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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I 'd always thought Whyte's grand plan was to get a debt-free Rangers back post administration & sell it on and be seen as some sort of hero who'd wiped out all debts including the BTC. That was why he'd wanted his own choice of administrators. However he couldn't get the club back after the non-payment of taxes & everything else he'd done.I'd have thought Paul Murray might have mentioned something along these lines too.

    However I'm unfortunately a cynic who believes everything was one big massive set-up masterminded by someone well known to us who got both LBG to play their part by putting the financial squeeze on us despite bank debt almost halving and getting HMRC to chase a fictitious EBT debt which never existed & latterly to allow Whyte non-payment of taxes over a period of time running up a multi-million pounddebt. The result was a paralysed club no one would touch with a bargepole except one man whom LBG(and we know who was running their Scottish business division then don't we ?)maybe forced SDM to sell to. We all know what happened next. Who masterminded this ? perhaps a certain former labour cabinet minister with connections to the east end of our city now in the house of lords used his influence don't you think ? I bet he'd got contacts in HMRC for a start.

    Not to mention the SFA of course and to ask at what point they knew Whyte wasn't paying tax and what action they took.....or not as the case may be.

  2. ashley cant own another football club.


    we seem to be moving in the right direction.


    Who's to say things won't change ? he's not exactly adored at Newcastle is he ? and after watching them last night I'd say they're right in relegation contention. If they were to go down again and the Newcastle supporters turned against him who knows what might happen ? might give him the perfect excuse to put them up for sale & ditch them then take over Rangers where he'd be more welcome probably

  3. I see the latest idea being put up is for play-off between the SPhell & SFL1 ................BIG WOWEEEEEEEEEE !!!!

    that will really get everyone excited won't ?

    And would the traditional 'bottom half' SPL clubs be daft enough to vote for this & increase their relegation risk and end up like Dunfermline ?

  4. i see some clubs are advocating the selling of beer and lager at the grounds what do the fans on the gersnet forum think of a good thing or a bad thing


    It was actually the CEO of one club who have been massaging their home attendances all season who are looking at ways of increasing revenue as a result. I just don't see it happening in Scotland as the police would probably be against it.

  5. there's no one at Ibrox now who'd sack him. That's a problem we now have. How bad does the football need to get before either he sees sense & calls it a day or someone (no idea who) from inside Rangers would gather support & ask him to go.

    I don't believe these players are as bad at times as they're showing. A better manager would have got a lot more out of them, in particular the underperforming ones

  6. There's no excuse struggling against East Stirling.


    I guess we are stuck with Ally, who will want money to spend.


    As you say, on the park we are going nowhere.


    I think he'll get until the end of this year but things must improve dramatically if he's to stay beyond then. By then the registration embargo will have ended so that would no longer be the obstacle to getting a new manager as it might be at present

  7. just wonder where exactly we're heading now ? I'm convinced Dave King will attempt a take over now his troubles in SA seem to have eased considerably. Think he'll probably be trying to get support from the likes of Douglas Park and others.

    I believe he'll need special SFA permission (as it's within 5 years of an insolvency) but he should get that because he'd absolutely nothing to do with what went on with Whyte. Any thoughts ?

  8. According to the BBC just there, its a cherry picking of the areas of the SPL proposals that are acceptable to all. Single league body, financial redistribution and play offs it seems are back in play.

    Whilst the 12-12-18 is off the table.


    Funny how cherry picking was something abhorrent at the actual vote.


    I wouldn't bet against this 12-12-18 being brought back. The carrot being dangled to the wee diddy clubs was us in the 18 and the SPL parasites taking our TV money i.e. Rangers subsidising Scottish football.

    This must be resisted at all costs. Our new CEO will have his work cut out early doors and this will determine how big(or how little) a success he'll be.

  9. Remind me - who was in charge of LBG's Scottish business division when SDM 'sold' to Whyte ?

    Did they allow their footballing allegiances(and maybe religious & political too) to blackmail SDM into selling knowing full well what was likely to happen when Whyte got control ? certainly would have seemed to have helped their chosen club as things transpired did it not?

    Never trust these organisations because of their name.They're only as honest, transparent & trustworthy as who they choose to employ. Some good some not. We've found that out have we not?

