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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. He would only have required a dozen or so to have started the singing. Perfectly feasible IMO. They will find all sorts of new ways to attack us. Their aim is to destroy us.
  2. does anyone know the answer to this ? was he the mastermind behind the singing of the banned songs by planting a few of his fellow bhoys into the Rangers support dressed as Rangers supporters and having them start the banned songs? did he arrange for ESPN to highlight the singing throughout? call me paranoid if you like but there are people out there determined to destroy our club by whatever means. This was done to sabotage the recent shares issues by driving down the share price to discourage investors. Will the police identify & arrest those behind the singing ? if so we'll soon find out who they were and where their allegiances lie. I'm one of those who believe the whole HMRC pursuit of a fictitious EBT taxbill was orchestrated by a former labour cabinet minister who now sits in the Lords and that simultaneously LBG blackmailed SDM into selling to Whyte by the two amigos running it at the time in Scotland knowing full well Whyte was an accident waiting to happen going by his business history. our enemies are all still out there just waiting for every opportunity to cause whatever damage they can to destroy us. They will not go away. We must all be vigilent indeed.
  3. is it not the case that SKY haven't taken up their full quota of SPL games this season ? seems to suggest the deal negotiated between SKY & Dumbcaster/Liewell was based on whichever games they chose to broadcast
  4. No it wasn't. The new £80m 5 year deal was never signed.
  5. SKY wish to renegotiate perhaps ? all contracts have get-out clauses as Dumbcaster revealed last summer.
  6. my abiding memory of the SKY negotiations at the start of the season was Dumbcaster & Liewell returning from the negotiations and no details ever being released. You have to ask why?
  7. why then were SKY at Ibrox for negotiations not so long ago? Scottish football without us in its top flight simply isn't viable.
  8. I wouldn't put it past CG to ask SKY to remove us from the deal and recost the contract accordingly(meaning Rangers wouldn't be on SKY/ESPN or whoever takes over from ESPN next season). Rangers must stop subsidising the rest of Scottish football. They're all subsidy junkies. Time to cut them adrift & see how they get on without the Rangers pound
  9. not sure they have a 5 year deal m8. they were supposed to sign a new 5 year deal but didn't. As far as I know we're in final year of existing deal. where we go from here is anyone's guess IMO.
  10. Is CG not on record as saying he'll not sign next season's SKY deal ?
  11. could the same happen to us ? yes I think it could. They need us to subsidise Scottish football. If CG sticks to his guns & refuses to sign next season's SKY deal then, believe me, they have a big problem. No Rangers = No Sky deal = financial meltdown
  12. we need to be ruthless here. ESPN are about to quit the UK as they've lost the EPL rights next season. We're getting no TV money this season. Let's tell them to F*ck off and not televise any more of our games for the rest of the season starting with ES next saturday. And ban BBC Scotland & Radio Clyde outright from Ibrox. A much tougher approach is required
  13. the war is not over. It has only just begun. We must neither forgive nor forget and prepare to unleash whatever we can at the rest of Scottish football. Let's start by sabotaging their SKY deal for next season. CG has said he'll refuse to sign it meaning that SKY will want to pay a reduced rate for games without us next season or even walk away altogether. That should tip a few over the edge with no SKY income
  14. will ESPN carry out such a policy when the Celtic support sing their IRA songs, usually at away games ? they shouldn't have to wait too long to do so. Or was today an all out attack on us ? this is where I want to see the club going after our enemies. Fight fire with fire. Where's our new Media Director?
  15. except ,of course, if they knew Whyte wasn't paying PAYE/NI and took no action as has been suggested. If this is the case then the whole organisation as a governing body is irrelevent, corrupt and should be disbanded and replaced by an entirely new set-up.
  16. not a minor technicality mate. It's a fact. Liquidation might not even occur at all if CG decides to buy back the oldco to preserve its name. Don't let dhims tell u we were liquidated . We weren't. We were sold between corporate entities and had the licence transfrerred over thus maintaining history.
  17. No liquidation has occurred yet. The club was sold to a newco and its SFA licence transferred with it(thus maintaining its history). The oldco is an empty corporate shell with the £5.5m in its account CG's consortium paid for it which BDO are in the process of winding up and probably won't be for years to come pending all the investigations taking place. No liquidation has taken place
  18. Nike don't usually seem to sponsor two teams from the same city
  19. Is it time to forget and move on ? No it most certainly is not. It is time for revenge on our enemies from last summer. Let's start by sabotaging next season's SKY deal by refusing to sign it. That'll blow a massive hole in many of their finances from which many won't recover. I shall never forget that many many people in this nasty little country were trying to put us out of business altogether last summer. I want revenge on these people at all costs
  20. The only possible option at the moment would be for us to be invited into the new Beneliga if it gets off the ground. Scottish football is finished. There's no money in it as WS warned before he left Rangers a couple of years ago. We must endeavour to get out of Scottish football.
  21. if these figures are assuming that sponsors & SKY will be prepared to put in similar amounts of cash without Rangers in top division then some people in this country are in for a big shock fairly soon. And CG must do everything to ensure Rangers do not subsidise the SPL junkies for another season by refusing to sign next season's SKY deal. Let them see how they'd cope without us subsidising these leeches
  22. Perhaps Speirs is deaf but support for the IRA from the Celtic support is blatantly obvious at every game home & away and we're not talking about a minority here. I often wonder why the police at Celtic's matches take a backseat while the Celtic support show their support for banned Irish terrorist organisations. Laws are being broken and they do nothing.Perhaps they turn a blind eye just like the weak, pathetic polticians we have in this country (especially in the labour & snp which are awash with celtic-minded individuals) and also the infested scottish sports mhedia of which speirs purports to be a part of. Lie, deflect & deny are their tactics. Always point the finger at your enemies. Blame them & to hide your own indiscretions.How long can this continue before things in this divided, hate-filled little country turn to something much, much worse.
  23. And the money for all of this is coming from where ? have they got a replacement sponsor for the CB? and are SKY quite happy with the collapse in SPL viewing figures not to mention the fact CG says he'll not sign next season's SKY deal.
  24. As well as Whyte let's hope our two amigos from LBG end up doing a stretch as well. I've said all along SDM was blackmailed into selling to Whyte. We need to find out by whom & for what reasons.
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