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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. You're right about the membership, even so how do we get somebody to call a vote on both the SPL and SFA as regards a change of the boards and CEO's?


    Last summer the SFL clubs called for a vote of no confidence in Regan which was proposed & seconded but Jim Ballantyne said something like now wasn't the time for a vote like this. Well when is the time ? Last Thursday's outcome surely means his involvement in the 5-way agreement means he now has to go(along with Doncaster too I might add)

  2. I'm pretty sure you're correct Rab.


    as associate members of SFL I'm sure we don't get a vote for 3 years or something. But we are full SFA members. As recall Regan seemed to take an eternity to agree to transfer over the licence from the olco to newco thus ensuring we were same club with history intact

  3. I wonder if SKY or other financial contributors to Scottishfootball have had words in a few ears & told them it's not worth a jot without Rangers in the top flight. SKY's viewing figures were down something like 73% I'm sure I read recently.

    That said, it's difficult to see how we could be in top division next season unless the SPL was allowed to go bust & all its team had to apply for SFL membership who could then create a new top division to include these clubs and Rangers. Then, of course, there would be a problem in that we had to start at the bottom in SFL3 so why wouldn't they? SFL clubs would rightly be unhappy IMO

  4. I agree with you that they should all be fired. However, if as Gunslinger says above that all the clubs have a vote in removing Regan, I assume the same would be true for the members of the board - Riley, etc. Who would have the authority to call such a vote, since the nest of vipers control the agenda? Since we are only associate members of the SFA and have no vote we can not control any given situation, so how do we influence events?


    we're not associate members of the SFA. We're full members of the SFA. I think it's the SFL where we've got associate membership

  5. I'm not sure things can move on for us. We need a full investigation into the 5-way agreement from last summer which was basically to remove titles from Rangers with no right of appeal. I would like to know everyone who was behind this and their reasons for doing so. Name names please

  6. For us to move on he Regan and Doncaster must go. Also Liewell, Riley, Petrie and Thomson must resign their positions.


    As Gordon Smith said we need a full investigation into the '5-way agreement' from last summer. All of those involved should either be sacked from their positions or receive lifetime bans from Scottish football (like Whyte got). Things cannot move on until this happens

  7. What an utter buffoon English is.


    The EBT's were perfectly legal. SDM's only 'crime' was not to declare them to the SFA/SPL despite the fact they were in the annual accounts every year. Why didn't the SFA/SPL ask about these EBT's? Did they not read the accounts? if they did read them who did they think they were for?

    I think the SFA/SPL both have a bit of answering to do in all of this. As a governing body the SFA is not fit for purpose.

    And if English doesn't know why SDM sold to Whyte then he's in the wrong job. The word blackmail springs to mind along with LBG.

  8. Scottish football needs to realise it's staring into the barrel of a gun being held by CG. Without Rangers in its top flight broadcasters such as SKY, who are the largest financial contributor to Scottish football, will seriously reduce this contribution or walk away altogether. Others potential sponsors will steer clear or pay much less.

    Regan is very much guilty in that he refused to allow Rangers back into the SPL last summer probably at the wishes of those who drew up the 5 way agreement. He & Doncaster should be forced to resign immediately as they were very much part of this 5 way agreement which was basically removing 5 titles from Rangers without appeal. Their positions are now untenable IMO.

  9. winning the scottish cup will see us in the uefa cup. stop laughing at the back there! :D


    My point is that I think CG knows SKY & prospective sponsors won't touch Scottish football with a bargepole without Rangers in top division. I genuinely believe reconstruction will be determined by SKY & others & we'll be in top division next season . That's what CG could be insinuating.

  10. Don't understand point6 unless we get into top division. Is this likely to happen sooner than we think ? The scottish football governing bodies need us there otherwise SKY & other sponsors will walk away. Perhaps CG knows something he's not revealing

  11. Why was Kal Naismith playing there again today? nothing against the lad but he's a striker & playing there is not his position. IMO there were two better alternatives:-


    i) play Barrie McKay there. That's his position is it not?


    ii) move Templeton there and put, say, Fraser Aird or McKay on LH side


    I realise Shiels was out today & we're seriously short in MF but sometimes I do wonder about Ally's tactical decisions

  12. SFA chief executive Stewart Regan has claimed any continuing debate over the Rangers payments issue would cause 'collateral damage' to the game.

    Speaking in Edinburgh today, Regan urged Scottish football to draw a line under the last 12 months and move on.

    The independent commission chaired by Lord Nimmo Smith this week fined the old company £250,000, but decided not to strip the club of any titles.

    He said: "Now is a very good time for all parties to draw a line under what's gone on in last 12 months.

    "It's crucial with league reconstruction being such an important issue that we draw a line under what's happened and seek to work collaboratively.

    "If we spent as much time focusing on building and growing the game on the pitch as we do talking about conspiracy theories, exit strategies and matters off the field, I think we would be world class.

    "We have to avoid the rest of the game becoming collaterally damaged. It's not about trying to find scapegoats for what's happened."

    Regan also defended Scottish Football Association president Campbell Ogilvie's role during his time as company secretary at Rangers when some undisclosed payments were made.

    He said Ogilvie had been totally open about his role at Rangers, adding: "Campbell Ogilvie played no part in the management and organisation of any element of the Murray group remuneration trust.

    "He has been transparent and up front and he was the only member of the old [Rangers] regime who put himself forward to be interviewed by Lord Nimmo Smith and that says a lot about the man."

    Regan insisted no deal had been done with Rangers to stop the club being stripped of their titles, but that the possibility of it happening had been mentioned to the new owners.

    He said: "When the consortium approached the SFA and were interested in buying Rangers FC they asked for an outline of what were the worst possible punishments.

    "The reason they wanted the information is they had investors who wanted to know exactly what the implications were, so what came on to the table was literally every possible sanction and issue."


    is Regan havin' a laugh ? him & his cohorts put their 5 way agreement to CG in which we were to give up 5 titles in order to put us into SFL1. i'm sure many of us want to know the names of everyone who was behind this and their reasons for doing so. Think we could probably guess most already but confirmation would be good.

  13. So am I right in saying that the cash they withheld from us is keeping them afloat?


    Integrity personified eh.


    Until BDO decide otherwise i.e. so they can add it to the creditors pot

    I get the impression BDO have been awaiting these SPL accounts. They're well overdue and there's never a good reason why any organisation's accounts are overdue.

    What happens next will be interesting

  14. Played a blinder Chris Graham. Well done. Liked the bit where he mocked Toxic Thomson who claimed there were still dark clouds hanging over Ibrox. There most certainly are not. The other 2 stooges contributed little more than hot air. Their disappointment was there for all to see.

    All we now need is to find out how Whyte got Rangers. Hopefully a trial will provide us with that whereby SDM has to reveal all under oath. (think we know already don't we ?) The two amigos who used to run the scottish business division at LBG must be gettin' a tad nervous methinks

  15. No complaints from me about Puma. They're an excellent brand.

    I grew up in the 70's when their advertising slogan 'the boots the stars wear' was very appropriate as Cruyff, Zico, Shilton etc all wore them.

    Good business IMO

  16. I still believe though that we have the makings of a very good side....however, there is something missing. It's like having a 6-pack of lager, but missing the plastic bit to hold them together.


    We'll be nowhere near a good side til we improve at CB & MF. We didn't get these players in before the transfer window shut last August

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