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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Honestly, improving "Scottish football" is hardly done by a 12-12-18 or 12-12-10-10 or any other mathematical structure. It starts at youth recruitment and development all over the country. Reward clubs for a good development structure, while give the boys something to aim at. (E.g., in a big league of 18 No. 3 to 18 will have not much to look forward to in a season and the fare will probably become pretty stale again. )


    so why reconstruct the leagues at all then if it won't improve things?

  2. To be fair to Ally I'm not convinced that was really down to him. He was on record saying he felt we needed four or five bodies as the transfer window was closing and we ended up with Templeton only. I think he genuinely felt that Green would have delivered a few more signings.


    We've a squad which has too many forwards & wide players and not enough midfielders & defenders. That's bad whichever way you look at it

  3. one of the biggest areas of concern in the team IMO is MF. We lost Ness, Davis, Edu, McCabe etc and brought in one MF player - Black who to me is simply a ball winner who sits in front of the back four not a box to box midfielder as Ally & his coaches seem to think. Granted young McLeod has been excellent mostly but I believe we're expecting too much of a teenager in his first season. Hutton simply isn't good enough and Crawford hasn't really played enough games. Other than that the midfield has been made up also at times of other players playing out of position.

    That summarised is a midfield well short of what's required behind which any back four would struggle. I simply never understood why Ally brought in just one MF player before the transfer window shut last August when he lost just about all of them from the previous season. That was asking for trouble

  4. what CG needs to decide is whether to let Ally bring in new players for next season if Ally doesn't have a long term future as Rangers manager. If he doesn't see Ally longterm then he must axe him at the end of the season. There's no point continuing with him otherwise

  5. With CG statement through the week i think Ally's card is marked Green isn't daft he see's the same game as fans he did play the game at pro level, he got the gig due to standing by club in administration his famous saying " We don't do walking away " let's be honest after his first season in SPL won nothing , cost the club millions not qualifying for europe at 2 attempts knocked out by poor european teams any other manager would have been sacked,


    I don't think Ally has got it to take the club forward no matter how money he spends based on what we see on the park, i think he should dump Durrant and McDowall and get new coaches in to help him will he do that to his mates doubt it, it will cost him his job though.


    once attendances start to fall, like yesterday, CG will have to do something. Ally was one of our all time greats as a player but is simply not up to it as manager

  6. We lost Davis, Edu, Ness , McCabe etc and brought in one midfielder - Ian Black. That was a recipe for disaster especially when we came up against better sides. We are well short in MF and yesterday was another example.

  7. after everything that has happened over the past year it's important we return to focus on the football side of things. And, yes, I agree at present it is totally unacceptable what we're expected to watch. CG must decide how he intends to change this i.e. provide the current manager with resources to do so or get a new manager & provide him with resources to change things as he sees fit. I think more & more of us are going for the latter

  8. I wouldn't even allow him to remain as a coach once he does step down or is sacked. Get him, McDowell ad Durrant to feck and start afresh.


    a new manager with his own staff and new ideas is needed IMO. I still can't quite take in what I saw today. The worst result in our 140 year history. When you've got the 2nd highest wagebill in Scotland I expect significantly better than that.

  9. You're wrong. The deal was between Rangers and Ticketus. Why else would Ticketus appear on Oldco's list of creditors?


    This one of several anomalies regards D&P. The money they gave Whyte prior to buy out never touched Rangers account. How can Rangers be a creditor ? Whyte bought Rangers by using Rangers assets (season ticket sales) which is illegal.

  10. We all know that won't happen!. We are not ready to compete in the top league just now,we need another season at least out of the top division


    It could happen mate believe me things are going to get pretty desperate for some clubs very soon. If we can get back into Europe sooner under 'special circumstances' i.e. Whyte gets convicted then we'd need to go for it.

    As I said they'd need to accept certain conditions of ours i.e. the transfer embargo being scrapped with immediate effect

  11. if things get as desperate as they may well get for a number of clubs they'll be begging us to come back sooner rather than later. There must be certain conditions however such as resignations of Doncaster & Regan for starters and a fully enquiry into last summer's 5 way agreement

  12. That's correct, but you do have to wonder if they would have been so were it not for the fact our administrators were linked with setting up the Ticketus deal in the first place.


    Don't think so. The deal was between Ticketus & Whyte. The money never appeared in Rangers accounts. It was used to pay off LBG from Collyer Bristow. That's why Ticketus are pursuing Whyte thro'the courts.

  13. I'm still convinced that there was political intervention from a certain Labour politician who used his political influence to get HMRC to pursue us over these EBT's. The leaks were all part of it in the grand scheme of things.

    It made the club unsellable at a time when SDM wished to sell (until Whyte appeared unfortunately).

    Simultaneously the two bhoys at LBG were tightening the screw on the club regards its overdraft which AJ was successfully reducing.

    Am I paranoid by saying everything was all part of a big set-up to destroy Rangers in which the predictable individuals in the mhedia played their part too and are continuing to do so today. We even had Keevins spouting nonsense on SSB on Monday night saying we were liquidated with over £100m debts - RUBBISH. The only debts the oldco eventually owed was Whye's nonpayment of PAYE/NI which HMRC allowed him to run up. The ticketus money to pay off LBG was a personal agreemnt between them & Whyte in which the monies never touched Rangers account hence ticketus having to chase Whyte for their money back

  14. If we're offered a quick return to the top flight I'm sure CG would accept it purely from a business viewpoint. Iam of the opinion it will be the likes of SKY and other financial contributors who will decide on league reconstruction. Scottish football cannot do without their financial input and if they don't get what they want they'll either walk away or reduce their financial contributions accordingly.

  15. We need a total clearout at the 3 current bodies in Scottish football i.e. SFA, SPL & SFL. That also includes all club chairmen & CEO's currently holding positions within these bodies too.

    We need a single body to run Scottish football which is both transparent & democratic and is never again allowed to be hijacked and run the way both the SFA & SPL have been during this past year.

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