  10. david murray bought rangers with 5 million of debt and sold it 22 years later with 14 million of debt.


    in that time he must have won 30 trophies and he transformed the stadium. though he had a great start to work with.


    his really only mistake if you allow for the fact we won the ebt case was selling to whyte and that was very very much challenged.


    challenged ? do you mean blackmailed ? you do know who was running LBG's Scottish business division at that time don't you?

    MIM had debts of £700m yet they seemed more concerned with Rangers' £18m debt. Wonder why?

  11. You and I are clearly light years apart with our opinions on this Rab. Not even on the same chapter, never mind the same page!


    There seems to be a lot of bashing of the old regime going on with this "blazers and brown brogues" patter and I won't support that at all. There were certainly times (like the Dick Advocaat era) when Murray allowed the club's debt to spiral out of control and obviously the whole EBT issue has proven to be a major problem, but for the most part, the club was being run reasonably well by the "Rangers men" Murray employed before Whyte arrived. The second Walter Smith era between Le Guen's departure and Whyte's arrival was a successful period for the club and the level of debt for a club the size of Rangers was peanuts. At one point during that period our debt level was lower than some of the smaller SPL clubs and we were still winning silverware!!


    I'm not advocating a strict 'jobs for the boys' policy, but the club needs leadership which the fans can trust and after the events of the past couple of years since Whyte arrived, I think Green & co are now going to have a major problem getting the full trust and support of the fans.


    At the end of the day, all the fans want is people running the club who are acting in the best interests of the club and if they come wearing blazers and brown brogues, then as far as I'm concerned that's fine. Just don't give anyone the keys whose surname is a f^*king colour!


    During the second walter era the debt reached £30m or so. LBG had taken over HBOS and were putting the squeeze on MIM throughout as its debt neared £700m. Getting put out by KAUNUS in 2008 blew a massive hole in the finances from which I don't think we ever really recovered during SDM's time.We thought nothing of paying out millions for players who were duds.

    We cannot return to these ways again. Higher performances targets must be set for the Rangers manager. Getting put out of Europe by Kaunus, Malmo, Maribor etc at the qualifiers must be a sacking offence for the manager. It wasn't under SDM but should now be. Will the blazers & brown brogues' enfore it? probably not.

    I thought CG & co when they arrived raised the bar more than a little to which some of the jobs-for-the-boys brigade wouldn't be able to handle. With CG gone I hope we have someone to take on our enemies at the sfa/spl & mhedia. As yet I cannot see anyone. Mentioning the return of Bain was frankly just about the last thing I wanted to hear.

  12. What I mean is he was forced out but for the club's sake isn't making a public fuss over it.


    Anyone who thinks we've heard the last from CG is badly deluded IMO. Unless him, IA & their investors sell up I believe we'll see some sort of takeover bid once this Craig Whyte nonsense is past.

  13. nothing would make an innocent man who wants to stay walk out of a job.


    he would just wait to be cleared by the inquiry. or wait to be sacked and win his industrial tribunal.




    Green was hounded out by those on the board who wanted him & his guys out. I'm just not convinced those left will be able to take the club forward as we hope. There's a 'jobs-for-life' mentality setting in now starting with the team manager

    Once this Craig Whyte nonsense is over (and nothing gets proven) I'm convinced we'll see a takeover of some sort. I'm sure CG has more investors on his side than MM.

  14. who are the blazers and brown brogues? if your talking about p murray, aj and bain as examples they have a shit load more experience than green and co. if you throw in dave king and d park its not even a competition.


    Bain? are you serious ? since when did a chef/male model qualify you as a Rangers Chief Exec.

  15. You would welcome Green, Ahmad & co coming in, sacking the board and Green being reinstated so that they continue with their plan for how to take as much money as possible out of our club and into their own pockets as possible? Why on earth would you welcome that? In fact, why would any Rangers fan welcome that?


    How do you know that for sure ? Rangers need to become a properly run business.If it mean investors getting their rewards so be it if we're successful on & off the park.

    What's your alternative ? continue as we once were ? let's bring back all the Rangers men in their blazers & brown brogues. Let's not care if we get put out 7 cups in 18months. As long as we've got 'RANGERS MEN' then who cares eh ? if the manager wastes money we'll borrow more until we get it right. Don't worry about what the bank says.

    We need a club run like a proper business where highly paid individuals are responsible for company performance. Who would most likely get that - CG and co or the blazers and brown brogues? I know who I think would. At present the £750k p.a. manager is failing miserably btw.

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