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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. If the rumours about Dundee United are true and the Bank is propping them up time being, then this would explain Thompson desperation to get this reconstruction pushed through. Although they would still be in the financial toilet, maybe he's more concerned with the aftermath of administration. As we have seen the SFL deal with administration events far more leniently, therefore maybe the new articles of association look more favourable too (being forewarned about the forthcoming alleged Hearts and Dundee-U Administration events) in dealing with these circumstances. Just some random thoughts here.


    Can't see how reconstruction would save Dundee utd. Must be something we don't know why Thompson is so keen to get this vote through.

  2. I like Boca but can we really afford to pay him 16k a week in the third tier? I doubt it.


    Don't think we'll be in the third tier..............just watch the house of cards collapse very soon.

    BTW £16K pw still too much though

  3. Media standards in general in Scotland have deteriorated so low in recent times. The likes of Speirs, Cosgrove, English, Keevins etc cannot hide their bias and make no attempt to do so.

    I've said before & will say again it's time the likes of BBC Scotland, Radio Clyde & the Daily Record were given indefinite bans by Rangers from Ibrox & MP until they improved their reporting of Rangers to an acceptable level.

  4. I still feel the SFL are in a much stronger position than they think. Only Dunfermline are in financial trouble but none of the other clubs operator out with their means. The SFL should invite Ross County and St Mirren to the SFL and have its own reconstruction into 16-14. Then they go to a battle v SPL and SFA with FIFA about who represents Scotland in Euro Comps. But the SPL wont be in business in 12 months so the clubs dont have a league to play in.


    Good points. Especially the one about the future viability of the SPL. As I see things the SPL could face 3 major cash demands in the months ahead:-

    1)harper mcleod's legal bill for the EBT commission 2) BDO for our prize money last season 3) linisi pub chain's recent claim for damages

    I'd reckon these come to between £3.5 - £4m which is money I don't think the SPL has got.

    I also believe the SFL could, in theory, start a league with ourselves in it & invite teams into it, particularly the ones in financial difficulty and promise them No penalties or punishment i they went in to admin or worse.

  5. In this country we've national newspapers trying to produce exclusives where there really isn't news at all. I do not believe Whyte has any control or influence in our club today and he never again. I believe we're seeing the last acts of a desperate man who knows he's facing a jail sentence in the no too distant future.

    I'd rather these publications concentrated their efforts on finding out the truth in how Whyte managed to get control of Rangers from SDM. Was SDM blackmailed ? if so by whom & for what reasons ? was it the two chancers at LBG ?

    I'd much prefer us to get back to discussing the football side of things because what we're watching at present simply isn't acceptable & CG must decide sooner or later if he's to allow Ally to bring new out-of-contract players this summer with a view to registering them on September 1st

  6. No it wobt, but no reconstruction means status quo as SFL clubs need to give notice.


    Sky will renegotiate either way, but without us the deal will be even worse.


    Reconstruction means one league body and milking Rangers. Otherwiae nothing changes.


    If this reconstruction does go through I can't see the SFL simply handing over the 18 club league to the SPL without a fight.

    And I can't see CG being happy about us continuing to subsidise the SPL via the SKY deal and whatever else.

    There's a lot still to happen yet IMO

  7. It will help as under a single league body they can sell our games and we won't have a say. I think Sky may still try to renegotiate, but no reconstruction means no Rangers games within the current agreement and the SFL/Ranges can make our own deal.


    But it won't help viewing figures without OF games will it? SKY are a subscription service first & foremost. Viewing figures are crucial to them.


    And if the 12-12-18 goes ahead who runs the 18 team league ? the SPL ? can't see the SFL & CG giving this up without a fight.

  8. The TV viewing figures are less than a third of what SKy had for games involving us and Celtic, and they've lost 4 old firm games which dre in over ten times what the replacement matches have.


    Sky's advertising revenue will have plummeted, and they'll have no choice but to renegotiate.


    How will reconstruction help SKY's viewing figures ? Makes no sense to me

  9. on the excuse of a radio station Radio Scotland tonight Chris Graham magnificently destroyed both Speirs the no mark so-called journalist and English the Irishman who scribbles for the Scotsman.

    But my point is that shouldn't our handsomely paid Mr Traynor be doing this instead of the afore-mentioned Chris Graham? Week after week it's open season on this programme. Have they nothing else to talk about? It's true what young Bill McMurdo constantly states in his daily blog that there's really only one show in town isn't there?

