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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. If we’re seriously to compete at CL level we’ll need mega-investment in our playing squad. And I’ve no idea where that investment will come from
  2. I’d be tempted to take any Football Insider says with a large pinch of salt 🧂
  3. And play with the same high level of tempo
  4. Both are young players who my we should be able to make a decent profit on when we sell them
  5. The whole investigation and prosecutions were botched. The City of London police should have been involved as they’re more experienced in this sort of crime. Polis Alba out of their depth
  6. Did Beale take the team today or was he just visiting? 😎 4-1 was a poor reflection on the game. Should been at least 6 or 7. How can a team put in so different a performance from one week to the next?
  7. Big step up from Bodo/Glimt ?
  8. So who is the ‘better manager’ as you suggest?
  9. The average age of the squad is too high
  10. I genuinely don’t see us ditching a manager whilst we’re still in touch at the top of the league & still having 2 domestic cups to play for. Also consider the fact this manager got us to a European final and got us into the CL group stages in the past few months. Whilst I agree some of the domestic football hasn’t been great to watch I do believe the injuries we’ve had has played a big part in this along with less than successful recruitment last summer. The CL has proved too big a step up for us but my biggest concern is heavy defeats to the yahoos at the moment. That needs to change along with 2 or 3 signings in January who can go straight into the starting XI. A goalkeeper for starters
  11. I thought Sands did well last night. Not sure what the fee would be for him but if we’re signing Porteous (please don’t shoot the messenger 😵‍💫) then his opportunities in the defence may be limited & MF may be his only option. Tillman for me disappears in games too often. He’s got a bit to go before we decide to sign him I think
  12. Reminded me a bit tonight of our recent performances at the San giro i.e. poor first half, conceding early then turning in a half decent performance when it’s too late. Wonder what it’ll take for kent to get dropped & yilmaz and Sakala to get a decent run of games ?
  13. Anyone putting money into the club will want a say on how things are run. That will undoubtedly mean place(s) on the board
  14. Perhaps a lot of the current problems will go away as we get players back from injury & can add one or two in January. Hagi getting near now I believe
  15. The problem with getting rid off GvB is, I believe, he’s contracted until June 2025.. It would cost around £7m to get rid off him including his back room staff I believe
  16. Playing against this calibre of team is damage limitation. We should do same as we did at anfield 5-4-1. We should have done this in all our CL group matches
  17. So should supports groups ( one in particular) be buying his shares?
  18. Even with the number of players missing with injuries at moment, we should have been able to beat Livingston yesterday with the players we did have. I just wish the manager would think about varying it now & then. Everything is too low tempo & predictable
  19. As expected, a poor start. In our game missed a clear first half penalty for handball
  20. I’d say we are start to get things right regards are structural model i.e. the Ajax model where we develop players and sell them on. Paterson, Bassey & Aribo all sold For as long as we’re in the SPFL that will need to continue. Any outside investment will want a say in the running of the club. That could be problematic
  21. Their astute piece of business were those before Dr Death. Those SLAB who arranged the San giro rebuild after the bunnet never raised enough from his shares issue apologies for going off-topic
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