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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. what amazes me is us Rangers supporters continue to elect politicians at all levels who despise our club & were actively trying to put it out of business altogether last summer. Until we're vigilant in whom we elect we'll go on getting this sort of treatment dished out to us. My response is simply to find out what you can about your local politicians. Do what I do. If they've any association with the east end mob don't vote for them.
  2. Thought king won his battle with SARS?
  3. Would like to see us scoring more goals. Maybe with a few more games that'll happen.
  4. No one with half a business brain in their head would commit to a 9 year TV deal. Surely this isn't correct ?
  5. If we want to do something about this it's dead easy - cancel all SKY Sports/BT sports subscriptions and don't watch any televised Rangers game on these channels. Once viewing figures go into meltdown the satellite TV broadcasters will either pull out altogether or pay the SPFL much less. Rangers get little or none of this money so it won't affect us.
  6. Currently does that get you every game home & away ? The difference in this Benfica TV deal is that it's for resident supporters not just for overseas
  7. I cannot & will not accept Rangers being called cheats because we used a perfectly legal tax avoidance scheme used by thousands of UK companies. The cheating implication put out on numerous occasions by journalists & media organisations yet Rangers took little or no action. Very disappointing indeed. The other major untruth was that debts acrued during the Advocaat era led to the financial collapse of the oldco. They did not. Whyte not paying over PAYE/NI caused a debt resulting in HMRC refusing a CVA. The debt when PLG became manager stood at £6m which was well done from the £80m or so previously.
  8. Doesn't make sense does it i.e. interview two people for same job & one doesn't want it . If true, will Longmuir reveal all regards the top secret TV contract ?
  9. Was rumoured some time ago Doncaster was leaving as he had a job down south. Perhaps true after all. However can't see much difference to us if indeed Longmuir has got the job. Liewell, Thompson & Fraser will call the shots helped by their Alloa chum.
  10. Legal action should be taken where there is a blatant anti-Rangers agenda by publishing or broadcasting inaccurate or unsubstantiated articles with the aim of damaging Rangers Football Club. There is a world of difference between banning free speech & banning someone from an organisation or publication who has written or broadcast something which they know isn't true but they go ahead regardless knowing no action will result in pursuit of their agenda That is why no mark journos such as English, Spiers & Keevins and BBC Scotland, the Daily Rhebel & Radio Snyde have continued their relentless onslaught over these past few years
  11. If a so-called journalist writes something about Rangers who is blatantly not true then the CEO should take legal action against the so-called journalists and his/her newspaper. Spiers effectively called Rangers cheats over the BTC yet no action was taken. Why ?
  12. Fan ownership isn't always the answer. Barca are held up as an example of fan ownership but have got huge debts. Maybe they'll get by with debts like that but a club like hertz wouldn't if the fans tried to operate the club outwith its means
  13. The club needs to increase its revenues wherever it can. I don't understand for example why the Albion Car Park isn't used to earn extra revenue outside matchdays. Why not build some sort of events arena next to it which could use the car park ?
  14. the fact is we've got few players anyone would want to give them the salaries they get at Rangers. That's why we'll struggle to move players out the door
  15. I was reading this morning that Benfica Supporters can now subscribe to all Benfica home games for 10 Euros per month via a couple of portuguese tv channels. Isn't this the sort of deal we should be looking at to maximise revenues ? this would particularly appeal to Rangers supporters overseas would it not?
  16. Very much doubt if anything of the sort exists in this country. We've still got so-called journos & broadcasters claiming we cheated, had players we couldn't afford etc. What they can't accept is the only crime that was committed was Whyte not paying PAYE/NI and it'll be really interesting to see what the Insolvency service (or whatever they're called) come up with .Hopefully they'll be asking questions like why HMRC allowed this to go on for as long as they did & when the SFA knew and why they took no action.
  17. Both English & Spiers should be banned from Ibrox with immediate effect.
  18. Regardless of who does what & who appointed them it is vital we see a drastic improvement on the park this season. Some of what we had to endure last season must not be repeated next season otherwise Ally will not last until the New Year. In an ideal situation there would be no 'jobs for the boys' but in football a manager will always want his own backroom staff whom he can trust. However that is not to say the credentials of some of the recent backroom staff at Rangers haven't been questionable, particularly in the scouting roles.
  19. I thought there already was a police investigation into Whyte's takeover at Rangers? Is this another one by the Insolvency service? won't they both just come to the same conclusion i.e. Whyte duped ticketus into giving him money to pay off Rangers debt to Fullerton & Kane at LBG so as he got ownership of Rangers? don't give me the nonsense his business background wasn't known about. SDM got plenty warning prior to Whyte getting control (AJ & Bain to name two) but went ahead with this deal regardless. Why was that ? That is what should be getting investigated as a priority. Does anyone seriously believe SDM got 'duped' as he put it ? I don't. Does anyone believe that he was blackmailed into selling to whyte? That's what should be getting investigated IMO. After that they might want to turn their attention to HMRC & find out why they pursued a fictitious tax bill on a perfectly legal tax avoidance scheme used by thousands of UK companies. Did a former lhabour cabinet minister who now sits in the Lords use his political influence on HMRC to do this which effectively crippled Rangers making it unsellable until you-know-who came along?
  20. Quite honestly the Daily Rhebel should have been banned from Ibrox long ago along with BBC Scotland, Radio Snyde & certain so-called journalists too. I presume as a result of this they'll now be banned ?
  21. I get the impression our CEO Mather is trying to build bridges with certain individuals & certain organisations. Someone has to tell him it won't work. Diplomacy doesn't work with these people in scottish football who were trying to put Rangers out of business altogether last summer. Outright bans for the Daily Record & Radio Clyde along with bans for English & Speirs should be added to that which BBC Scotland currently has.
  22. I look forward to Jim Henry taking up his role with Rangers after reading some comments here. Certain players' fitness looked suspect last season to put it mildly
  23. BT can look forward to some poor viewing figures that's for sure. No OF games, no Dundee derby & maybe no Edinburgh derby too. Be interesting to see the actual financial figures in this closely-guarded TV contract
  24. Club in newco has same SFA licence as club in oldco. Therefore club hasn't changed i.e same club SFA, SPL, UEFA, ECA, ASA etc all recognise this. Just the braindead, bigoted would-be journos & their hangers-on who infest this country who deliberately refuse to accept this.
  25. Does anyone know exactly what is happening regards McGregor, Naismith, Whittaker etc ? are we still trying to get money for them breaching their contracts when they left?
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