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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Can someone explain to me how these payments were undisclosed? they were in section6 of the annual accounts every year. The SPL could have chosen to query them had they so wished. They didn't. And was it not the now late Hugh Adam who it was who gave our enemies the 'dual contracts' idea which started all of this ?
  2. No one in Scottish football can see the 2 big issues about to hit home in the months ahead for the SPHell i.e. SKY may walk away if we're not involved & the SPHell hasn't got a replacement sponsor for the CB whose contract runs out at the end of the season and no replacement has been sourced. These could provide massive financial shortfalls throughout and many clubs may only survive by getting rid off virtually their entire squads and replacing them with youths. Administration & liquidation may be the solution for those with high debts i.e. Hearts & Abergreen. Pip Pip as leggo would say...........Ah well they would listen to the likes of Liewell, Petrie & Thompson. Hell mend them I say.
  3. just can't see us getting McGowan. Hope I'm wrong though.
  4. These EBT's were in section6 of the accounts every year they were used. The SPL did not question this. These were in no way hidden or undisclosed. Even Grant knows this but cannot admit this due to his hatred of us
  5. Time will tell but AJ suggested as much on STV NEWS on saturday. Was SDM forced to sell the club by LBG? if so by whom and for what reasons ? was it fullerton & kane or did they put someone up to it? MIM were around 700m in debt to the bank and Rangers debt was around 3 or 4% of that debt yet LBG seemed far more concerned about Rangers reducing debt. Why was that ? I've already made my mind up why.
  6. I also think the arrival of a certain Dr Reid in 2008 certainly played a big part. He is/was a headline grabber unconcerned whether the issue was correct or not, merely to put the the mere thought in peoples minds. He did that throughout his time in the Blair Government and did it at Celtic too. I for one am convinced our whole saga with HMRC,LBG & Whyte was planned & orchestrated. We will, I believe, find out a great deal in 2013 who these people were. I think many of us suspect we already know them
  7. You mean a catholic republic like ROI where the church is involved everywhere i.e. politics, schools, hospitals. you name it it's involved
  8. and once they get in they employ from within their own ranks. It goes beyond politics into every walk of life in this country. Can't people see this?
  9. The story isn't even half-finished. 2013 will be the year of revenge & where individuals will be brought to tasks for their actions
  10. so long as we continue electing celtic-supporting politicians they'll walk all over us. Time to be more vigilant in who we elect
  11. Likewise Scottish polticians (MP's & MSP's) who turn a blind eye to this
  12. Happy Birthday Frankie. Keep up the good work
  13. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fellow bears do not attend this fixture..... Deny this Rangers-hating club revenue at all costs.
  14. Bad though they are HMRC are not our biggest villains. They have a duty to collect tax & were only doing their job albeit extremely unprofessionally by all accounts. What we really need to know is how Whyte got the club. Was SDM blackmailed into selling by LBG? if so by whom at LBG & for what reasons ? was it Fullerton & Kane or did they get some patsy to do it for them? Once this question is answered everything else will fall into place
  15. Some of his tactics are baffling. Playing Temps & Jig up front when neither is an out & out striker didn't work today. I actually thought Sandaza did quite well as he moved defenders about a bit more. Thought we deserved the win in the end though.
  16. Whose website for PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALLERS is under maintenance at the moment. Nothing to do with impending TUPE cases for our deserters last summer per chance? Coincidence or what?
  17. Other than Cammy Bell & Murray Davidson there's not much there. We need to concentrate in the areas of the team we require i.e. goalkeeper, centreback, midfield creativity & maybe a proven striker outwith the SPL. No point in simply signing players because they're out of contract. They must be better than we've already got who'll improve the team. I think the players we need won't be found in and around the SPLHell
  18. How could an agent refuse an approach from Rangers ? is this the same individual who now works for Bridge litigation ? the mob that employs Ms Gribbon?
  19. 2013 must be our year of revenge. We must hunt down our enemies to the ends of this earth. The dignified silence simply doesn't work.
  20. What do the SPL & SFA have to say about last nights trouble in Dundee then ? nothing as per usual I suspect. These useless, spineless & biased organisations must be ripped apart from top to bottom & rebuilt. The Regans, Doncasters and Lunnys must be removed at once
  21. Will it be reported on BBC Scotland or STV news ? Daily Record? Evening Times? most definitely not. Welcome to Scotland 2012. Guess who's running the mhedia. This will all end badly one day unfortunately
  22. They're a catholic club in all but name. Sure they've had non-catholics but mostly only on the pitch.
  23. in certain areas it seems like 50% but in reality it isn't. Where I stay in Renfrewshire they are a minority albeit a noisy & over-represented one.What amazes me is why just about every RC in Scotland supports Celtic. Does no one question this ? Why not ? they claim to be the 'club-for-all' yet seem to attract support from one section mostly. What if all non-RC's decided to support Rangers? what would happen to Scottish football then? too many people in this nation of ours(in politics & media surprise, surprise) are unwilling to challenge these people and the grotesque football club they all seem to follow.
  24. Ally McCoist was asked 3 times. Didn't do him any harm did it? Not sure we'd have got Goodwillie from Dundee Utd at the time anyway as Whyte was in charge then. After he got a bid rejected he went back with an even lower bid as I recall.
  25. It'll be case of whoever offers us the best deal. It's no secret Green & Ahmad thought the Umbro deal wasn't very good for us. Now they'll have to produce something much better and if its Warrior or whoever and its a better deal then its OK by me
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