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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Why not? same scenario to us last year IMO
  2. Not clear cut? looks very clear to me. Parent company UBIG is bankrupt. SFL3 for hertz
  3. Rangers FC weren't liquidated. The oldco's assets (including the club,stadium & MP) were sold to Charles Green's newco after the CVA got rejected. The oldco is an empty corporate shell in the process of being liquidated which will take years. Hertz are in a similar situation. The parent company UBIG (which is bankrupt) owns the assets i.e. Hertz & the stadium. These assets will need to be sold to a newco (if anyone wishes to buy them)
  4. if they're bust they must newco & go to the lowest tier. That was the precedent set with us last summer.
  5. If their parent company UBIG is bust then they'll need a new parent company i.e. newco. Why then aren't they being sent to SFL3 (or whatever the bottom tier will soon be called) like we were ? why is no one from Rangers asking such questions ?
  6. How many more times? Sevco5088 doesn't & never did own Rangers. Sevco Scotland bought Rangers & its assets. Whyte had nothing to do with either company unless you want to believe in forged documents. Do you seriously believe D&P would have allowed Rangers to be bought by a company which involved Whyte after the SFA gave him a life ban?
  7. Anyone still think the corrupt SFA doesn't have an agenda against us ? Regan is liewell's puppet in the SFA & Dumbcaster is liewell's puppet in the SPL. They do as instructed. The whole set up in Scottish football is rotten to the core. Unless we're prepared to confront these people head on it will be this way for years to come. Let's get with Longmuir's SFL & set up a new league & invite applicants. A revolt is needed and now is the time
  8. The police are bound to have asked Ken Olverman why PAYE/NI wasn't paid i.e. whose decision was it to withhold these payments. I think we know the answer
  9. I'd reckon Ally is in the third & final year of his contract which Martin Bain gave him just before Whyte arrived on the scene. At some point this season I'd think the club would need to say whether he's getting a new contract or not
  10. But are the club still pursuing these players for breaking their contracts? does anyone know?
  11. has the club made a recent statement as to whether we're still seeking compensation ?
  12. All players were sent recorded delivery letters. I'd presume they detailed the above.
  13. Think we're getting away from OP and whether we'll get any compensation for these traitors. Whether they complied with TUPE laws is the question when they all jumped ship
  14. Ah well that's one MSP & three MP's who are Rangers supporters representing scottish constituencies. Not very many is it?
  15. That's what I mean. The onus is on the employee if they want object and they only have a limited timescale to do so.
  16. I can assure you I have a signed contract with the company I work for as well. I've TUPE'd over three times too and haven't signed a new contract yet. What country do you live in?
  17. I'm not sure he's Rangers supporter just that Ibrox is in his constituency.
  18. Wrong. The players were sent recorded delivery letters advising them about the newco. What more were they expected to do?
  19. No you don't. I TUPE'd over at the beginning of last year in my job and signed no new contract
  20. the onus is on the employee to reject the transfer. The employer doesn't need to do anything. All players were sent recorded delivery letters advising them of the transfer from oldco to newco as I recall.
  21. Be like me then & be very selective in who you vote for. I'd never vote a candidate with C****c associations. We should know by now what happens when they get in. Look at Glasgow City Council or Monklands. Other than MSP Murdo Fraser & MP Brian Donohoe I can think of no other prominent MP or MSP representing a scottish constituency who supports Rangers. Can anyone name any others?
  22. good win but too little too late. Defeats home & away against a poor Wales side has cost dearly. The fact is Scotland don't score enough goals at the highest level and can't win when they need to. I can't see Strachan changing that although not really much he'll be able to do about it.
  23. Hearts are about to go bust with no assets. When will the SPL/SFA realise this and what are they going to do ? SPL3 was the precedent set last summer. We'll see you again Hertz - SOMETIME !!!!
  24. Are we still going after them for breaking their contracts ? Wasn't it the case some or all of them had received wages from newco thus they'd effectively TUPE'd over to newco? Anyone know what's happening?
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