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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. let's hope the same investigators turn their attention to the 2 bhoys who used to run LBG's Scottish business division. We need to know if SDM was blackmailed into selling to Whyte
  2. Let's face it - if these insane league reconstruction proposals go ahead ( which I doubt because SKY won't buy into it & replacement sponsors for CB & Barrs Irn bru will be hard to find) then it's case of asking the last person leaving scottish football to pleaase switch off the lights. If Rhegan, Dumbcaster & Longmuir think this will improve Scottish football god help us. Just about every football supporter in Scotland seems to think these proposals are daft from the ones I've read.
  3. septic don't have 44,000 season ticket holders. nowhere near it
  4. the russian & ukranian leagues are combining. The dutch & belgian leagues are proposing combining to form the beneliga. Things are happening to allow weaker leagues to amalgamate to form stronger leagues. It may be way off but one day we'll leave this nasty little country behind & play elsewhere
  5. Again I ask - have these proposed reconstructed leagues got a TV deal or new sponsors to replace the CB & Barrs Irn Bru whose deals finish at the end of the season ? if not where's the money coming from to pay all of these SFL clubs?
  6. Where's the TV money & new sponsors coming from for this league reconstruction?
  7. I'd be more inclined to say some organisation. But which? This man clearly gets an income from somewhere.
  8. if it's proven SDM was blackmailed into selling to Whyte by LBG will BDO pursue LBG also ? would be good if Fullerton and/or Kane were to do a stretch behind bars would it not?
  9. unless they get a new SKY deal & new sponsors this whole reconstruction is dead in the water IMO. Perhaps Longmuir knows this & dumb and dumber don't
  10. what I don't understand about phil multi-names is does anyone pay him an income ? who employs him ? where does he get income from?
  11. just ban the entire BBC scotland outright. It'll give them bad publicity, especially down south with their big bosses. Good article by JT but the time for words has gone. Tough action is now required. Start with BBC sCOTLAND aka Pacific Quay CSC. Next up Clyde CSC. Ban the lot please Mr Green.
  12. am I the only one thinking Longmuir is playing devils advocate in all this ? he must know this SPL-Proposed 12-12-18 has no chance without a SKY deal & new sponsors to replace CB & Barrs Irn-bru. Once it fails he can say it's wasn't my idea & something else gets put forward which he's the head of and the SPL & Doncaster get consigned to history. Don't forget CG has told SFA/SFL he won't be signing any new SKY deal (current one expires at end of season I believe) so where's the money coming from for this new 12-12-18 set up?
  13. Ban English from Ibrox. Ban Speirs from Ibrox. Ban the BBC & Clyde from Ibrox. Others too. Give them no interviews or co-operation. Only then will it sink into the high bosses who run these organisations or employ these cretins that maybe just maybe employing them might not be a good idea as their anti-rangers bigotry damages the business that employs them when Rangers supporters want nothing to do with it by switching off or not buying their newspapers. The fightback in this cesspit of a country begins now. Well said JT. keep it up.
  14. net debt £9.84m. At what point will this debt be called in? will never be repaid
  15. or a team walks off when the other teams supporters show support for terrorist organisations...............
  16. Both Miller & Boyd have struggled since they left. There's no way we could be sure we'd be getting the same players we had before. We should be looking at younger players anyway.
  17. Has anyone asked where the finance for this new reconstruction is coming from? SKY are spittin' feathers with ultra low SPL viewing figures this season and may walk away at the end of the season and both CB & Barrs Irn-Bru sponsorships end then too. Clubs simply cant survive on ehat they get at the gate (unless they all go part time)
  18. I'd also say he's past his best anyway. He hasn't exactly been a roaring success at clubs he's played for since he left us. And he's 34 later this year. What length of contract would he want? we've already got Jig contracted until near enough his 37th birthday which not best use of cash IMHO. We need to look at younger players for a number of positions but ideally they'd be mid-twenties or younger with resale value.
  19. With all due respect we need to look at younger players than KM. I believe Goodwillie will try & get released from Blackburn at the end of this season & Ally would seem to like him as he's bid before when he was at DundeeUtd. He'll need to accept less than he's probably on at present as he's is no position to call the shots is he?
  20. The proposed reconstruction will only take place if they can get proper finance/sponsorship i.e. a SKY deal & a replacement for the CB. Scottish football is seriously short of money & cannot do without these. The SKY SPL viewing figures this season are dreadful - down 73% someone said I'm sure. So will SKY want to renew without 4 OF games ? I get the impression Longmuir is playing devils advocate in this. He's going along with this but waiting for the SPL to implode with these ridiculous proposals then he & SFL will gain control
  21. There won't be a SKY tv deal without us. Their SPL viewing figures are down something like 73% this season. That's not sustainable
  22. what u need to remember is ur marketing a product you hope people want to buy. People won't want to watch or buy meaningless games unfortunately.
  23. Wouldn't surprise me. We need to get the likes of dutch coaches involved at grass roots instead of some of the numpties we've got at present
  24. unfortunately we've been here before. Pre-1975 we had something like this. Bigger leagues,too many clubs, too many meaningless games. Hence the 10 club premier league started in 1975. Also don't forget there were only 8 or 9 fulltime clubs back then. The premier league was supposed to protect the fulltime clubs & eradicate meaningless games but didn't when the likes of Clydebank & Dumbarton got in and Hibs & Hearts got relegated (Belated HA ! HA!)
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