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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. If anyone is waiting for Lawwell to take decisive action against the pro-terrorist bigots in the Celtic support then, I fear, they are in for a very long wait.


    Likewise Scottish polticians (MP's & MSP's) who turn a blind eye to this

  2. Bad though they are HMRC are not our biggest villains. They have a duty to collect tax & were only doing their job albeit extremely unprofessionally by all accounts.

    What we really need to know is how Whyte got the club. Was SDM blackmailed into selling by LBG?

    if so by whom at LBG & for what reasons ? was it Fullerton & Kane or did they get some patsy to do it for them?

    Once this question is answered everything else will fall into place

  3. And funnily enough.... Gillies also works with Bridge litigation does he not ?


    Whose website for PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALLERS is under maintenance at the moment. Nothing to do with impending TUPE cases for our deserters last summer per chance? Coincidence or what?

  4. Other than Cammy Bell & Murray Davidson there's not much there.

    We need to concentrate in the areas of the team we require i.e. goalkeeper, centreback, midfield creativity & maybe a proven striker outwith the SPL.

    No point in simply signing players because they're out of contract. They must be better than we've already got who'll improve the team.

    I think the players we need won't be found in and around the SPLHell

  5. It was Goodwillie's agent, ex-St Mirren and Aberdeen player Ricky Gillies, who refused to consider any approach from Rangers, rather than the player himself.


    How could an agent refuse an approach from Rangers ? is this the same individual who now works for Bridge litigation ? the mob that employs Ms Gribbon?

  6. maybe 20% 100 years ago. nowadays, every second person is one of them. if they are not now the majority, they are very close to it.


    in certain areas it seems like 50% but in reality it isn't. Where I stay in Renfrewshire they are a minority albeit a noisy & over-represented one.What amazes me is why just about every RC in Scotland supports Celtic. Does no one question this ? Why not ? they claim to be the 'club-for-all' yet seem to attract support from one section mostly. What if all non-RC's decided to support Rangers? what would happen to Scottish football then? too many people in this nation of ours(in politics & media surprise, surprise) are unwilling to challenge these people and the grotesque football club they all seem to follow.

  7. You should only get asked once to play for Rangers,


    Ally McCoist was asked 3 times. Didn't do him any harm did it?

    Not sure we'd have got Goodwillie from Dundee Utd at the time anyway as Whyte was in charge then. After he got a bid rejected he went back with an even lower bid as I recall.

  8. We live in a country where a section of people who represent less than 20% of its population are seriously over-represented in its politics, media and legal profession. It has given these people authority to manipulate these areas into whatever way it likes to achieve their own particular goals and to attempt to subdue & ultimately destroy their opponents in such a manner which can only be described as corrupt.

    Welcome to Scotland 2012.

  9. If Goodwillie wants to play every week he may not have too much of a choice regards his wage demands once he gets released from Blackburn. Going to Blackburn, who had the over-promoted coach Kean in charge at the time, was a huge mistake. I rate Goodwillie highly and believe he'd do a job for us with the right partner upfront.

  10. he should but someone else may well pay him it. even if they dont he will probably just stay and keep getting it from blackburn.


    Don't think him staying any longer at Blackburn is a good idea. He needs to get away ASAP as he's clearly not part of their plans. He'll probably negotiate a release from his contract next summer. I believe he'd have 2years left on his Blackburn deal by then.Would genuinely like to see him sign for us.

  11. he would cost to much for what he would deliver.


    your not going to get him for less than 20k a week.


    No one would pay him 20grand pw any more. He needs to be realistic now IMO & get released from Blackburn and start playing again somewhere

  12. He was on loan to Crystal P. but was on the bench mostly. Seems to have lost his way. Could be a good move as it's last chance saloon for him.


    Believe he's back at Blackburn because he couldn't settle in London at Palace. Not involved today for Blackburn. Would think Blackburn would want to offload him & believe he'd jump at the chance to sign for us. He'd do a job for us IMO. We need someone with pace upfront prepared to do a lot of running off the ball. Watching Little & Jig they're not mobile enough together for my liking

  13. Anyone think Ally will try & get him after embargo gets lifted. He obviously rated him as he did try to get him 18months ago.

    Things not going well for him at Blackburn so maybe he'll try & get released next summer then he could join us on 1st september.

    Thoughts anyone?

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