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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. or are these players good enough to play at the level we require? any club can have a youth policy but whether it produces quality players is another matter.
  2. Was with us as a youngster. Never broke thro' then went 2 killie then went down south.
  3. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Wish there was more people like him in this country of ours prepared to say what they really think of these people
  4. how's it doing the game good? these clubs aren't even on a par with Conference National clubs down south. We can put money into them all we want but they're contributing next to nothing for the Scottish game in general. When did one of these clubs last produce a player of any quality playing in say the EPL?
  5. Longmuir isn't stupid. He knows these SPL reconstruction proposals will fail if there's no new SKY deal or sponsor to replace CB. Surely the braindead chairmen will want to know what's financing these proposals. If not then they'll all have to make drastic cost reductions or go part-time.
  6. That's why CG & SKY have had talks. He's said he won't sign any new deal. That leaves the rest to sort out any new deal SKY may or may not offer. SKY's SPL viewing figures are down 73% this season. Would they want a new deal here? who would finance/sponsor these new reconstructed leagues? CB are ending their SPL sponsorship at the end of season too. There's no replacement for them & who'd want to.They can talk reconstruction all they want but they need finance. Without us there's no finance
  7. Will SKY agree to this ? can't see it
  8. When you look back McGregor was prone to howlers every now & then, especially in OF games. I do agree with Real PapaBear that he was responsible for the Kaunus defeat
  9. do I get any clues ? a wee roly poly, bespectacled solicitor who looks like a steak pie with feet?
  10. I'm pretty sure it would only have affected us (agreeing to accept decisions without right of appeal) if we'd agreed to go to the first division as the SFA wanted. However we rejected this & went to the third division without further punishment after the SFL clubs voted us there. THEIR (and I mean SFA/SPL) big problem has yet to hit them in that the big financial contributors to the top division(SKY & CB) will either walk away or renew on much reduced terms at the end of this season.
  11. Wee fat Salmond's silence has been an absolute disgrace. Likewise the trouble they've caused at Tynecastle during recent visits. If it were us the usual suspects in scottish poiitics would be getting tore into us from everywhere. But when it's them not a word.
  12. Not quite sure if he's better at RB or CH
  13. Any re-entry to top div is dependent on Regan, Lunny & Doncaster vacating their respective positions with immediate effect. SPL commission into dual contracts scrapped. All outstanding prize monies & davis transfer money payable at once. Transfer embargo scrapped Celtic, Hibs, Dundee U & Aberdeen to have no representation in any Scottish football's governing bodies for a minimum of 5years. Then I'm sure Mr Green may be prepared to start negotiations following unreserved apologies from SFA/SPL
  14. Yes he qualifies as u21 til end of season. Then what? will he make 25man squad? doesn't look like it. Following Danny Wilson to oblivion IMO
  15. Aye it's a great league Speirs. SKY about to walk & no replacement for CB sponsorship equals financial KO's soon
  16. noticed he's not even in the 25 players Stoke registered with the EPL last August ( although in theory he could play as he's u21 & in his final year). What an utter waste. He needs to play week in week out. Leaving Rangers was utter folly.
  17. The bit I don't get is how these players could be unregistered ?? can someone explain? Don't forget SKY have walked away before when the 'music man' was SPL CEO and he thought he could start up SPL TV but couldn't and had to go cap in hand to the BBC for a much inferior deal. Quite frankly I don't know what to expect from this SPL Commission but what I would say is we're dealing with people who have nothing but hatred & jealousy towards us and have shown they are prepared to inflict serious damage upon themselves & Scottish football in general. These are unpredictable zealots whose aim is to destroy us at all costs by whatever means. We've seen that even defeat in a court of law does not deter these people. Our challenge ahead is the fightback where we build bridges and rise up against them whom we will never side with and remove them from positions of power in Scottish football for a very long time.
  18. The full impact of voting us out the SPL has still to hit them. At the end of this season the SKY deal with either be re-negotiated or scrapped. The SPL will have to try & replace the CB as its major sponsor. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the SPL clubs will face a very significant financial shortfall as a result (except one of course. the one whose CEO bullied them into the decision to vote us out). Last week it was revealed that 153 SPL players have contracts finishing at the end of the season. Again it doesn't take a genius to work out most of these players will leave their clubs and probably need to be replaced by cheaper inferior replacements or maybe even youths. For some clubs part-time football may be the only alternative yet one of the founding principles of the Premier League when it was set up nearly 40 years ago was to preserve full time football in Scotland. Sit back & watch my fellow bears. The SPL implosion will begin soon. Who knows Daly might even want to make a documentary about it. Let's hope his research is better this time... PIP PIP as leggo would say
  19. many people I've met from ROI cannot understand what the fuss is about regards this.The original ******s were not exclusively RC. There were protestants among them too.They were seeking Irish idependence not on the grounds of any one religion or otherwise. It's only in this country where the 'easily offended' in conjunction with the usual suspects in the media have created the sectarian industry where it seems to have caused such furore.
  20. Funniest part was Aberdeen Asset Management writing off £5.75m loans as shares. These shares will be worthless soon you can be sure. Might as well have flushed the £5.75m down the toilet. Stuart Milne would have held the toilet seat for them I'm sure
  21. as Souness once said all you've got to lose is your reputation when you take Scotland job. Reality is they're worst side in their WC group despite what Regan said after firing Levein.
  22. wonder if he'll do as he usually does i.e. leave club in worse state than he inherits it.
  23. not quite true Craig. When PLG arrived in 2006 our bank debt was 6m I understood following the share issue he underwrote. That unfortunately steadily rose after he left and got to around 30million. AJ managed to reduce to around 18million by the time Whyte arrived on the scene. Agree the 'dignified silence' didn't work. Led to out & out lies being put about which did great damage.
  24. SDM's only crime was to sell to Whyte but as I ask again and again on here was he blackmailed into it by LBG ? if so who at LBG ? was it Fullerton & Kane or did they get some patsy to do their dirty work for them ? questions we must get answered. SDM did run up huge debts but these were repaid. EBT's we now know were legal. My only complaint about them was some of those who got them.
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