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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. is the brand important so long as the quality's good? take the liverpool example. They had a 6 year deal with adidas wortk £12m per year which adidas ended because they said liverpool weren't a successful enough side anymore. They then got the warrior deal which is worth £25m per year. Which would you rather have?
  2. every day we are told (by the likes of bill mcmurdo) this cabal(regan,dumbcaster etc) will fall. when will that be? next month? next year? when?
  3. We need to get better in the transfer market too. We also need a decent global scouting system which identifies young players we can sign low & sell high like Ajax
  4. Am I the only one who thinks Longmuir is playing devils advocate in all this. He knows these 2x12 (3x8) won't work & dumbcaster will fall on his sword leaving him in charge
  5. If true, can we expect a boycott of SportsDirect from the you-know-whos ?
  6. there needs to be a full & open enquiry into the recuitment & appointment of Regan as SFA CEO. There's so many questions: What was it going by his past record which made him prime candidate ? (esp.since his record at YCC was none too great) Who interviewed him at the SFA? Were there other candidates who applied ? many many more not least his past association with Liewell at Coors. Was that the real reason he got the job?
  7. Don't have a problem with that. It's still Ibrox to me where I go to watch the team. Now let's see who we'll be getting as a new shirt manufacturer & shirt sponsor for next season.
  8. His past association with Liewell is well known and this seems to influence his judgement in all issues affecting Rangers. Rhegan is not impartial like most of the SFA nowadays. Obviously Mr English cannot see that.
  9. Regan's appointment as SFA CEO needs seriously looked into as does the appointment of Craig Levein as Scotland manager - a manager with no obvious credentials. Who was behind these appontments & why?
  10. what will happen is that the sports companies such as Adidas, Puma etc will be invited to tender for the contract for the Rangers strip for a fixed period of time. The bidder whose bid is deemed best by CG & co will get the contract. Many think it'll be adidas but I've a feeling Warrior ( who manufacture the liverpool strips) are well placed at present.
  11. It's a longshot I agree but we need to get out of Scotland. We are stagnating here.
  12. We need to be ruthless. It is the only language these people understand. These people are not our friends. They wanted to put us out of business last summer. I shall never forget that for as long as I live.
  13. Forget England. Won't happen. Too many obstacles & too many leagues to get to the EPL. However would the recent proposal to amalgamate the Dutch & Belgian leagues ( the Beneliga) be an alternative to England? They need big clubs & I believe Rangers would be welcomed with open arms. Question is how feasible would this option be in CG's quest to get out of Scottish football?
  14. his injury record is horrendous but the few times I've seen him he'd looked a good player
  15. Time for CG to get tough. His promise that he'll not sign any SKY deal next season must be kept. And he must tell any SPL/SFL club who backs these proposals that we will boycott their ground next season. Make no mistake the SFA/SPL/SFL subsidy junkies require our support & money for these proposals to work by way of TV deals & our away support financing these clubs. We must do all in our power to sabotage these proposals. This is called revenge.We owe these cretins nothing who wanted to put us out of business last summer.
  16. The more I think about it maybe they won't pull out. SKY too. After all they're paying peanuts for scottish football and that's the big issue here. The Australian A-league gets double what the SPL gets & it's not exactly the best league in the world is it? No the real issue is that the Dumbcasters & Regans when they came into scottish football were to get more TV money ino it. They have failed miserably in that respect. Walter Smith warned when he left Rangers there was no money in scottish football. We're about to see teams reduce their wage bills by replacing existing players with cheaper inferior ones. Will supporters watch it ? will they pay tv subscriptions to watch it ? I doubt it very much
  17. wooosh !!!! Swept away as archie would say
  18. When will the rest realise this? Are Celtic afraid of a challenge? is that their problem?
  19. Think you'll find CL going back to more knockout rounds as there's too many games no one wants to see. That will mean less games/less money for Septic. Whenever I look at the CL games b4 xmas it reminds me of the SPL with the amount of empty seats at games
  20. we're the biggest in scotland right now in terms of attendances & tv viewing figures
  21. Their biggest problem will be trying to attract quality players now. Who wants to play in the SPL? Can't see anyone signing on the chance they might get into the CL which is losing its appeal IMO as there are too many teams in it now
  22. If they've so much money then why do they continually seem to be looking for cut-price players then ? they never seem to spend any more than £1m or £2m at most. they've a massive wage bill and must have lost a fair amount due to the low attendances at their SPL home games. Yes they'll be financially sound but no more than that.
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