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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Just another observation:


    SPL Motherwell managed 3649 against SPL St Johnstone whilst SFL 4th Tier Peterhead managed 4855 against the Gers.


    Motherwell supporters, like the rest of the SPL, are a joke.


    Don't need Rangers eh?


    Let's see what the Bank managers say at the end of the season.


    Or what SKY & various other sponsors say also. Listening to Liewell last summer is going to be a very costly mistake once the bills start coming thro' the clubs letterboxes post-Rangers SPL.

  2. muir may well have found whyte. he certainly forced the sale to him through.


    muir is best friends with grier who is whytes man at d@p.


    fullerton & kane had nothing to do with it then ? certainly benefited their team when Whyte got control

  3. Remember it was killie who abstained in the SPL vote to boot us out last summer. Their chairman Michael Johnston(a solicitor) advised the others that by voting us out they could be breaking company law by deliberately taking a decision which would have an adverse financial effect on their businesses.

  4. current staff/pundits. too may to name.

    liewells meeting last year with them. re tv deal.

    the love in with celtic on ssn.

    lennon in their studio after victories.

    constant references to and sympathies towards celtic on soccer am.[/quote


    think liewell's meeing was simply invoking clause in contract making them fulfill a season without OF games. SKY can't be happy with this season's SPL viewing figures & the prospect of conflict with CG over refusal to sign next season's contract. In short SKY are a subscription service and will put anything on which attracts most viewers. If that means no SPL that won't bother them. They've walked away before and would do again.

  5. Walter Smith also referred to us as the 'new Rangers' in the early days of the newco process.


    presume he meant new company running same club. CG's consortium bought the assets i.e. club, players, stadium & training ground and transferred them from oldco to newco after CVA was refused by HMRC (which it shouldn't have been as we now know as they weren't largest creditor after we won the FTTT)

  6. Could be the reason Green shouted about joining the English set up. Game set and match is almost there.


    If Scottish Football implodes they'll be dragged down too. Players won't want to come & play for them in a worsening SPL (or whatever it'll be called). Something has to happen. Things can't go on as they are that's for sure

  7. Have a wee look in the media Craig' date=' since the tribunal ruled you will struggle to find any mention of title stripping - Im not taking my eye off the ball I just think those who were pushing for this to happen have had their gas put at a peep so to speak. I would have left it that way .[/quote']


    next to title-stripping my next biggest fear is that they try to impose massive fines on us running into millions of pounds just to put money into the SPL'empty bank account. After all Rangers are now financially secure & they won't like that will they?

  8. An unforgivable error in my opinion. You imagine them playing that video in a court that we are defending our titles in. It was too important an issue to just make a rash, untrue statement like that.


    I agree it was a bad error but we have to move on........................

    He must look back himself & know he made a massive mistake in that interview.

    But as I say other clubs went through the same as we did & kept their history. Why would we be different?

  9. I think CG made an error making the statement about losing history.

    Remember Leeds Utd, Middleborough, Fulham, Fiorentina, Napoli etc all kept their history. Why are we different?

    HMRC specifically said at the time the club would be 'sold' and continue to play at Ibrox (no mention of new club)

    UEFA, ECA, SFA, SFL all recognise Rangers as the same club. The only ones who don't in this poisonous little country of ours ? Well Charles had a description of them didn't he ? A description they took great offence to as one might have expected of them due to their upbringings.

  10. he's not had a great time with injuries since he left but I'd certainly take him back. Don't know about wages though. I'd imagine he's on decent money at present but how much he'd be prepared to drop might be an issue although he isn't exactly in a strong bargaining position.

  11. the one thing we might have on our side is the SKY TV deal(& other sponsors too). Scottish football simply can't do without these unless teams want to revert to part time & maybe amateur status. If CG refuses to sign the SKY deal for next season then maybe ( just maybe) some of the braindead chairman might turn against the authorities & demand proper change within the game in this country starting with the removal of the individuals who have got us to where we now are. You saw Houston giving his reasons for leaving Dundee Utd at the end of season. Don't tell me they're the only club feeling the pinch.

    I also think Traynor was recruited by CG because he has dirt to throw at the SFA in the way of evidence that they knew Whyte wasn't paying PAYE/NI and took absolutely no action. If that happens then who knows what might happen once it's revealed who knew what and when.

  12. our people dont care these days rab, we let them take over our game and our country and now moan when they conspire against us.


    these people yearn to rule everywhere in this country. The only place they know they'll never gain control of is Rangers Football Club hence their hatred. But you're correct apathy has largely let them into their positions of power and once they get in they look after themselves & their own people first & foremost

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