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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. if this doesn't worry the Rangers support then it damn well should. It's blatantly obvious Little's best position is up front. Can't the manager see this ? he ineffective wide right and all the other positions he's been played in except up front. Sometimes I do wonder I really do.
  2. whole thing is hilarious. Rangers being wound up for £400k. brilliant work........which timothy thought this up ? is his seville calculator not working properly ? surely a zero or two short to make this worthy of comment. I'm sure Mike Ashley will settle with the loose change down the side of his settee.............what? am I not supposed to say that in case Rhegan & co are watching ?
  3. Unfortunately this statement won't deter the usual drama queens we have amongst us.......
  4. It's very unfortunate but ex-Rangers players seldom go on to become great Rangers managers. I would dearly like to see Ally turn things around but I think his record isn't great as Rangers manager whichever way you want to look at it. Sorry
  5. many football clubs and/or businesses might run at a loss on their balance sheet to avoid paying tax. Perfectly legal although you do get the ones who push it to the limits e.g starbucks
  6. HMRC are the great pursuer of lost causes. They don't care how much it costs to recover amounts they believe they are due even when it's not remotely financially viable to do so e.g the redknapp case. A private company would not dream of doing anything of the sort but hey it's the public purse and they've got a bottomless pit of dosh haven't they? Somebody needs to tell HMRC the UK is £1.3 trillion in debt & rising. All Government depts have had to reduce their spending except them it seems. EBT's were perfectly legal tax avoidance schemes until they were closed down. They need to realise that & start chasing tax evaders
  7. Remember it cost them something like £8m chasing Harry Redknapp for a £300k tax bill.............so maybe we shouldn't be surprised
  8. someone tell you outcome ? I don't believe they know what to do
  9. that won't win them their appeal. Wonder where this places the SPL's Kangaroo court. As things currently stand nothing has changed regards the FTTT where these payments were deemed loans & not contracts. Will the kangaroo court attempt to guess the outcome of the STTT which could be years away if there's a backlog of cases ?
  10. It will be intersting to know exactly what is the basis of their appeal.
  11. Is it not the case they've been granted 'leave to appeal' meaning they'll need to prove where the FTTT was incorrect in its judgement on a point of law. Failure to do so will mean the appeal will be thrown out as I expect it will be & we'll see whether HMRC wish to proceed further with this.
  12. Wilson's career has gone backwards since he left Rangers. He may well have been on 15k pw at Liverpool but if they release him at the end of the season he's unlikely to get anything like that wherever he goes
  13. Well according to CG he isn't signing any SKY deal for next season meaning Rangers games wouldn't be shown. If he sticks to his guns then there will certainly be interesting times ahead. Without us in the top division there is little attraction for SKY to show Scottish football and even if they did it would be on reduced terms next season meaning all the financial promises made recently couldn't be kept.
  14. Liewell & Regan worked together at Coors. That's well known. What needs to be asked is what made Regan prime candidate for the position of SFA Chief Exec. His recent CV is one of abject failure at YCC. Why was he selected & by whom for SFA chief exec ? were there other candidates ? who were they ? why were they not selected? a whole serious oof questions need to be asked about this appointment Perhaps Daly might want to make a documentary about this. Yet again probably not as we know his allegiances too.
  15. Just wait til they start negotiations with SKY & try to find a replacement sponsor for the CB. If CG sticks to his guns regards SKY they've a big problem. I believe SKY won't broadcast any live Rangers games against Rangers wishes. This will mean a serious drop in what they'd pay. Dumbcaster needs to realise Rangers will not subsidise Scottish football via a SKY deal next season like what happened this season.
  16. Think you'll find we might be back in the top division as early as next season so might not be week in week out........
  17. We should re-sign him IMO if he wants to come back that is. He's far better than anything we've currently got.
  18. who's the main guy in blue pitch holdings ? only thing about shops in belfast & glasgow airports - will they make a profit? The previous one in glasgow didn't
  19. as I said on another thread we've 14 SFL3 games left this season. After that a decision needs to be taken regards Ally & his staff.
  20. we've 14 SFL3 games left this season. After that a decision needs to be taken regards Ally and his staff. This cannot be avoided
  21. was it not reid's son & nolan partners who interviewed rhegan for the job. question is, was anyone else interviewed ? if so who & by whom? One of the Rangers websites (think it was RM) questioned this and got a letter from the SFA's lawyers then in true Rhegan style he went on TV and said he was head-hunted with the implication that no one else was interviewed
  22. This is where CG & JT need to earn their money. If JT has anything on Regan & the SFA in general he needs to use this ammunition in the months ahead which I see being very turbulent indeed due to financial promises being made regards reconstruction which cannot be fulfilled unless the financial contributors to scottish football are prepared to take a hit for another season without us in the top division or they may simply walk away altogether
  23. Possibly true but after yesterday's debacle we need CB's. I cannot see anyone in scotland who would improve us at CB presently
  24. Think we need to look outside Scotland for players. Playing in scottish football is no indicator to their ability
  25. Anyway guys what about his statement about sporting merit & having no money? just wait til the summer & scottish football implodes......
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