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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Surely the current SPL clubs have been told that there will be more TV money in order for them to agree to any sharing of funds with an SPL2. They are dying a death(we think) with what they've got now.


    Therefore, the only way to get those extra funds, is to have Rangers involved in the new league. Hence the reason for my previous questions.


    I don't believe for a minute SKY would offer up any extra cash for an SPL2 without our involvement.


    you may well be correct but how would we get fast-tracked into SPL2(or whatever it's to be called)?

    I'm still not sure why Milne & others were annoyed at St Mirren & Ross County for rejecting the 12-12-18.

    There's got to be something in this SKY deal only the chose few(Liewell, Petrie, Thompson, Milne) know about.

  2. and how do you suggest the SKY deal be sabotaged?


    Advise SKY we do not wish our games televised as we receive little or no money from them as a result of the stitch-up by the SPL/SFA cabal.

    Refuse to co-operate with SKY and deny them access to Ibrox.

    I actually believe SKY would sympathise with our plight & force change

  3. Like many others, I believe that we will receive an invitation to join a new 'Championship' and, like many others, I believe we should decline the invitation. If anyone really believes that the SFA/SPL, and all of our other enemies and detractors, are going to apologise (either publicly or privately) they are extremely naive. Any thought of the withdrawal of the unlawful transfer ban is also naive. Do you really believe that the likes of Regan, Doncaster, Lawwell, Thompson Petrie et al are suddenly going to bury the hatchet and let bygones be bygones. We have never been able to trust these people - certainly not over the past 2 years - so why do you think we can trust them now? If we are to stay in Scottish football - and that is inevitable in my view - then we must work our way back through the divisions - that is what sporting integrity means. It doesn't mean abandoning those that helped us when we were at our lowest ebb and assailed on all sides by the SFA and the SPL. If the Championship is formed and the current Div 1 clubs unilaterally resign their membership then we must support the SFL in its legal challenge whilst carefully considering our options in respect of TV rights etc.


    We won't get an invite. The cabal want us in the lowest division possible to allow Liewell's Sellik entry to CL every year. All they want us for is TV rights. This farce must be challenged and the SKY deal sabotaged

  4. Was it Scum FC who told the world that they have sold 42k season tickets this season?


    Absolutely nowhere near 42k season tickets sold. I've even heard it's just over half that figure.

    What Smith's report also doesn't mention is all the free tickets SPL clubs have been giving out this season. Motherwell & St Mirren for example if you buy one adult season ticket get three free kids season tickets.

  5. Rab

    Revenge - although due - will get us and Scottish football nowhere.

    Although we don't even have a vote in this, I'm all for flexing our collective muscle.

    However, the word "collective" raises another debate, and an age-old problem.

    That's a lot of the reasons why we are where we are.


    We cannot let these people walk all over us. They hate us but want us to subsidise them via a SKY deal which shows more of our games than theirs but which we get peanuts from. That is unfair and cannot continue. We must be prepared for a summer of battles with the football authorities in this country.

  6. I don't think he needs ten million to get out of Div2. I doubt he does either in all honesty. At the same time I don't think it's unreasonable for him to hope for a few million to invest in rebuilding the squad. Especially if that job's to be completed by the time we get back to the SPL. It's not his decision though and just like managers in all walks of life he'll spend the budget he's given.


    From the soundbytes he's been giving us since Green & Ahmad departed it seems as though he at least suspects his budget has been cut significantly for next season.


    How can budget be cut if he's talking about signing players for Sept 1st?

  7. The lawyer's letter quote is interesting. Cowdenbeath are one of the breakaway teams and Donald Findlay is no mug.

    However, I still don't think this is going anywhere.

    We might not have a vote, but everything depends on us.

    We are where the money comes from.

    I'm surprised that the rentamouths Gray and Hutton haven't been saying much.


    We might be where the money comes from but what control do we have over this ? it's the SKY money which we bring in. We need to sabotage this SKY deal with whatever it takes. Rangers must not subsidise Scottish football any longer after they showed us what they thought of us last year. Time for revenge on these people.

  8. I honestly don't think they will invite us. At no stage has any SPL club said that we would be doing anything other than working our way back up through the leagues.


    If I am proved wrong, I think we should refuse, so long as we are still regarded as guilty and the transfer embargo stands.


    they might not invite us but from a commercial viewpoint they can't do without us. Without our money they shouldn't be getting from the SKY deal they'd be up shitcreek............

    They're parasites in every sense of the word. Something needs done about this pronto. Longmuir needs to get his act together or the SFL will cease to exist altogether. Make no mistake the SPL are intent on being THE single league body in Scottish football. They must be stopped at all costs.

  9. You would think we are a charity the way these parasites come a-begging .


    We're seen as a soft touch. That is the problem. We had a CEO who was prepared to stand up for the club but he's gone now. I know nothing about Craig Mather but he's got one hell of a job on his hands I think. Rangers are subsidising the SPL parasites via the SKY deal and other commercial contracts. This has got to stop.

