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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. presume he meant new company running same club. CG's consortium bought the assets i.e. club, players, stadium & training ground and transferred them from oldco to newco after CVA was refused by HMRC (which it shouldn't have been as we now know as they weren't largest creditor after we won the FTTT)
  2. If Scottish Football implodes they'll be dragged down too. Players won't want to come & play for them in a worsening SPL (or whatever it'll be called). Something has to happen. Things can't go on as they are that's for sure
  3. I believe I'm correct in saying SKY haven't booked their full quota of SPL games they're entitled to show this season. ESPN likewise. Don't see that lasting too much longer. Something will change I'm sure even if it's reduced terms
  4. I agree it was a bad error but we have to move on........................ He must look back himself & know he made a massive mistake in that interview. But as I say other clubs went through the same as we did & kept their history. Why would we be different?
  5. I think CG made an error making the statement about losing history. Remember Leeds Utd, Middleborough, Fulham, Fiorentina, Napoli etc all kept their history. Why are we different? HMRC specifically said at the time the club would be 'sold' and continue to play at Ibrox (no mention of new club) UEFA, ECA, SFA, SFL all recognise Rangers as the same club. The only ones who don't in this poisonous little country of ours ? Well Charles had a description of them didn't he ? A description they took great offence to as one might have expected of them due to their upbringings.
  6. he's not had a great time with injuries since he left but I'd certainly take him back. Don't know about wages though. I'd imagine he's on decent money at present but how much he'd be prepared to drop might be an issue although he isn't exactly in a strong bargaining position.
  7. the one thing we might have on our side is the SKY TV deal(& other sponsors too). Scottish football simply can't do without these unless teams want to revert to part time & maybe amateur status. If CG refuses to sign the SKY deal for next season then maybe ( just maybe) some of the braindead chairman might turn against the authorities & demand proper change within the game in this country starting with the removal of the individuals who have got us to where we now are. You saw Houston giving his reasons for leaving Dundee Utd at the end of season. Don't tell me they're the only club feeling the pinch. I also think Traynor was recruited by CG because he has dirt to throw at the SFA in the way of evidence that they knew Whyte wasn't paying PAYE/NI and took absolutely no action. If that happens then who knows what might happen once it's revealed who knew what and when.
  8. I actually enjoy watching the liewell-regan SFA 's scotland team getting gubbed. They don't dare get up to their dirty tricks with UEFA or FIFA where they don't rule the roost so to speak.
  9. these people yearn to rule everywhere in this country. The only place they know they'll never gain control of is Rangers Football Club hence their hatred. But you're correct apathy has largely let them into their positions of power and once they get in they look after themselves & their own people first & foremost
  10. nothing surprises me any more. The SPL - SFA - Harper McLeod is like one cosy little conspiring organisation working together to an agenda to benefit them and hinder us. Throw in the contribution from the mhedia, certain politicians and a handful of individuals inthe scottish legal profession in this country and you see what we're up against. How we overcome this I have to say is one hell of a challenge.
  11. I'd heard this too. If true & Traynor can prove it then in any normal situation Regan's position should be untenable.
  12. rumour was a certain Mr JT had knowledge of Whyte not paying PAYE & NI. Question is did Regan know and if he did why did he do nothing?
  13. I, for one, do not believe that for one minute. Why did he wait until Administration on Feb14 ? the documentary was 4 months earlier in october.
  14. Did someone (a Scottish Labour politician who is now in the house of lords) exert influence on HMRC to pursue a now failed tax case against Rangers Football Club/MIM for use of EBT's over a period of time since 2000 ? is this not an abuse of power(political power), in other words corruption in all but name? If so, who at HMRC agreed to this & for what reasons other than the fact the said politician & certain colleagues had an agenda against Rangers Football Club who have been historically more successful than his favoured football club ?
  15. Of course they knew. When Whyte emerged as a buyer it was as if all their prayers had been answered. All they had to do was to get LBG to blackmail SDM into selling to Whyte. Remind me again, who was in charge of LBG's Scottish business division at that time?
  16. At what point did the SFA know of Whyte's controversial business background? Was it before Daly's documentaty in Oct 2011? On the day Whyte bought Rangers the Daily Telegraph had an article about Whyte & his colourful past. Were the SFA aware of it? If they were aware of it why did they do nothing until administration on FEB14 2012? At what point did the SFA know Craig Whyte wasn't paying HMRC the PAYE & NI contributions ? Was it before administration ? if so how long before? And if so why did the SFA not do anything about it ? Given FTTT result, Whyte is the only thing which can be thrown at us. IMO the SFA & maybe SPL too have serious questions to answer regards Whtye. Perhaps JT has background on this ?
  17. would prefer to see the club concentrating its efforts on where it'll use its money to strengthen the squad once the embargo is lifted. what else should the RFFF be used for?
  18. Makes you so proud to be a Rangers Supporter when you see this sort of tribute being given to one of our fellow supporters does it not?
  19. his managerial record isn't that great. His only real success was at the Glitterdome mainly due to McLeish's failings towards the end of his time at Rangers & the disasterous PLG appointment. Walter Smith's return meant the end for him. He then ended up at Middlesborough where he flopped big style. I remember Bernie Slaven being quoted as calling him an embarrassment who seemed to have lost the plot going by some of his statements. We shall see what happens but I shall shed no tears if he fails............for him & the tattered army
  20. In the unlikely event we do get into the National Conference (to give it its proper title) we'd need to ensure we could get promotion right up to the EPL thro' the leagues. Hope they don't just want us to boost the lower leagues & would deny us promotions
  21. What you need to remember is that the biggest financial contributor to scottish football (SKY) wants 4 OF games minimum per season. If they don't get that.................well let's see what might happen after not getting it this season
  22. OUR European record since 2008 has been disgraceful. There's no getting away from that. Going out of Europe to Malmo & Maribor should be a resignation case for a Rangers Manager IMO.
  23. genuinely hope you're correct but the fact these 2 are still around makes me think what you say unlikely to be the case
  24. They certainly seem to be here for the long haul(unfortunately) while scottish football lurches from one problem to the next (celtic excluded of course)
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