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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Sooooo pleased about this. We don't need to give out freebies or close stands. WATP
  2. do you think these figures are too high or too low? my opinion is that the Rangers manager should earn more only if he has a successful season.
  3. We were seriously short in MF after losing an entire MF after Davis, Edu etc all left. There was an opportunity if ever there was one for youngsters to come in & take their chance but Ally has now added both Law & Peralta so clearly he think the MF needs strengthened after last season when we totally failed to control MF in too many games. I'd tend to agree with him.
  4. wonder how none at Ibrox ? surely something will get arranged
  5. I think players will leave before the end of August. The most notable ones being Goian & Bocanegra. Also following the recent signings I wouldn't be surprised if the likes of Perry & Hutton left too as they don't look Rangers class to me. Some of the youngsters not getting a game going out on loan might not be too bad an idea too. I hear certain SPL sides are short of players after cost-cutting forced them to ditch a number of players at the end of last season. If we loaned out youngsters it would allow us to assess them at a higher level & give a better idea whether they'd make it or not
  6. have we no pre-season friendlies at ibrox?
  7. We need to realise that not all the youngsters who played last season will make it with Rangers. In my opinion only one or two will still be with us when we get back to the top and to be brutally honest I'm not convinced some of the youngsters made the most of their opportunities last season. They'll find it much harder to get into the side next season after the signings Ally has made
  8. Even if hertz exit administration via a CVA what will the new owners be getting ? a club with no money which has lost its best players over the past year which will almost certainly get relegated at the end of the season to a division where promotion will not be guaranteed the following season with Rangers in it that division.
  9. The fact is that the Sectarianism Industry has provided a platform to attack Rangers for fading, no mark journalists & two bob politicians who gleefully accept this to vent their ant-Rangers bigotry. The fact that the response from both us(the support) hasn't always been what it might have been has allowed this 'industry' to gather momentum at times(against us)
  10. my point is mate how do we destroy the liewell-led cabal before it totally destroys Scottish football?
  11. Like it or not we need to rebuild friendships with other Scottish sides if we're to smash the Liewell-led cabal which is destroying Scottish football. Hearts, being the 3rd biggest club in Scotland, would be a good start along with Dunfermline who are another biggish club. If we can add the likes of Motherwell,Dundee & Killie then who knows maybe even a breakaway league could be set up, which would need to allow for some sort of financial amnesty, and we could take the fight directly to the cabal
  12. There's been too many people paid too much money who haven't delivered in recent years. Performance related pay would stop that
  13. In my opinion(if true) Ally is getting £750k p.a. Once we return to the top division however should the manager's salary be performance related ? for example BASIC: £400K LEAGUE WINNERS: £300K bonus SCOTTISH CUP : £200K bonus LEAGUE CUP : £100K bonus IN EUROPE AFTER XMAS : £200K bonus If we won the treble & we were still in Europe beyond new year he'd get £1.2m p.a. His coaching staff would be paid this way too. Anyone think this a better way than simply paying £750k p.a - £1m p.a regardless of how successful the team is?
  14. I simply do not understand why the club do not give this fading, no mark excuse for a journalist a life ban from Ibrox and also give THE HERALD an indefinite ban until such time that an unreserved apology is issued by them. Spiers claims to have been a Rangers supporter in his early days. Well he most certainly is not one now. He is most firmly in the pocket of the dark side as far as I'm concerned. I've often thought he was touting himself for some sort of media position at the girodome should such a postion ever become available. It seems to have passed him by that the SFA, SPL, UEFA, ECA & most recently the ASA all recognise Rangers as the same club. What makes Spiers think they're all wrong & he's right ? He is part of a group within the corrupt scottish media who seem to take it in turns to attack us often making the most outrageous statements & claims that any sane publication would not dream of publishing. Well now is the time for CEO Mather to grow a pair & make an example of Spiers & this newspaper no Rangers supporter should ever consider buying. Prove you're not Bain in disguise. Over to you Craigie boy.
  15. Scottish football's problem is that there are too many senior clubs. 42 is a ridiculous number for a country the size of Scotland the majority of which are wee clubs who'd be better off playing in the junior & amateur leagues. Two professional leagues of 10 or 12 (div1 & div2)would be sufficient. As for this Lowland league I fail to see what it brings to the game in Scotland other than even more wee clubs with dillusions of grandeur and a begging bowl.
  16. They're either extremely poor journalists/reporters or they're at it. They're pushing their luck as they know they'll get away with it. As I said previously the BBC is largely unaccountable & does what it likes
  17. BBC Scotland is an organisation which is largely unaccountable & does what it likes(giving daly a BAFTA for a documentary which made allegations which have since been disproved is one such example). Unless the actions of these individuals within BBC Scotland who have been peddling the 'new club' line are monitored from now on & disciplined by BBC Scotland if they fail to abide by this ruling then we'll be back to square one. Unfortunately I feel this judgement will have little effect on these determined, bigotted individuals who have a grievance against us for whatever reasons(and we know who they are). I trust Mr Traynor will be keeping a close eye on proceedings & will take further action if required
  18. When are next season's fixtures due out ? will Hearts & Dunfermline be included ? both might not be able to start the season let alone finish it
  19. I wouldn't believe a word of what Ian Blair says. We have previous with him. They need us for the money we bring but want us in the lowest league possible to allow Celtic a clear run at the title for as many seasons as possible. If we were associate members in the SFL I'd guess we'll be associate members in this new league whatever it's to be called
  20. Ukios owns Hertz plus the assets i.e. stadium. Ukios is insolvent so I'd presume the lithuanian administrators would need to sell its assets including hertz & tynecastle. However I don't see how hertz cannot be anything other than insolvent too. It can't pay staff or tax. Even if it got into administration how would it even be able to afford a pennies in the pound settlement on top of salaries & tax ?
  21. The notion that we have some sort of affiliation with Hertz is laughable to put it mildly. I've worked thro' in Edinburgh and the majority of their supporters hate us.
  22. the lower divisions in Scottish football have always been able to field trialists as far as I can remember.Don't see why anyone is getting upset about this.
  23. Eh no Frankie that's not what happens. Remember last summer Dunfermline had finished bottom of the SPL & got relegated & we went to SFL3. Second placed Dundee in the SFL took our place in the SPL. So by rights Morton would get into the top division(they finished 2nd in SFL1) taking the place of hertz and Dundee would stay relegated. That would be fair wouldn't it?
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