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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. CG needs to understand too that we will not continue to turn up in such large numbers to watch the likes of what we saw today. And it is happening just about every game now i.e. a turgid display which is awful to watch. We'll win SFL3 but then what? We need a manager with a gameplan & who understands the importance of tactics regardless of who we're plying against
  2. Precisely. He is alleged to have told the SFA Craig Whyte wasn't paying PAYE/N.I. why didn't they do anything about it? surely a simple phonecall to HMRC would have confirmed everything. Do I detect the influence of a certain SPL CEO in this inaction as it suited his club to do more damage in the longrun to us? This, and how Whyte got Rangers in the first place are the two questions that must be answered.
  3. And they did nothing (until administration) Will UEFA take action ? Will the Scottish Government take action ? Will we get shot off Regan?
  4. Hilarious stuff. Backed by a couple of Labour MP's (one from Dundee BTW) The last Labour Government ran up debts of over £1trillion yet they're concerned over a £9-15m debt by a conman who shouldn't have got near the frontdoor at Ibrox had it not been for their colleagues in LBG.. You couldn't make it up
  5. What else should the RFFF be used for if not this ? I'd rather the club kept its money for squad investment once the illegal embargo is lifted
  6. The real issue is how whyte managed to buy Rangers. Who set it up and why?
  7. change of subject - who would we rather have as Chief Exec Martin Bain or Charles Green ?
  8. no Rangers Supporter should ever forget about this 5 point agreement and what it entailed and who the parasites were who were behind it.
  9. other things about DD is I believe he takes his full annual dividend from his Septic shares and he keeps his shareholding just below the amount which would require him to make a takeover bid. Leggat's article is interesting. It suggests CG & Co have sussed no one will invest in Septic whilst DD retains his current investment which I believe to be around 29% which as I said is just below the level requiring him to make an outright takeover. It also mentions his statement last October about us being 'a magnificent club with a great history'. Many wondered why he said that & I think McMurdo's daily blog was bang on when he said he was concerned for the state of Scottish football in general where his investment could lose serious value without Rangers in the top league. It did of course upset many of 'them' as one would expect But it is the final part of Leggat's article suggesting further investment & expansion which I think is most interesting of all. CG & Co are well ahead of schedule in getting us back to where we belong and this would seriously alarm 'them' because as I continually ask why is it if they're so financially sound do they continually shop in the bargain basement for players? yes they've had a good CL largely due to a poor defensive Spartak side and good fortune against Barcelona which will stand them in good stead but will they spend that money? Is there something about their finances we don't know about ? I've heard it suggested they could face massive stadium bills in the near future. Could that be the case ? Only time will tell but here's hoping CG & Co keep up the good work
  10. And we sold him to Sociedad after 2 years for half the amount we bought him for - MADNESS........
  11. 'he has Celtic paying him for a multi-million pound loan in perpetua' what does that mean m8 ?
  12. We're seriously short in certain positions, there's no doubt about that
  13. Or what SKY & various other sponsors say also. Listening to Liewell last summer is going to be a very costly mistake once the bills start coming thro' the clubs letterboxes post-Rangers SPL.
  14. This is where the people running the club need to get tough and publicly demand the SFA do something about this. Sitting back and hoping something happens will not work. We need to be seen to be actively going after this type of parasite on a regular basis. We've been an easy touch for far too long and CG & Co must change this.
  15. I see civil war ahead in Scottish Football if CG sticks to his guns & refuses to sign next season's SKY contract. They need us as part of that contract in order for it to be of any real commercial worth to SKY who are a subscription service (not a national broadcaster) who are dependent on viewers subscribing to their programmes
  16. what was his role m8 ? not heard of his involvement before Anyone heard how the police investigation is progressing (if at all) ? seems to be very quiet
  17. Don't worry I'm sure that SFA Compliance Officer Vincent Lunny will sort this out . He will won't he?
  18. wonder how long strachan will last? couple of bad results & he'll jump ship IMO
  19. we'll need to wait & see the official attendance from the seville calculator
  20. he was but I don't think he was a direct employee of LBG. Do you think fullerton & kane had nothing to do with Whyte getting control ?
  21. fullerton & kane had nothing to do with it then ? certainly benefited their team when Whyte got control
  22. Whyte used company's assets (future season ticket sales) to purchase the company. This is against company law. Can't believe Muir & Grier didn't know this
  23. Remember it was killie who abstained in the SPL vote to boot us out last summer. Their chairman Michael Johnston(a solicitor) advised the others that by voting us out they could be breaking company law by deliberately taking a decision which would have an adverse financial effect on their businesses.
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