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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. was the said signed form authentic ? it's Craig Whyte here remember
  2. Was whyte ever a shareholder or director of sevco5088 ? if not all he has is a verbal promise - that would never stand up in court.
  3. so why has Whyte waited until now to do this ? nothing to do with about to being declared a bankrupt fraudster?
  4. All of them are compulsive liars when talking about us
  5. Not disagreeing with you mate but as I say there are plenty people out to do whatever damage they can to us. Take CW's re-emergence as an example. If he really does have a claim on Rangers' assets why is he choosing to do so in the media rather than in a court of law ? and why do the mhedia give him the opportunity in their publications when they probably know it's all nonsense. How many of CW's legal actions involving Rangers have actually materialised? If you're meaning sorting out Rangers from a football perspective then I'd agree that needs done too. The way it would be done is open to debate. It would be a new manager for me but others may think otherwise.
  6. Not all our problems are inhouse. There are plenty of people out there trying to do whatever damage they can to us. That's why we need a new CEO who'll actively go after these people & the organisations who employ them.
  7. Liewell the least of our worries ? are you serious ? Liewell is our public enemy no1. Him & his cohorts actively tried to put us out of business altogether last summer. He's involved in the SPL & SFA trying to carve up the rule books (stop laughing please) to the advantage of his club & to the disadvantage of the rest, us in particular. How much did we get from SKY TV this season ? £10k was it? He's also got his appointed placemen inside the SFA e.g. Regan & Lunny doing his work for him and the nodding dogs in the SPL chairmen most of whom are too afraid to confront him until those 2 brave chairmen from St Mirren & Ross County finally stood up to him last week. Make no mistake the 12 12 18 was to be largely financed by Rangers TV money from the 18. We'd have no doubt got about £10k again which is a feckin' insult to put it mildly. Don't even get me started on the mhedia. Every national newspaper, radio station , TV channel has his people in them. Every single story no matter how trivial about us which can portray us in a bad light is cranked up to maximum effect to do whatever damage possible. Only good,positive stories about Septic are allowed. Quite frankly North Korea is more open & democratic than Scottish football is right now.
  8. Mather would be a pushover for Liewell, Thompson, Petrie etc.......... A poor appointment is true. He's no experience of how Scottish football operates for a start. We need a big hitter prepared to take on Liewell and his chums. Gordon McKie would be my choice.
  9. They do what Liewell expects of them. That's why Ross County & St mirren should be commended for what they did. Celtic's power at both the SFA & SPL is killing Scottish football. They are over-represented in both & other clubs are too afraid to confront this issue. Liewell doesn't give a damn about Scottish football so long as Celtic win the SPL every year & get access to the CL. Without Rangers in the SPL it becomes that bit easier for Celtic although the financial impact of this will kill the other SPL clubs in the long run as less revenue will affect the quality of player they can afford to have in their squads.
  10. not for me. We need a no holds-barred street fighter prepared for the battles ahead.
  11. Make no mistake it's vital we get the right person for this role. We can't afford to have another lightweight like Bain. Whoever gets it must realise that diplomacy doesn't work with the cretins we deal with in Scottish football. We needs someone who will take no prisoners. That's why I believe Gordon McKie is ideally-suited
  12. Gordon McKie. Ex-SRU chief exec. last I heard of was Chief Exec of Hong Kong FA. Rangers man who's not afraid of confrontation. Would take on the SFA/SPL & Liewell, Petrie, Thompson etc no problem. Was Brian Kennedy's choice had he been successful in his takeover bid last year. We need a strong CEO not afraid to go there with our enemies. McKie would do just that. Martin Bain need not apply.
  13. We don't know the full reasons for him going yet. Everything here just speculation
  14. To be honest he'd become a bit of a liability lately. Did we really need to know what he called Imran Ahmad in private ? What we need now is a strong, robust CEO not called Martin Bain. Gordon McKie ?? Certainly confrontational and wouldn't be afraid to have a go with the SFA/SPL along with Liewell, Petrie, Thompson etc.
  15. he must be busy writing this book which will implicate everyone throughout the whole Craig Whyte era. Hopefully UEFA will read it..............
  16. the key question is how much of this TV money there will be(if any) without us in the top division, The status quo is unsustainable
  17. What we've found out this season i.e. home attendances is that Rangers don't need Celtic. Not sure Celtic can say the same about us though
  18. I can see the SFA intervening, forming a new top division & inviting us to be in it. Scottish football isn't viable long term without Rangers in its top division.
  19. Am I the only person who think's meaning defeat of the SPL'S 12-12-18 now puts the SFL (with Rangers in its ranks) in a very strong position now ? The SFL cannot be happy with the amount of SKY revenue it gets compared to the SPL. At the beginning of the season (before he joined Rangers) Traynor wrote an excellent article in which he said Scottish football could split in 2 with the SFL & Rangers on one side and the SPL & Celtic on the other. This certainly would mean that the SFL would get more revenue
  20. I genuinely believe they need us in the top division next season to save Scottish footbalI. Otherwise it will face financial meltdown. They no replacement sponsor for the CB & maybe we'll now find out what was in the SKY contract. I suspect it will involve a lot less money now they've only got the status quo. If we're back in the top division then it MUST be on our terms & conditions. I'm sure we could all give a few............
  21. Diasagree. Think you'll find he was forced into selling us. I wonder if could be the two bhoys who were running LBG's Scottish business division at the time? MIH had debts of over £700m at the time but they seemed more concerned with Rangers part of that debt which was around £18m - around 3% of the MIH debt. Wonder why ?
  22. no relevance whatsoever. Sevco Scotland bought the assets.
  23. Didn't his statement late on Friday say just that i.e. they were forgeries ?
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