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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. As Aberdeen release 11 players the nightmare is about to unfold across all SPL clubs (except you-know-who) as they attempt to replace their released players with ones of a similar standard or better. That will be just about impossible as the players they'll be trying to recruit will be offered lower wages than the ones they're replacing as the clubs get used to having less money to share amongst themselves following the reconstruction /playoffs and financial redistribution farce. The SPL standard will undoubtedly plummet over the next few years.

    Do you still think the SPL is 'booming' Mr Doncaster ?

  2. In respect of the original question, HMRC didn't "allow" Rangers/Whyte not to pay PAYE. They would have started chasing it actively after a few months. There would probably have discussed payment schedules and would have possibly been promised payments that weren't forthcoming.


    They would initially look at the company's payment record and not sit down and analyse who the various directors are.


    I don't think there's some sort of conspiracy as some seem to imply.


    I think they'd have started chasing in a lot less than a few months for unpaid PAYE/NI. And somehow can't see Whyte discussing payment schedules for anything. He pays for nothing - look at his Highland Castle !!!!

    Analyse who the directors were ? he got shot of them all so they wouldn't see what he was doing !!!!!!!

    I think HMRC have more than a few questions to answer regards Whyte IMO.

  3. I wouldn't blame HMRC either. I would say a number of people knew what was going on or had suspicions at the time and I think more could've been done. But like other posts have already said most of it what happened was preplanned by Whyte.


    Your spot on more could have been done . Done by HMRC for starters and when did the SFA, who are supposed to be the governing body of Scottish Football, know about Whyte's non-payment? If Traynor & Jackson advised them in October2011 what did they do about it ? were they influenced too? by Regan's old buddy at the SFA who used to work with him at Coors maybe?

    I'm not sure this was preplanned by Whyte either who was/is a kamikaze businessman who was relying on an early BTC verdict after he took over after which if Rangers won he'd sell Rangers(and make himself a profit) or put Rangers into administration if we lost & blame SDM for that. It never quite worked out the way he'd planned I think

  4. so it all depends when he stopped paying. say he paid a quarter in august. then sept oct nov so we are due snov thats missed next payment is feb. thats when they put us in admin.


    maybe as soon as the second payment wasn't paid.


    The point is even if payments were made quarterly he was at least 2 ( probably 3) payments behind. Yet HMRC did nothing ? They knew all about Whyte's background & history yet did nothing at all.

  5. Almost every CA I've spoken to has said what he did is unheard of. To be simply be late for one month normally gets HMRC sending out nasty letters to companies warning of the consequences. Be late again & they're likely to pay a visit and go thro' the company's accounts.

    Yet Whyte went 4 or 5 months(maybe 6 months?) and paid over not a penny. We now know he used this money to run Rangers becausae he'd none of his own. Why did HMRC take no action? Was there a sinister reason? Was it because they knew they'd lose the BTC and needed Rangers to run up a debt ? Were they influenced by a former labour cabinet minister(now in the Lords) who pulled the strings & used his contacts in HMRC to create as much damage as possible to Rangers ?

    Of course there's the Regan's SFA too. At what point did they know about Whyte's non-payments ? And what action did they take? As the governing body of Scottish football didn't they have a responsibility to do something ? I've never bought Regan's alleged clain he knew nothing about Whyte til Daly's documentary.

    As many who've read my posts on here will probably know I'm convinced everything that happened before/after Whyte was a massive set up involving various well-known,well-connected individuals all with a hatred of Rangers.

  6. Hope Alexander stays because he's a better keeper IMO than Cammy Bell whom I've grave reservations about. However Alexander would clearly be unable to continue to get his £13k pw or whatever he's on & would need to accept less

  7. Oh yes, it's one of the points/questions I always raise, RangerRab. One of the key things that need to be cleared up and recompensed/brought to justice. I was merely answering the "fit and proper" thing - it did not actually exist in any meaningful form as an SFA or SPL requirement. I know that sounds crazy but then this is Scottish Football............


    Being a fit & proper person IS in the SFA'a articles of association. They reserve the right to determine whether a person is or not. At the time of Whyte's takeover AJ was most vociferous in his opposition to Whyte. One wonders why the SFA did not take action at that time & investigate Whyte further.Did someone tell them not to ?

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