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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. One wonders what all this will do for the DR/SM sales figures in Scotland. Could be catastrophic (let's hope so)
  2. Will TV companies such as SKY want to put their money into this set up ? not sure they will. Could be back to the drawing board methinks. They're only interested in 4 OF games per season
  3. can't help thinking the SFA have back-heeled this i.e. don't want responsibility for taking the decision whether we're due compensation for the deserters or not. Maybe we'll need to go to an employment tribunal of some sort
  4. can't help wondering if he's playing devil's advocate in the SPL proposals (12-12-18) as he knows they won't be accepted. That would perhaps clear the way for him to assume control of the new governing body once Dumb & dumber are removed from office
  5. he certainly might. We've yet to hear anything about TV deals & sponsorships for these new resconstructed leagues.
  6. let's hope they've been giving him a hard time after the way he's been cosying up with the SFA/SPL in recent weeks
  7. So what happens now ? will we get compensation for these deserters or not? why then was there a hearing earlier this month with the SFA regarding these deserters ? why did the SFA wait until now to say this ? why did they let the hearing take place? are the SFA at it again ?
  8. surely even a dimwit like Thomson realises our current predicament was caused because we were unsellable due to a HMRC tax demand (which eventually turned out to be fictitious) but were taken over by a conman who never had the funds to run the club leading him to withhold PAYE/N.I. which caused administration and will also cause eventual liquidation of the oldco. He'd be better investigating how it was this conman managed to buy Rangers (maybe investigate LBG?) and who it was who instigated this HMRC taxcase ( a certain politician now in the Lords maybe?) wasting millions of pounds of taxpayers money in the process.
  9. when are we going to give the BBC an indefinite ban from Ibrox ? only then will their bosses down south start to realise that they're biased, biggoted & corupt and hopefully take some action.
  10. I'm sure rule D1.13 has been updated (presumably by fat mackenzie) to what's shown here since the EBT's ceased. Hope our legal team realise this and the fact that the FTTT ruling was that they weren't contracts otherwise they'd have been liable to taxation.
  11. what they haven't said is they've not discussed with SKY yet & haven't got a replacement sponsor for the CB
  12. and these rules say we must accept this SKY deal.? sky are perfectly entitled to show other teams games. why wouldn't they do that? It wouldn't make good business sense to televise Rangers games when they weren't wanted. I'm sure CG will have stressed this to them in talks he had with them.
  13. depends how bloody-minded he wants to be I suppose. Can't see SKY televising a club's game against their wishes.
  14. CG is on record as saying he'll not sign next season's SKY deal. If he sticks to this what happens to reconstruction if no SKY deal (without us) to pay the monies promised to clubs if they voted for these proposals?
  15. we need one single Supporters Organisation. We have too many presently
  16. I do know for a fact CG & SKY have had talks. I do wonder where the money promised to clubs for reconstruction is coming from ? CG is on record as saying he'll not sign next season's SKY deal. What will SKY do then?
  17. that's exactly what I think they'll try. CG won't pay it (as legally the new company running the club has no obligation to do so) and another period of confrontation between us & the SFA/SPL will duly commence. I genuinely believe if we are resolute & stick together in this we can bring down at least one of these corrupt organisations
  18. For this rconstruction to go through, they will need a TV deal in order to give clubs the monies they'd promised. CG has said he'll not sign any new TV deal leaving a problem as I see things. SKY have had talks with CG don't forget. Interesting times ahead me thinks.
  19. Unless there's proper tactics & a gameplan next week we won't win. Simple
  20. It's their scouting system compared to ours which is a big concern. Ours isn't a patch on theirs. I said earlier CG must set performance targets. Here is one area we definitely must improve beyond recognition.
  21. CG needs to set higher performance targets for the management & coaching staff at the club. If they can't achieve those targets they must go. if & when the team manager's job becomes vacant can we have a proper application process for it as is the norm. in the real world other than simply handing it to someone
  22. What concerns me most is ally seems to think the job is his for as long as he wants it. His coaching & scouting staff concern me too. Other than McDowall no one has any record prior to Rangers. Durrant? Neil Murray? what's Neil Murray's scouting record ? which players has he discovered ? I don't know enough about the younger sides but I've read a few concerns about that too. Seems if you're Ally's mate you'll get a job & be OK.
  23. we have players who consistently give the ball away under no pressure, we have little or no MF creativity, we cannot defend setpieces, we have players constantly played out of position, no gameplan almost every week etc, etc I could go on and on. The only way to change this is to replace the manager (& his coaching staff too maybe). We need serious improvement otherwise the crowds will fall away. People won't watch that dross today & I don't see how it'll change as things currently stand. The only way out is to change the manager & bring someone in with a proven managerial record elsewhere. Bring him in now & let him assess what he's got & decide what he wants to bring in on Sept1 and who he can try & release which might be difficult as just about everyone seems to be getting offered new deals
  24. sorry m8 but I don't want a Rookie Manager. I want amanager with a proven record who can manage . Ally can't and if he learnt nothing from 4 YEARS with WS then do I need to say any more?
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