  10. going back the the original OP about planning a shake up, what will have changed now under the new regime is if someone within Rangers offers someone like Sandaza a 4 year deal on a vastly over-inflated salary then he manages a mere 2 goals in first season, then that someone will be held responsible and shall take the consequences. The days of easy money at Rangers are over from top to bottom.

  11. Well, this will put the cat among the pigeons.


    It will be interesting to see what the cabal's next move is.


    To marginalise & bully Ross County & St Mirren that'll be their next move. I don't understand why this reconstruction is so vital ? it may well be to do with the SKY contract but I'd have thought SKY would be insisting we were in the top flight next season because without us there's little for them in Scottish football.

  12. Wonder who's behind all this ? Whyte doesn't own a penny of Rangers now. Do I detect the usual elements within the mhedia up to their tricks again ? CG 's statement last week about the SPL trading whilst insolvent would have ruffled more than a few feathers I'd guess. Is this attempted payback time i.e. a made-up story about Whyte owning part of Rangers. Don't think so.

    Try harder next time bhoys.............

  13. Thought this wasn't resolved yet? How can SFA impose this ?


    So wee Specky McLaughlin still claiming club was placed into liquidation. Club was 'sold' It's SFA licence transferred from oldco to newco hence history continued.

    As yet nothing has been liquidated. The oldco is simply an empty corporate shell with £5.5m in its account. All its assets have been transfered to newco.

  14. Later this year the above-mentioned will be 12 years old. I wonder how many of us regard it as a success ? As I recall it was to provide the first team with proper 21st century training facilities(instead of being bussed around Glasgow to train at various locations since the Albion became a car park) and to provide us with a conveyor belt of young talent groomed from our scouting network ready to step into the first team when ready thus saving a fortune in transfer fees.

    To go back to the title I wonder what CG makes of it when he watched the recent SFL3 performances? players unable to do basics like passing accurately to nearby team-mates, players taking setpieces unable to clear the first defender, players constantly losing possession under no pressure, players unable to do basic defending - I could go on and on.

    As for youngsters breaking into the first team I don't genuinely think we've produced any who have reached a decent level in the game since the likes of Alan McGregor, Alan Hutton, Charlie Adam etc, all of whom must be nearing 30 now. Has our scouting network dried up ? Or simply not good enough as Neil Murray's departure may suggest? When I look over to the other side of Glasgow I see a scouting network which seems vastly superior to ours.

    I was always cynical about Murray Park regards youth development but I've become even more cynical in recent months after watching some of the first team's performances of late. I wonder what CG makes of it? I'm not suggesting it gets shut down or anything but it's got very high running costs (around £2m per year I believe) which may need to be reduced somehow unless it starts paying its way more effectively than at present

  15. I reckon Ally has until January at the very latest for there to be a vast improvement in team performances. The current status quo simply can't continue which is torture to watch.

    If he is to make a success of being Rangers manager(assuming he's there for next season) he has to think long & hard about the players he wants to bring in. He must get players we genuinely need for specific positions in the team rather than just bringing in players who are available at the time as happened last summer. That left us woefully short in positions such as MF & CB.

  16. Whyte is nothing more than a Walter Mitty type character with an appalling business record. We need to know just how he got Rangers in the first place.

    Was SDM blackmailed into selling to him by the 2 bhoys at LBG at that time? And at what point did Regan's SFA discover he wasn't paying PAYE/NI over to HMRC ? and why did Regan's SFA do nothing ? and,of course, why did our chums at HMRC allow him to go months without paying over the PAYE/NI ?

    If only we had proper investigative journalists in this country............

  17. Two areas which will almost definitely come under scrutiny regards restructuring are the Scouting network(or lack of it) & the youth system at Murray Park. It would be foolhardy in my opinion for anyone to suggest these 2 areas have performed at an acceptable level for a number of years now. There simply has to be vast improvement in both in future.That will almost certainly mean personnel changes.

    Remember too that when CG & his consortium took over no one was forced out immediately. Almost everyone got their same jobs in the newco presumably on the same terms. Now nearly one year on it's maybe time to take stock of the business and make changes where it is deemed necessary with a view to improving the business. This goes on in companies all over. Rangers are no different in that respect. As supporters we have to hope these changes are for the better and we should support them where they are having the desired effect

  18. Restructuring needs to take place throughout the club(call it job cuts if you like). Too many people have had it too easy for too long getting easy money. We need a club with higher performance targets for everyone employed within Rangers. Those who can't meet those targets should be replaced where necessary.

    As for Sandaza I'm afraid he didn't exactly look committed to Rangers as per his phonecall hoax. His sum total of 2 goals this season bears testimony to that.

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