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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Bet their bank managers are missing us though. How much are the Sheep in debt ? Was it £11m last I heard ?
  2. I've always maintained what happened to us before & after Whyte came along was orchestrated by someone in a position of power & influence who had deep-rooted hatred of Rangers who collaborated with similar people in HMRC & LBG to cripple Rangers both financially & commercially aided by mhedia puppets who would spin any story they were told to do so. If the truth eventually does comes out (and Reid would certainly be my no1 suspect) then I do fear for the consequences of this nation of ours in which life for some may never be the same again.

    This season

    I'm still think we're not good enough defensively. I think we'll continue to look like a side who'll concede goals. I'd say Ally probably waiting to see what the situation is with Goian & Bocanegra but if they do go then signing a couple of central defenders in January is a must if we're to go all the way in the league cup & scottish cup.
  4. I'm convinced this has all to do with the mysterious SKY deal no one has seen except Dumbcaster & Liewell. It would appear SKY contractually had one year without OF games but were persuaded to accept two years following Dumbcaster & Liewell's infamous London trip last summer. The only condition was that Rangers had to put back into the top division after two years hence the failed reconstruction nonsense we've had. Every effort may well now be made to put us into some sort of SPL2 which should be rejected. Give the cabal a straight choice: top division or SFL2. If top division then registration embargo lifted immediately & full voting rights restored. And apologies from the SFA/SPL would be in order too.
  5. We've not been offered anything yet have we ? all just pure speculation in my opinion.
  6. people such as Spiers would have everyone believe bigotry is a one-way street.
  7. Will there actually be an SPL2 next season & will we get an invite ? think we have to consider this first & foremost
  8. What people needs to understand is that what went on last summer i.e. everything directed at us has changed Scottish football forever. Our relationship with the SPL/SFA & most bigger clubs will never be the same again.
  9. Y ou have to consider things from a commercial viewpoint however. The business needs to be in the top division ASAP
  10. Your comparison with a house sale is nonsense. Your solicitor and/or the seller's solicitors would check out the source of funds & whether acceptable or not. £18M may be peanuts to a bank but that is not the point. They have a legal obligation to determine whether or not the source of these funds is legitimate or not i.e. it could have been laundered money
  11. From a commercial viewpoint, playing in the lower divisions is disadvantageous i.e. the business would earn more money if it were in the top division. You also need to remember that the season after next our league position would get us a european place in either the CL or Europa for the following season. Not being in the top division would mean we'd need to get to the SC final to have a chance of a european place(not guaranteed). That's why I think we may have to bite the bullet & accept an SPL2 invite if one is offered. We need to get back to playing in Europe ASAP because that's where we need to be from a financial viewpoint.
  12. It's all starting to make sense to me now. The SKY deal only allowed us to be out the top division for one season but Liewell & Doncaster managed to persuade SKY to allow an extra year and they'd get us there via reconstruction after two seasons. That's why no one is getting to see this mysterious SKY contract. Their only problem is what happens if we don't agree to this & ask to remain in SFL2. That's why I say we should take this opportunity to seek retribution on those who tried to put us out of business last summer. We'd accept SPL2 but on our terms.
  13. Not sure that would have happened D'Art if they'd got their 12-12-18 (the two 12's going to three 8's). I'm sure they'd have tried to put us & QOS into the middle 12.
  14. 1. Registration embargo lifted immediately 2. Full enquiry into 5 way agreement 3. Full & unequivocal apology for all that went on last summer 4. Full & unambiguous signed statement from all SPL chairmen that Rangers aren't a new club 5. Last season's SPL prize money paid in full. 6. SFA to seek reduced Euro ban if Whyte found to have got club illegally 7. Full voting rights restored
  15. which is why we need to consider SPL2(if offered) so we're in the top division in 2014/15 when we'd be going for a Euro place in 2015/16
  16. Are things not becoming more & more obvious now ? remember last summer when Dumbcaster & Liewell went to negotiate with SKY ? If rumours are true then SKY's original contract stated either of the OF could only be out of the top division for one season. It looks like Liewell & Dumbcaster managed to persuade SKY to extend that to 2 seasons meaning league reconstruction would see us put into the second tier (the new SPL2?) for next season hoping we'd get promoted in one season back to the top. Is that why they're keeping this SKY deal secret?
  17. That's because there's only one show in town. Even the dhims acknowledge that
  18. Of course they're corrupt but I want Rangers to become Scottish champions again as soon as possible. As I said earlier it's not good for us commercially to be in the lower divisions. If we were offered SPL2 then I'd be in favour of acceptance under strict conditions. such as removal of the transfer embargo & a full investigation into the 5way agreement for starters
  19. What 'massive tax debt hanging over it' do you mean? it was a fictitious debt which never existed. HMRC are yet to win an EBT case. EBT's were perfectly legal until the tax loop was closed. As for LBG ? C'mon don't you think the police will be quizzing them about how Whyte got Rangers ? were they quite happy to accept the £18m 'no questions asked' which he got from ticketus ? why were LBG so concerned about Rangers when MIH had much more greater debt ? I'm sure Fullerton & Kane could answer that one. As for HMRC then that's what happens when THEY get into positions in this type of government organisation. THEY cannot be trusted & never will be. THEY are what THEY are.
  20. Don't get me wrong I'd like to have certain conditions met prior to us agreeing to join like having full voting rights restored. Apologies from certain individuals at certain clubs might be required too.
  21. no chance of that. It would have been spent long ago by the corrupt SPL cabal
  22. I realise I'm in a minority on here but I want Rangers back up to the top division as quickly as possible by whatever means. From a commercial viewpoint playing in the lower divisions is no good for us. If we're offered this then I believe we should accept. We need to remember too that the season after next (providing we get promoted)we'd be going for a league position that would get us a european place in either the CL or Europa the following season.
  23. The biggest question however is just how Whyte managed to get Rangers. I just don't believe SDM got duped. I believe LBG played a big part in this sale and we know who was in charge of their Scottish business division at that time. That said I also believe Whyte's colourful business history should have been easy enough to find out about & the takeover should never have happened. Had the SFA done their job properly then all of what occurred could have been prevented. Was someone in the SFA influencing things ? A certain individual known for his penchant for bogus Japanese tours ?
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