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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. No. The fact that an individual did something illegally to acquire shares does not absolve the company of any subsequent actions. The owning of shares and decisions by directors are 2 separate things.


    if Whyte gets convicted then surely Rangers were victims of a crime & yet got punishments from the SFA & SPL. A bit like a house break-in & the homeowner gets charged as opposed to the house-breaker.

    The part I find most interesting is whether or not the SFA knew Whyte was committing a crime by not paying PAYE/NI and took no action. As a governing body should they not have done something ? Surely oldco shareholders would have a case there if it can be proven the SFA knew about this ? negligence ?

    Not to mention the SFA's fit & proper persons requirements for which Whyte would have surely failed and wouldn't have got Rangers in the first place. I simply don't buy Regan's alleged claim he knew nothing about Whyte's background until Daly's documentary in Oct2011.

  2. I guess we will be open to charges of bringing the game into disrepute and they may be able to take away our licence. I don't know this for certain but I would pretty much think we are tied up to doing things their way. If the shoe was on the other foot we would also be shouting to have another teams licence taken away.


    we are dealing with people who, last summer, were doing their utmost to put us out of business altogether. I cannot & will not forget that and will never forgive these people for as long as I live. I want revenge on these people & their clubs and the most obvious way is to sabotage their income from SKY as they would be seriously damaged without it. They can keep their SKY deal but we want no part of it. No televised Rangers games thank you. See how much SKY will pay then. Not a lot I'd think

  3. A single test case, if funded by the RFFF (and or other shareholders) like you suggest it would basically be a non-class action class action if you know what I mean.


    No idea what you mean. Can you explain ? would oldco shareholders be able to sue SFA and/or SPL as a result of punishments handed out?

  4. I think fair redistribution is a good thing.

    However Craig has a very valid point in that there needs to be an even fairer system than that being proposed. It's a simple matter to make the increments less between SPL2 and 3 clubs and SPL1.

    With regards to governance, I'm sure that this will end up being a nastier and dumber version of the SPL. I don't see the smaller clubs surviving.

    Then there's the question of how Rangers fans will view it. How will it appear to them with so many having SKY subscriptions but the Club getting a pittance compared to - say - Raith Rovers - who might manage 50 subscribers. How would that affect away ticket sales in the future?

    By far the best move here would be for Scottish football to get Rangers fans on board again. Anything else, and the game will slowly die from its own venom.


    Absolutely no chance of Scottish football getting Rangers fans on board again. Scottish football is made up of hate-filled anti-Rangers zealots who only want us for the money we bring to Scottish football. They also want us playing in the lowest division possible. I want revenge on these people as it's the only language these cretins understand. For starters let's do all we can to destroy the SKY deal. Request SKY not to include us for starters and advise them there'll be no access to Ibrox. See how that goes down.

  5. ''Play offs certainly give you more to sell ?


    Ha Ha this guy's brilliant. Get me a ticket when he's next in town.

    No one is interested in two bob clubs whose usual home attendance is around the 1000 mark. The only people interested in these games are those who will go to that game. Does this halfwit not get that ? these are parasite clubs leeching off the Rangers TV money.

    Have they a sponsor to replace the CB yet? And if they do how much less will they pay? And what do SKY make of all this ? looks much the same to me apart from a few wee teams in play-offs. That'll certainly get the viewing figures up - NOT. What if SKY want to renegotiate given the fact that it's pretty much the same dross ? how will the financial promises be kept ?

  6. plenty of questions still to be answered


    what will new governing body be called ? will all 42 clubs be full members including us ? who will be in charge ?

    is there really an £11m SPL debt? will it be one club one vote ? who are sponsors ? how will SKY deal be affected ?


    many more I'm sure

  7. Ever since that toytown parliament sprung up at Holyrood it has provided the anti-Rangers two bob politicians in Scotland with another means to attack Rangers Football Club and its supporters. Every slightest little incident involving us gets maximum publicity via their stooges in the mhedia but meanwhile over the other side support for outlawed terrorist organisations gets played down or not reported at all. Mulholland QC the solicitor general for Scotland (or whatever he is) goes to their games. Does he find this support acceptable ? I believe we should be told as the late John Junor would have said

    Their bigotry towards us is overlooked but anything shown towards them is highly publicised.

    And who can forget the incident at Annan Station earlier this season when arriving Rangers supporters were made to queue in single file & give their name and address before going to the game. I wasn't there but it reminded me of Schindlers List in many ways. What next ? Will holyrood insist all Rangers supporters are to have a blue square on their forehead so as to identify them ?

    Oh and btw howcome just about everyone in the Scottish legal profession seems to be RC nowadays? and they're well-represented in the media too. Perhaps over-represented? Or am I just paranoid.

    If the independence result is YES would the last person leaving the Jacobite republic please put out the lights before it goes bust like the Celtic tiger across the water emperor Salmond used to lavish such praise on.

