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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Perhaps he should have but don’t you think we’re pushing it a bit having a 40 year old keeper? He’s a stopgap because we never recruited properly last summer
  2. We need a replacement to be identified first. Did we learn nothing from the Pedro debacle?
  3. Beale ain’t coming back. big step up from Bodo/Glimt to Rangers for Knutsen. Plus what size budget would he be wanting & would he get it?
  4. I don’t see us changing our manager at the moment but the sub-standard SPFL performances can’t continue. Were too easy to play against. Our tactics and system don’t change whether it’s Livingston or Liverpool we’re playing against at home. Hopefully the manager will see sense & change the system. We play two wide players up front who don’t contribute enough. That needs to change. Id prefer 3-5-2 at home
  5. Should we have had a first half penalty? When their defender handled in his own box
  6. Or the manager holds up his hands and says ‘I’ll change the system ‘
  7. You can only go on for so long playing badly & scraping results. someone has to tell the manager to change his system and tactics. Especially at home
  8. Playing at home against teams that park the bus with a back4 and a holding MF player with one up front thro’ the middle with little service no longer works.
  9. If Kemar Roofe is fit then he must start tomorrow, even if we only get an hour out of him. Roofe is one player we have with a football brain in his head who can see the game in front of him. His decision-making in the final third is better than anyone else we have which is a major failing for us at the moment. Could he play the wide right role not properly filled since Candaeis left? Colak playing thro the middle
  10. SG supposedly wanted to buy Kevin Nisbet from hibz. Hibz asking price was £4m. The board wouldnt back the move. think they got that one right
  11. We simply don’t have the quality in wide areas up front that we need. Kent, Wright, Matondo, or Sakala all have been tried & done little this season. 2goals between all of them. Compare that to the yahoos with Jota, Abada, Maiden etc.
  12. We never learn when it comes to signing crocks. And I don’t think Souttar(if fit)would ever have been a suitable replacement for Goldson
  13. I’d suggest the opposition (outside Celtic) much weaker today
  14. No such thing. All different
  15. Wish we had a Fintan O’Toole in Scotland to expose the Holyrood charlatans and whatever else
  16. Can’t help thinking GvB is the symptom rather than the cause. I do wonder about our DoF and whether he is signing players without fully consulting the manager
  17. Sometimes you have to accept the points over the performance. And I agree it’s been too often this season(domestically anyway) But what we need to look at though is we’ve won 8 out of 10 SPFL league games this season. Is that really justification for sacking a manager? The CL is another matter altogether. I think it’s wishful thinking to believe we can compete on our transfer budget in the group we were drawn in
  18. The academy is a lottery. It is no guarantee of producing future players for the first team. Same at every club. A good global scouting network is a greater priority
  19. Got there in the end. In all honesty I’d have taken any victory today after Wednesday’s thrashing. Surely I’m not the only one who can see real issues with that team & certain players in it
  20. If we play both Matondo and Kent we need a lot more from them in the final third.
  21. Let’s wait & see then. I think he disappears for long spells during games
  22. Don’t like that starting XI at all. Kent & Tilman will be passengers.
  23. Before even considering signing any of these CB’s I’d hope our esteemed DoF would research their ‘attendance records’ as SAF would have said. Maybe there’s a reason or reasons why they don’t have clubs
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