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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Murray didn't sell us, he sacrificed us.


    Diasagree. Think you'll find he was forced into selling us. I wonder if could be the two bhoys who were running LBG's Scottish business division at the time?

    MIH had debts of over £700m at the time but they seemed more concerned with Rangers part of that debt which was around £18m - around 3% of the MIH debt.

    Wonder why ?

  2. If Whyte really does have any sort of claim on ownership why does he go to the mhedia & not through legal channels ? he threatens to take everyone to court but ends up taking no one to court. As McMurdo quite correctly says Sevco5088 played no part in the newco and the documents STV showed on Friday are believed to be forgeries

  3. There will be some of us, myself very much included, who perhaps feel, a bit out of our depth, while trying to get our heads around much of the financial intrigue. There was one man, who most certainly not have been out of his depth and that is David Murray. He may have been the one who was duped by CW but it is so many others, who have a genuine love for our club, who are feeling the pain.


    Was SDM duped by CW ? Or was he blackmailed by LBG ?

  4. The SKY deal doesn't need Green's signature, this was just another of his verbal mistakes. Rangers have no say on TV deals - the rights belong to the League not the individual clubs.


    belong to which league ? the SFL ? the SPL ? REMEMBER THIS:-




    Reading what Liewell was saying this morning then it would appear him & his mob would accept either 12-12-18 OR 12-12-10-10 leaving the bottom leagues with the SFL.

    Presumably if we then get put in the lower leagues(and get denied promotion then I'd hope we'd go to court of session again) then why can't SFL get their own deal which isn't linked to the SPL ? The SFL would get more & the SPL less

  5. The real Rangers men have to be careful, if somebody hadn't dealt with Whyte the club would be gone. So they can't just sit on top of their ivory tower shouting we wouldn't have spoke to Whyte and the fact you did makes you toxic.


    If all Green did was shaft Whyte to get him out of the picture I've no problem with that, but you can't hold that against him because somebody had to do it. It's a pity none of the Rangers men had the bottle to get their hands dirty.

    How did Green 'shaft' whyte ? as I understand things Whyte has never been a director of Sevco 5088 or Sevco Scotland according to companies house. The documents on Friday are forgeries according to CG. What we're seeing is the last acts of a deesperate man(Whyte) who's about to be made bankrupt as he can't repay ticketus and will probably be facing other charges too depending on the police enquiry

  6. The real Rangers men have to be careful, if somebody hadn't dealt with Whyte the club would be gone. So they can't just sit on top of their ivory tower shouting we wouldn't have spoke to Whyte and the fact you did makes you toxic.


    If all Green did was shaft Whyte to get him out of the picture I've no problem with that, but you can't hold that against him because somebody had to do it. It's a pity none of the Rangers men had the bottle to get their hands dirty.

    How dis Green 'shaft' whyte ? as I understand things Whyte has never been a director of Sevco 5088 or Sevco Scotland according to companies house. The documents on Friday are forgeries according to CG. What we're seeing is the last acts of a deesperate man(Whyte) who's about to be made bankrupt as he can't repay ticketus and will probably be facing other charges too depending on the police enquiry

  7. If their reconstruction goes thro' it's imperative that Rangers aren't subsidising it thro' the SKY deal. CG must stick to his guns & refuse to sign the SKY deal for next season. We'll see how they like that. It's called revenge - a dish best served cold, as payback for all that's been thrown at us over the past year

  8. Being a Rangers fan through and through is not enough though.

    We need a Chairman who is not a potential liability.


    We need a higher profile chairman. Not one who appears to be hiding behind the CEO for most of the time. When did MM last say something in public?

  9. There will be a ruling that you cannot complain or take them to court or you won't be allowed to play. Blackmail, bribery and bullying is their modus operandi.


    Football authorities aren't above the law of the land. If they tried to prevent us playing if we took them to court I'm sure SKY might have something to say as they did last summer before the Brechin game as would the lawcourts.

  10. Sevco 5088 never got the Rangers' assets. Sevco Scotland did. Sevco5088 is a separate company & played no part in the newco. I understand CG was a director but Whyte was not until these documents emerged which we're now told are forgeries. It appears Sevco 5088 was a decoy to fool Whyte for whatever reason.

    Whyte is a desperate man looking for cash since he lost his court battle with ticketus from whom he obtained 20 odd million.

  11. over the next few days & weeks CG must step us his attack on the SFA/SPL. If this 12 12 18 nonsense goes thro' and we're in the 18 he must go all out to sabotage them by destroying their much-needed finance from SKY deals & sponsorships. We must stop subsidising these parasites

  12. Their reconstruction is all about Rangers subsidising the leeches & parasites of Scottish football via TV deals & sponsorships and our supporters visiting their grounds for our away matches. It has to be stopped. CG must do all in his power to sabotage next season's SKY deal. Enough is enough. If they wanted us out the SPL then they cannot have us financing them. They are subsidy-junkies

  13. Yes but who were they deceiving?

    Since when did D&P become so trustworthy?


    They had to deceive Whyte into giving up his shares. Perhaps by whatever means.

    I don't think D&P were the baddies you make them out to be. I think were a bit taken aback at what Whyte had done.

  14. during administration it was clearly proving difficult to get Whyte to give up his shares in the oldco. Remember his ultimate aim was to get back ownership after admin. was over but that wasn't going to be possible after it was discovered what he'd been up to. D&P kept saying they'd a 'mechanism' to do get the shares but it never seemed to materialise.

    I've no doubt CW & his consortium had to use whatever means they needed to in order to get Whyte to give up the shares. Even deception.

  15. Reconstruction may save him because he perhaps knows that without it the sponsorship cash is gone.


    Example - with the current deal renewing on same terms he may be in a position to "breakeven" or "survive" - but if the deal is on much reduced terms then they could be in a perilous state.


    The SPL haven't got a replacement sponsor for the CB yet have they ? that's money they'll all be missing for starters.

    But it's this SKY deal which few have seen which intrigues me. Why so secretive ? Got to be something financially connected to us I think. Something which will cause mayhem once out in the open

  16. Who owns the rights to the televised games - the club or the authorities ? Certainly the SPL or SFA wouldnt allow us to carry archived games on the website so it seems we dont have a say in that particular matter - but that may not be the case with the SFL - I simply dont know.


    Would SKY (or BT vision next season) be happy to televise live Rangers games with the knowledge that the club was vehemently opposed to them doing so ? and what do SKY make of the derisory amount we've received for the number of televised games we've had ? frankly it's insulting and probably intended to be antagonistic. CG & JT must do everything possible to sort this out. As I said earlier Rangers must not subsidise the parasites and subsidy-junkies of Scottish football.

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