  8. can't disagree with that...however, if we can't get it right @ a local level, what chance is there of is being successful on a global scale???


    Fully agree. Classic example is Northern Ireland. How many Rangers-supporting young players have left there to join English clubs which we apparently missed out on or weren't aware of. Most obvious example just now Jonny Evans. Plenty others past & present

  9. Lets start with a decent LOCAL scouting system, then expand on that....


    Agree with you but I'm not convinced that in this country we can produce the players we once did any more. No idea why but when you see the number of non-Scots at all Scottish clubs I think you'll see what I mean. Think that's why we need a global scouting network

  10. Nobody could seriously expect to win the title the first year we're back. This whole issue has put Septic well ahead of us I would say, so winning the title will require a bit more than just playing in the according league.


    Septic are far from invincible. This year's SPhell has shown that(7 DEFEATS ?). Don't forget that despite that despite all their alleged wealth they only seem to make signings in the £1m - £2m price range. That shouldn't be out of our range too when we get back there providing we make the right signings

  11. Talking about getting bang for your buck as far as advertising goes, look at these crowd figures ...


    Crowd figures for the weekend of 4/5 May 2013


    Rangers vs Berwick Rangers - 50,048



    Dun. Utd. vs St. Johnstone - 6,437

    ICT vs Motherwell - 3,857

    Hearts vs St. Mirren - 16,312

    Ross County vs Celtic - 5,873

    Dundee vs Aberdeen - 6,441

    Kilmarnock vs Hibs - Not Reported

    ( Fan illness )


    Total ( not incl. Killie crowd ) - 38,920


    SFL Div. 1

    Dumbarton vs Partick Thistle - not reported

    Dunfermline vs Airdrie - 4,624

    Falkirk vs Morton - 3,179

    Hamilton vs Cowdenbeath - 1,434

    Livingston vs Raith Rovers - 650


    Total - 9,887


    Supposing we estimate 4000 for each of Killie & Dumbarton games - we have ...

    - 8,000

    - 9,887

    - 38,920


    Total for SPL & SFL 1 - 56,807

    Total for Div. 3 champs - 50,048

    So both leagues, SPL & SFL 1, only topped Rangers by about 10%.

    What was that about SPL 2 ... ?


    And don't forget about all the free SPL tickets that SPL clubs have been dishing out to falsify attendances. Week in week out this appears to happen. Hertz crowd yesterday was because the ticket prices were slashed(not that it'll do them much good when the Lithuanian administrators take over)

    Also I've even heard that at StMirren & Motherwell where an adult buys a season ticket they can get as many as three free child season tickets. Totally unsustainable IMO

  12. Any potential sponsor and TV companies who need advertising revenue will pressurise the SPL people to invite Rangers back and they are unlikely to ignore such a demand.

    I suspect that the SPL crowd will come up with some fudge followed by an invitation to Rangers to join a SPL2.

    Surely, we would decline. Firstly, because this will let down the SFL people, who helped us out but do we really want to be in a hurry to associate with the very people who only recently tried hard to rob Rangers of legitimately won titles. It is a certainty that the condition of the SPL will be weaker at the end of next season and Rangers can negotiate from a position of strength and when our situation at the club is more stable.


    you make good points there but would we accept an invitation if certain conditions were met such as Regan & Doncaster being forced to resign ? And a full enquiry into the disgraceful 5 way agreement last summer? we cannot allow Liewell to continue to destroy Scottish football. If an invitation was offered I believe we'd accept under certain conditions.

  13. That would IMHO amount to "match fixing" in club terms ... and should be brought to the attention of UEFA. Add the naughty graphic about the Scum's hand in all things Scottish football and they will start to wonder what happens north of Hadrian's Wall these days.


    Of course, should this happen, the SFL and/or Rangers should sue the SPL (illegal bans, retention of price money et al) and the SFA ... so they get barred from European footy.


    It is a mystery to me why we haven't pursued the SFA/SPL a lot more than we have regards illegal embargoes,retention of prize money etc. People looking in at Scottish football from the outside must wonder what the hell is going on.

  14. IMHO there is no legal or reasonable way to fast-track us back. And IMHO no-one at Rangers, management, support or staff will want to get fast-tracked back either.


    These people clutch at straws and are prepared to wreck the whole Scottish setup. I wonder when the SFA will step in, for if this comes to a head, we might end up with two league setups in one country with good shouts for European football et al. The current SFL and its board has done nothing wrong.


    but Regan & Liewell's SFA are in cahoots with Doncaster & Liewell's SPL. Together the whole thing is corrupt with the aim of total power for the SFA/SPL and the SFL is finished.

  15. Could have been a legend, i believe he was given very bad advise from his Celtic supporting representatives.


    Bridge Litigation ? Is the part of their website about representing the SPFA still under reconstruction ? wonder why.

    These five players may well end up losing a lot of money if the TUPE case goes against them.

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