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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. As I see it the SPL may face cash demands from at least three sources:-


    1) Rangers prize money from last season. Whether payable to oldco or newco it is rumoured to be around £1.7m. Has it been paid ?

    2) This Harper McLeod bill for the EBT investigation £500,000

    3) The legal action supposedly being brought by Harry Hood's Lisini for £1.7m from last week.


    Is this why CG has allegedly accused the SPL of being 'technically insolvent'. I'm no accountant but I don't think the SPL has a prayer of paying these plus whatever else it might owe

  2. This situation has just gone beyond embarrassing.


    Ive got a feeling we hold the ACE card. They can push through whatever system they want but if we dont join to an SPL 2 then it collapses. I hope we stick to our guns and tell them to jog on unless its on our terms. Thanks to the SFL for this season but it is a lifetime of christmas's for all the chairmen of the Div 3 clubs by playing us twice. Queens Park are going to be set up for 10 years after this Saturday.


    Regards holding the aces, CG must demand to see the SKY contract from last summer which Liewell & Dumbcaster don't seem to want anyone to see. Why is that ? does it contain clauses & sub-clauses about Rangers ?

    It'll be interesting to see exactly how much SKY & ESPN pay out at the end of the season. For example, will the amount be linked to the viewing figures throughout the season ?

  3. Much as it pains me to say it we need a change of manager for next season. I think it's far too big a risk to allow him to bring in players & they turn out to be flops like last summer. I genuinely believe a better manager would have got more out of the current squad. I don't think the likes of Black, Shiels, Sandaza, Cribari etc have suddenly become average or poor players. They should have been decent signings who could easily have coped with SFL3 ? Why haven't they?

    With a registration embargo looming last summer it was imperative to sign players before it started. We lost an entire MF and signed just one midfielder - Black. That was asking for trouble. Surely the manager should have seen that. Same at CB

    Whatever CG decides he must get this one correct. The performances of the past few months cannot be repeated next season.

  4. Their plan now looks so obvious now doesn't it ? when Liewell & dumbcaster agreed the contract with SKY last summer SKY said Rangers had to be back in the SPL next season. The only way they can do this & honour their promise to SKY (and to all the SFL clubs who were promised extra money) is to create SPL2 and have Rangers 'FAST-TRACKED' into it after winning SFL3 - PROVIDED RANGERS AGREE TO THAT OF COURSE............

    Otherwise this whole thing collapses. SKY will pay peanuts or nothing at all. Others sponsors likewise. Is there a replacement sponsor for CB by the way?

    Rangers hold all the aces now. The only way we agree to SPL2 is under a whole raft of conditions i.e. Dumbcaster, Regan, Lunny etc must go for starters

  5. It seems blatantly obvious that this reconstruction is somehow linked to the SKY contract Liewell & Dumbcaster were involved in last summer. This contract which they seem reluctant to show Longmuir & others who are also keen to see it as they may well believe there are all sorts of clauses & sub-clauses in it which are linked to Rangers.

    The Falkirk chairman & his chums would be better off concentrating their efforts questioning Dumbcaster on where their extra money is coming from and whether it is linked to the SKY contract only Liewell & Dumbcaster seem to have seen

  6. Perfectly put. Too much money is being thrown out for average players.


    Sandaza is not going to stick around much longer anyway which is perfectly fine.


    where's he going then ? who'll give him the same or better terms than in his 4 year deal he got last summer ? a poor signing whom we're stuck with unfortunately.

  7. "On a sidenote, should someone buy the oldco (after BDO inquisition, possible illegal deemings of the Ticketus deal et al, cleaning its debts to "minimal" stuff) pre final liquidation (if that is possible), could the club adopt a dual-company model (as they do) and use the oldco's accounts as pre-entry to Europe? (I know that the oldco owns not much now, but switching this or that asset is sure possible.)"


    I doubt it as the old co no longer owns a football club.


    hasn't oldco changed its name?

  8. Traynor has ammunition to unleash on the SFA regards the Whyte fiasco. Better to have him on our side so as to use this when the time is right. Since Traynor joined us it's been noticeable Rhegan & Dumbcaster have both kept a significantly lower profile.

  9. would take him back on a short term deal to allow him to prove himself but as I keep saying it's MF & CB where were woefully short just now. These positions are the ones needing filling first

  10. few have been through liquidation.


    Our oldco hasn't been liquidated and will not be for years to come. It is simply an empty corporate shell with £5.5m in its account. All its assets i.e. club, stadium, training ground, players etc, were transferred over to CG's newco.

    Every non-bigot with half a braincell knows its the same club run by a different company. When the SFA licence transferred to the newco the club and all is history went with it.

  11. When Green took over he pretty much needed Ally's seal of approval for bears to renew STs. Eventually Ally gave him his vote of confidence and the ST sales rolled in. In a nut shell Green needed Ally to to succeed.


    Now reading across the internet and looking at the dwindling crowds Ally has become the problem again, only this time it's not his support Green requires, but his possible removal from Ibrox as the manager if we're to retain 38,000 ST holders.


    What's worth noting is 8,000 of the 38,000 ST holders are new to owning an ST. Are these the fans that have stopped attending because of the poor product and had high expectations of decent football? Or is it a mixed bag of old and new?


    So, in the space of 12 months it appears Green needs Ally again to keep the crowds going but not as he thinks.


    Black and white?


    the product on the pitch simply isn't good enough at present. The key issue is how to improve it i.e. give Ally more time & resources or bring in someone new. The status quo is not an option.. Something must change.

  12. Scotland starting XI to play Serbia: David Marshall, Alan Hutton, Grant Hanley, Gary Caldwell, Steven Whittaker, Liam Bridcutt, James McArthur, George Boyd, Shaun Maloney, Steven Naismith, Jordan Rhodes


    I couldn't even tell you which club sides Bridcutt & Boyd play for. Anyone know ? just goes to show how bad things have got

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