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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Given that the DR & Sellik are basically an item nowadays, do I detect Liewell's in put to this ? what we've got is a story to deflect attention away from poor SPL attendances at the girodome. To do that invent a load of nonsense about Rangers having lower attendances than published too. Only problem was the Daily Rebel cocked it up big style didn't they? Make no mistake the Porkheid Propaganda machine is at work. It controls the Daily Rebel & BBC Scotland very effectively with its placemen(& women too). Goebbels would have marvelled at them
  2. I'm sure Leggoland will be onto this tomorrow without fail.................
  3. I'd like to know how much of Rangers annual wage bill is taken by non-playing staff.
  4. I would hope our director of communications, Mr Traynor has something to say about these lies. This article in the Daily Rhebel looks to be Liewell's doing IMO via his pals at the Rhebel making up a story about Rangers to cover up their poor SPL attendances. The way they work is to maximise the bad publicity around any Rangers story wherever possible. And they deflect any bigotry accusations by calling others bigots. Lie deflect, deny - that is Ra Sellik way
  5. I'd like to see a breakdown of this £7m wage budget. For example how much of it is paid to non-playing staff ?
  6. If they all think this is bad just wait until they find out the truth about last summer's SKY deal liewell & dumbcaster got for them................ I think I'm correct to say clubs are due an end of season payment from the SPL /SFL. Wonder how much (or how little) it might be............... Ho Ho Ho Ho........ah well. They would listen to LIewell so hell mend them
  7. All we need are a couple of decent CB's & a couple of MF's & we'll be fine. It's getting the right quality that'll be the problem.
  8. Think you're a wee bit unkind on Kenny McDowall. At least he had a coaching background prior to joining us (even if it was from the other side) However Ian Durrant & Neil Murray certainly don't seem to have any real previous experience for their current roles at Rangers. Perhaps that's worrying. My biggest concern about Ally is he doesn't seem to know what to do when things aren't going well. He's no idea how to change things tactically
  9. Don't suppose there is a right time to say this but we really must change the manager at the end of the season. I'm sure CG will not allow Ally to sign anyone if he's not convinced he's the manager he wants for next season. If that's the case then the change must be made soon to allow the new manager to get his feet under the table and bring in his choice of signings
  10. Hate to say this but after last weekend's fiasco why wasn't the manager getting the players in for double training sessions ?
  11. I'd suggest none of these youngsters are anywhere ready for the first team.
  12. It may well happen. Things are going to get pretty desperate very soon. All the financial promises to clubs regards reconstruction may soon be worthless. Why cant Longmuir see the SKY contract on which these financial promises depend? surely Liewell & Doncaster haven't been telling porkies ? interesting times lie ahead in the not too distant future
  13. One of the conditions of our re-entry to the top division must be that the registration embargo is lifted
  14. things have changed mate. There's two clubs now teetering on the brink(Dunfermline & Hertz) and according to Leggat, Motherwell are surviving to the end of the season on the Supporters Trust's overdraft (not the account, the overdraft). Regards reconstruction Longmuir has yet to see the SKY deal Doncaster & Liewell signed last summer. Why won't they show him it ? I suspect we'll find out soon enough when it emerges a rather large section of the payment due at the end of this season is dependent on viewing figures which have bombed with us out of the top division. That's why I think we'll be back sooner rather than later. How it'll be done is the real issue
  15. a bit earlier than those,but don't forget we got something like £8.5m for Gio Van Bronckhorst
  16. love to see it happen but have my doubts. The English don't need us. Only possible option would be to try & join the Beneliga if it gets off the ground but it's a long shot I'd admit
  17. it will all come down to money. Without us in the top division there's not enough of it to go round. Sponsors & TV companies won't pay as much if at all. They need us back. It's how we get there and our conditions on agreement that's what this is all about
  18. only thing you forgot mate was Regan & Doncaster's resignations along with all those in the 5way agreement last summer. As for d) that will be interesting. Not sure they've still got that money. If not payable to newco then I'd imagine BDO will pursue it for oldco
  19. one condition to us re-entering the top division must be the registration embargo being lifted. We couldn't possibly play in the top division with our current squad. There are, of course, other conditions too like demanding the resignations of all those involved in the scandalous 5way agreement last summer. I'd demand to know who were all involved and why (although in 1 or2 cases I think we'd know why)
  20. I think we will be in top division next season whatever it'll be called. Without us, SKY & sponsors will either reduce their financial contributions or walk away altogether. It's how we get to the top league that's the key issue. Putting us in SFL3 was one massive mistake
  21. Gives them all plenty time to ask Liewell & Doncaster where this additional £4m is coming from that all the clubs would be getting distributed amongst them according to the figures given out
  22. he's had time. His record is extremely poor whichever way you look at it. All I want is for him to be able to go out with some dignity. He's due that
  23. They'll be waiting to see what SKY & other financial contributors think of the proposals. Probably not much(without us) I'd have thought
  24. so why reconstruct the leagues at all then if it won't improve things?
  25. We've a squad which has too many forwards & wide players and not enough midfielders & defenders. That's bad whichever way you look at it
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