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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. usual drivel but one part caught my eye...


    'it's OK having sporting merit but if you haven't got any money to run your game and you end up with clubs going down the tubesthen that doesn't help anybody'.


    thought all was well in the SPL ? let me guess. They haven't got a replacement sponsor for the CB for next season and SKY are edgy about it too without us.

    Ah well they would listen to liewell

  2. So in effect, we would sign no-one. As no-one who would win the SPL will come to the second or third tier of the Scottish game. Unless you pay them money we are apparently "haemorrhaging" these days. Now, do you expect us to survive these next two seasons with the current lot? New manager (who will cost next to nothing either) or not.


    Rangerrab, what about Andrew Shinnie? A freebie in the summer.


    is shinnie one of them ? would he come back ? as I say no idea who they are and I'd imagine we'd need to rely on them honouring their word as I'm not sure how we could offer pre-contracts to anyone at this stage.

  3. I have never thought of Super as management material, and so far he has proven me correct. My belief is that CG will act when he sees crowds dwindling and ST sales drop, already you see ST holders empty seats. The football is very very poor, it can not be allowed to go on like this we are missing a great opportunity to have a free flowing attacking team. Our young players are not being best served with our management team IMO.

    Would hope that when the time comes CG gives Super an easy way out.


    it's all very well have young players but are they good enough? in our current team only McLeod & McKay have a chance of making it IMO. Perhaps this is one area I wouldn't totally blame the manager for I have to say although our scouting system doesn't look fit for purpose

  4. We need two CB's & MF creativity as a starter. In all honesty we're not going to find these players in Scotland. That's why we need a proper global scouting system which doesn't have Neil Murray as chief scout.

    If rumours are true there's 2 players in the SPL who are running down their contracts & are joining us next season on SEPT1. No idea who they are.

  5. I'm sorry mate, but you're very fond of saying things "simply aren't true" when you actually mean you don't agree. I referred to factual events, all of which had me very worried about the future of the Club at the time.


    Anyway, I've given my reasons for thinking that Ally deserves the benefit of the doubt for the time being. You don't think they are valid, which is ok with me.


    I fully respect your opinion m8 but I think there comes a time when every manager reaches a stage where it is apparent things aren't going as well as might be expected and a decision needs to be taken one way or the other. I think we've reached that stage with Ally & some may argue we reached that stage a while ago.

    I also think a form of nepotism has crept into Rangers when I look at the likes of Ian Durrant(coach) & Neil Murray (chief scout) neither of whom has any real record worthy of mention in these roles elsewhere prior to joining Rangers. They are, I would say, Ally's buddies & that's how they got these positions rather than on abilities.

    All of these I believe need addressed by CG sooner rather than later.

  6. i dont want to hear it tbh, it will just be more deflective rubbish with alot of hot air and no substance. i have no interest in getting behind this management team rab, whilst ally and his pals are in charge my money and my families money will be staying in our pockets.


    everyone can see Ally's not up to the job. CG is a businessman. He must realise people will not continue to pay money to watch this drivel. That will affect the business & he'll have to take action.Personally I'd prefer a foreign manager (Paolo Sergio? Dan Petrescu?) with Scottishcoaches but that's for another day.

    Given the fact we were about to be given a transfer embargo last august it was imperative Ally got the right players in to see him thro' to the end of it. He didn't & now we're paying for it big style. We're hopelessly short at CB & MF. Last august we were signing players who were available rather than what we needed i.e. CB & MF

  7. most of glasgow knew in october. i suspect the players knew fine well.


    knew what? whyte wasn't paying N.I./PAYE ? Only Stewart Regan seemingly didn't know this despite JT telling his SFA (Liewell must have told Stewart to do nothing to maximise the damage)

    Just like Regan knew nothing about Whyte's dodgy business history until Daly's documentary in october(aye right stewart. it was in the daily telegraph the day whyte got Rangers but his boss liewell must have told him to say he knew nothing about it)

  8. By your standards Celtic have also been shamed by cup exits to Ross County, Kilmarnock and St Mirren recently, but you don't seem to consider them a laughing stock.


    My patience with Ally isn't limitless, I just think it's too early to write him off.


    He's been nearly 2 years as Rangers Manager. How much longer will you give him ? The results & performances simply haven't been good enough.

  9. Someone must surely say to Ally that things aren't working and he should move on at the end of the season.

    I thought after the transfer window shut last august we were seriously short at CB & had no creatvity in MF. It showed big style today.

    CG must realise too that the supporters won't continue to turn up in large numbers to watch unless things improve

  10. And where's the money coming from for any of these reconstructions?

    have they spoken to SKY who are the largest financial contributor to the Scottish football? have they spoken to any would-be sponsor who'll replace the Clydesdale bank ?

  11. Thing is they don't even realise how stupid they sound saying such things,they don't even get embarrassed!


    It was Reid who taught them the art of 'lie, deflect, deny'. Say something often enough (no matter how ridiculous it may be) and people will start to believe it & you'll have grabbed headlines too. The facts don't matter

  12. We're not a new club. It's simply the company running the club which is different.

    CG's consortium transfrerred the assets of the oldco i.e. club, Ibrox Park, Murray Park & players over to the newco.

    The oldco is simply an empty corporate shell which had £5.5m put in its account after the transferring of these assets took place.

    The SFA, UEFA, ECA, etc all recognise us as same club

    We kept our history just as Leeds Utd, Middlesborough, Fiorentina, Napoli etc all did.

    Only wee twisted bigots like Walker refuse to accept this and we know why. It's their upbringing

  13. I just want to move on from here & get answers to the real issues myself & fellow Rangers supporters want;-


    i) how did Whyte manage to buy Rangers and was SDM blackmailed into doing so ? if so by whom ? was it the two bhoys at LBG at the time?

    ii) at what point did Regan's SFA know Whyte wasn't paying N.I./PAYE ? is it true they knew around Sept/Oct 2011 nearly 6months before administration ? if so why did they take no action ?

  14. we got it for not paying tax. we still have it because we agreed to it.


    And the SFA knew Whyte wasn't paying tax and did nothing about that? not much point in having a governing body if it does nothing in such a serious situation.

    Or did Liewell tell his SFA chum Regan to let Whyte continue not paying tax for as long as possible to let the situation get as bad as possible i.e. inevitable administration?

    Traynor must at some point and tell us what really did happen here ? if the SFA did know about this & did nothing we must involve UEFA if possible to clear out this rotten, corrupt organisation and hand out life bans like Whyte got

  15. 4pm 20/11/12 triumphant tuesday.. We win the FTTT.

    That only left Whyte's non-payment of N.I & PAYE as the only outstanding big monies owed by oldco (CG paid all football debts).


    That brings me to one of the two questions we badly need answered:-

    Is it the case that the SFA knew Whyte wasn't paying N.I./PAYE around Sept/Oct 2011 and took no action (as JT may prove to be the case at some point in near future) isn't what happened thereafter a result of their negligence and hence their responsibility ? They then did nothing til Whyte took us into administration on 14th Feb 2012 when he got his lifeban from Scottish football & fined £250k & Rangers got fined £160k. For what reason is this embargo still in place if it is the fault of the SFA ?


    (the other question is, of course, how Whyte bought Rangers but that's for another day and LBG and their two bhoys in charge at the time)

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