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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Who's to say things won't change ? he's not exactly adored at Newcastle is he ? and after watching them last night I'd say they're right in relegation contention. If they were to go down again and the Newcastle supporters turned against him who knows what might happen ? might give him the perfect excuse to put them up for sale & ditch them then take over Rangers where he'd be more welcome probably
  2. If King and/or McColl attempt a takeover I wonder what Mike Ashley will do? Could he make a move too? he could easily buy Ranges if he wanted
  3. I see the latest idea being put up is for play-off between the SPhell & SFL1 ................BIG WOWEEEEEEEEEE !!!! that will really get everyone excited won't ? And would the traditional 'bottom half' SPL clubs be daft enough to vote for this & increase their relegation risk and end up like Dunfermline ?
  4. It was actually the CEO of one club who have been massaging their home attendances all season who are looking at ways of increasing revenue as a result. I just don't see it happening in Scotland as the police would probably be against it.
  5. there's no one at Ibrox now who'd sack him. That's a problem we now have. How bad does the football need to get before either he sees sense & calls it a day or someone (no idea who) from inside Rangers would gather support & ask him to go. I don't believe these players are as bad at times as they're showing. A better manager would have got a lot more out of them, in particular the underperforming ones
  6. their plans can be summed up - Rangers subsidising Scottish football via TV deals & other commercial deals.
  7. I think he'll get until the end of this year but things must improve dramatically if he's to stay beyond then. By then the registration embargo will have ended so that would no longer be the obstacle to getting a new manager as it might be at present
  8. just wonder where exactly we're heading now ? I'm convinced Dave King will attempt a take over now his troubles in SA seem to have eased considerably. Think he'll probably be trying to get support from the likes of Douglas Park and others. I believe he'll need special SFA permission (as it's within 5 years of an insolvency) but he should get that because he'd absolutely nothing to do with what went on with Whyte. Any thoughts ?
  9. I wouldn't bet against this 12-12-18 being brought back. The carrot being dangled to the wee diddy clubs was us in the 18 and the SPL parasites taking our TV money i.e. Rangers subsidising Scottish football. This must be resisted at all costs. Our new CEO will have his work cut out early doors and this will determine how big(or how little) a success he'll be.
  10. If its 12-12-18 we must ensure we're not in the 18. That would mean we'd got no promotion.
  11. And their scouting system too. Ours simply won't do & hasn't been good enough for some time now. We need to copy clubs who buy low & sell high but to do that you need a top notch global scouting system.
  12. We've a £7m wage bill as I understand. Be interesting to see a breakdown of that wage bill. How much is playing staff ? Paying a manager £750k in SFL3 is ridiculous is true.
  13. I'm sure Ron 'n' Reg would love to meet Stu, Neily 'n' Pete.
  14. Remind me - who was in charge of LBG's Scottish business division when SDM 'sold' to Whyte ? Did they allow their footballing allegiances(and maybe religious & political too) to blackmail SDM into selling knowing full well what was likely to happen when Whyte got control ? certainly would have seemed to have helped their chosen club as things transpired did it not? Never trust these organisations because of their name.They're only as honest, transparent & trustworthy as who they choose to employ. Some good some not. We've found that out have we not?
  15. challenged ? do you mean blackmailed ? you do know who was running LBG's Scottish business division at that time don't you? MIM had debts of £700m yet they seemed more concerned with Rangers' £18m debt. Wonder why?
  16. During the second walter era the debt reached £30m or so. LBG had taken over HBOS and were putting the squeeze on MIM throughout as its debt neared £700m. Getting put out by KAUNUS in 2008 blew a massive hole in the finances from which I don't think we ever really recovered during SDM's time.We thought nothing of paying out millions for players who were duds. We cannot return to these ways again. Higher performances targets must be set for the Rangers manager. Getting put out of Europe by Kaunus, Malmo, Maribor etc at the qualifiers must be a sacking offence for the manager. It wasn't under SDM but should now be. Will the blazers & brown brogues' enfore it? probably not. I thought CG & co when they arrived raised the bar more than a little to which some of the jobs-for-the-boys brigade wouldn't be able to handle. With CG gone I hope we have someone to take on our enemies at the sfa/spl & mhedia. As yet I cannot see anyone. Mentioning the return of Bain was frankly just about the last thing I wanted to hear.
  17. what about the shareholders? would they get a say in electing the president? they do own the holding company after all.
  18. Anyone who thinks we've heard the last from CG is badly deluded IMO. Unless him, IA & their investors sell up I believe we'll see some sort of takeover bid once this Craig Whyte nonsense is past.
  19. Green was hounded out by those on the board who wanted him & his guys out. I'm just not convinced those left will be able to take the club forward as we hope. There's a 'jobs-for-life' mentality setting in now starting with the team manager Once this Craig Whyte nonsense is over (and nothing gets proven) I'm convinced we'll see a takeover of some sort. I'm sure CG has more investors on his side than MM.
  20. Bain? are you serious ? since when did a chef/male model qualify you as a Rangers Chief Exec.
  21. How do you know that for sure ? Rangers need to become a properly run business.If it mean investors getting their rewards so be it if we're successful on & off the park. What's your alternative ? continue as we once were ? let's bring back all the Rangers men in their blazers & brown brogues. Let's not care if we get put out 7 cups in 18months. As long as we've got 'RANGERS MEN' then who cares eh ? if the manager wastes money we'll borrow more until we get it right. Don't worry about what the bank says. We need a club run like a proper business where highly paid individuals are responsible for company performance. Who would most likely get that - CG and co or the blazers and brown brogues? I know who I think would. At present the £750k p.a. manager is failing miserably btw.
  22. I think they would survive. Just about every Rangers supporter I know wants a change of manager.
  23. Can't see many renewing anyway after recent home defeats to Annan & now Peterhead. The product is dire and shows no signs of improvement. CG's biggest mistake was appointing WS to the board. It made getting rid of Ally extremely difficult if not impossible. I just don't buy into anything that says our off-field difficulties are affecting what we see on the pitch. As Ally says the club needs cleansed. I agree. Let's start with the management & coaching staff
  24. Do you think we've hears the last of CG ? I don't. As someone pointed on RM you have to remember the investors at the share issue were his people more or less. Remember too both he & IA own around 13% shareholding. What's to stop him, IA & sufficient other shareholders forcing an EGM & replacing the Rangers board(including our invisible chairman) with themselves and whoever else they want on the board. They still do hold considerable power even after CG's departure on Friday. I,for one, would welcome this. We cannot & must not have a 'return of the brown brogues' as Bill McMurdo put it so well today in his blog i.e. people who believe that as Rangers men' it's their right to be in control of Rangers regardless of their performances
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