  10. Exactly so. If only there were a way of blocking this theft


    It's now a question of waiting & seeing what the rest of the SFL & Longmuir do now. Will they roll over and simply accept the SPL as the ruling body in Scottish football ? because if this goes thro' then the balance of power will have switched over to the SPL who'll have more clubs than the SFL. The SFL's existence may be under threat.

    I hope that the SFL may at long last grow a pair and sabotage the SKY deal which basically involves an SFL associate member club(Rangers) subsidising SPL clubs via the SKY deal whereby the SPL gets a disproportionate share of the TV money based on viewing figures. Will they let this continue ? They should tell the SPL(&their SFA partners in crime) they want to withdraw from the current SKY deal and renegotiate their own. Just see what would happen then.

  11. The Hamilton chairman was on the radio saying that a redistribution of wealth was crucial. Where is the wealth?

    If the existing SPL clubs do find that they can find some wealth to be redistributed amongst the lower league clubs, presumably Rangers should be included as a beneficiary!


    Where is the wealth ? that's an easy one. It's the TV money Rangers won't get. All these parasite clubs (such as Hamilton) are desperate to get their hands on it.

  12. What makes everyone so sure we're going to get an invite to SPL2 or whatever it's to be called? so long as the SPL have got our TV rights then I don't think they could give a damn what league we play in. It could be a sunday morning pub league for all they care about us.

    What I've been saying on here for ages is that reconstruction is all about Rangers subsidising the rest of scottish football via the SKY deal. If this SPL2 goes ahead without us then Longmuir's SFL needs to ensure that the SFL get a much greater share of the SKY deal. The only reason these SFL clubs are doing this is to get their hands on the more money the SPL promised them - subsidised by Rangers of course

  13. we need to realise if things go as they now appear to be going then by the time we return to the top the SPL (or whatever it'll be called by then) will be carnage. Let's be honest, the SPL clubs were bullied into voting us out by Liewell, Petrie, Thompson & whoever represents Aberdeen. From a business viewpoint it is absolute madness. They've no sponsor to replace the CB and who knows how much less their secretive TV deal pays. Without Rangers the SPL is one horse-race & a busted flush. It's not worth a monkeys.

    What mustn't be allowed to continue to happen though is Rangers subsidising the SPL via the TV deal when playing SFL teams. That money must remain in the SFL and Longmuir must get his finger out to do so. There won't be a merger of the 2 league bodies next season(it was actually a takeover) so all the more reason for the SFL to get a bigger share of TV money with Rangers in it & less money for the SPL. Sounds fair to me.

    The only way we could consider being fast-tracked to a new top division would be if very severe conditions were met. We'd all have strong opinion on these conditions I'm sure

  14. I'm sure Ally will be manager next season but he has to realise that the clock is ticking. There needs to be serious improvement to what we've watched this season or else he'll be gone by Christmas/ New Year when the embargo will be fully lifted. I'm one of those who believe a better manager would have got more out of the squad we had this season. There were players who were in contention for the SPL player of the season the previous season who looked totally out of place in this season's Rangers side. Why was that ? these players didn't suddenly become poor or mediocre players did they ?

    And Ally badly needs 3 or 4 good bosman signings this summer. He needs to identify positions which need strengthening i.e. CB & MF creativity and get players for those postions who'll improve things. What he musn't do is simply sign who's available like he did last summer.

  15. I've said before & I'll say again..................this is all about Rangers subsidising the rest of Scottish football. Reconstruction is a red herring. It's all about the SPhell taking over the SFL i.e. a takeover not a merger and gaining access to Rangers TV rights because SKY are unfortunately not in the least bit interested in televising the likes of SPL games such as ICT vs St Johnstone much longer.

    And here's an even bigger problem ......... SKY aren't interested in televising Rangers against SFL2 & SFL3 teams for much longer either. They want Rangers back in the top division playing against the Dhims, Hertz, Abergreen etc. And today's meeting of the SPhell chairmen produced nothing definitive because they haven't got the balls to go back and give SKY any concrete plans for next season in case SKY try to renegotiate the existing secretive deal (which no one except Liewell & his trusted allies like Petrie & Thompson get to see) or they walk away altogether. There will be get-out clauses and such like in this deal.

    What happens now is we'll try to muddle along until the new season starts and hope SKY stay onboard (because SKY are the biggest financial contributor to Scottish football) and maybe throw in a couple of play-offs which frankly SKY will probably laugh at. If not the bottom falls out of Scottish football (or the SPL go bust)and all 42 clubs get allocated leagues to play in by the SFA. (hopefully Regan not involved)

    Scottish football is doomed ah tell ye. DOOMED

  16. On point one ............we were blackmailed. Green had very little choice as we were in no position to make any demands.

    On point two...... no they didn't. They did not prove the cash funding despite being asked to do so several times.

    And your third point is just ridiculous. They could not have an asset sale for several reasons. One of the main reasons being that they were trying to sell the club as a going concern.

    Various so called "Rangers men" did nothing when we needed them most.

    And frankly the treatment in the last few weeks of those who did step up to the plate has been disgraceful.


    There are too many trying to get involved in this power struggle who did nothing when they had their chance last year.

    And sadly that includes Walter.


    Well said mate. Couldn't agree more with what you said there. Pity others can't or won't see it.

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