signings last summer due to embargo. We're seriously short in creativity in central MF & also at CB which is why I think Goian may be back in new year if we can get him.
  15. now that he seems to be winning his tax battles in SA, it'll be interesting to see if Dave King adds to that 22m.
  16. Nothing surprising really. I've said it before & I'll say it again: Did LBG blackmail SDM into selling Rangers to Whyte ? If so who was it at LBG and for what reasons? We know that the 2 bhoys Fullerton & Kane were in charge of LBG's Scottish business division at the time. Was it them or did they get some lackey to do it on their behalf?
  17. didn't he borrow something like 20m from ticketus (and would have paid back 27m). why anyone would have given whyte that amount of money is a total mystery given his business history.
  18. LBG got it after they blackmailed SDM into selling to Whyte
  19. Is Speirs still on Radio Cattolica after being caught lying on Scotland Tonight after the BTC verdict?
  20. the bit I never got was why they gave Whyte this money in the first place. Seemed one hell of a risk
  21. never listen to radio cattolica so can't comment but led to believe their superscoreboard phone-ins are infested with timothys calling in to have a rant about Rangers. Any normal organisation would have done something but they didn't. They actually seemed to encourage it. People like Daryll King just sat back & took it. Mind you you'd expect it to be accepted by the rest like Keevins, Walkers etc
  22. wonder what they'e up to. Whyte conned them out of 20 odd million didn't he?
  23. Good news but don't be fooled into believing this share issue was for supporters. The timing of it & the fact supporters only got one week leading up to Christmas to buy shares leads me into thinking it was primarily for the financial institutions.In that respect it has been an undoubted success to which CG deserves utmost praise. Fan ownership isn't necessarily a good thing. Look at Barcelona. Great team but with massive debts which won't be sustainable for too much longer because the Bankrupt Spanish Government won't be able to bail them out anymore by buying a worthless piece of land from them for an exorbitant amount of Euros. Even the Bayern Munich president recently asked how much longer the European taxpayer was to subsidise Messi's wages.
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