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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Problem is Walter only see himself as chairman on a short term basis. He has said so himself. At some point in the near future a chairman will need to be appointed. Whether that will be CG remains to be seen.
  2. Had it been a Celtic bus being burnt out then it would a 'sectarian act'. Because it's a Rangers bus it isn't. Any fool can see this bus company was targeted because of its Rangers contracts. The corrupt mhedia & politicians would have everyone believe Sectarianism is a one way street this country. It isn't. Welcome to Scotland 2013. How long can this continue in this cesspit of a country before things get much worse?
  3. I genuinely hope he signs but why is it taking so long ? what's happening regards pandza?
  4. We've still not sorted out the CB's. Is Moshni signing or not ? what about Pandza? I also think we're still short in MF creativity despite signings
  5. the club is scum top to bottom. Ireland's shame Scotland's problem
  6. Rangers were part of MIH who ran the EBT's. Genuinely disagree with what HMRC say. Total arrogance. We won they lost. What are they on about ?
  7. they qualified for mexico 86. Name the Rangers player in their squad?
  8. they're scum and always will be. the Scottish mhedia won't report it as usual.
  9. I'm saying they've a better chance due to the qualifying groups they can potentially be in. Scotland haven't a prayer of qualification as things stand and won't have for some considerable time IMO
  10. Welcome to Scotland 2013. Undoubtedly this bus company was targeted because of its Rangers contracts. Any fool can see that but don't expect the scottish mhedia to make that link.
  11. Have canada ever played Croatia away ? totally missing my point. When did Scotland last qualify for the WC finals and when are they likely to do so again? If he played for Canada he'd have a better chance due to the qualifying groups they play in
  12. If Fraser's got any sense he'll tell Scotland where to go. He'll have a much better chance of playing in a WC finals with Canada. Scotland are going nowhere fast in International football and that's unlikely to change any time soon.
  13. It was the sum total for entering administration and various other breaches of rules such as not handing over money from a SC tie. As for not disclosing Whyte's banned directorship are the SFA having a laugh? they knew all about Whyte's past. Daly actually did us a favour in his october documentary unless Regan hasn't got a television
  14. HMRC never sent us into whyte's arms. SDM did when he sold. But was he forced into doing so? I'm sure the Insolvency Service will want to find out
  15. I agree the oldco which operated the club would have been put into 'dire peril of going bust by chasing a lost cause' had HMRC won the BTC but they didn't. It made the oldco virtually unsellable until you-know-who entered the proceedings. The oldco was put into administration by whyte because he owed HMRC backdated tax which he couldn't pay & HMRC subsequently wouldn't do a CVA with him. Administration had nothing to do with the EBT scheme operated by MIM. Let's remember that.
  16. They will waste as much taxpayers money as they wish trying to get money they'll never see. When you're the public sector money is no object. No conception whatsoever of the real world
  17. just don't think it's going to happen for him at Rangers. Probably best he moves on when fit again.
  18. Total waste of time & taxpayers money. HMRC are worse than Sellik. Can't accept they lost.
  19. Still waiting for hertz & dunfermline to get the £160k fine and a years registration embargo...................
  20. I think next season we'll see a MF three plus either Templeton or Shiels playing behind 2 forwards. Hate to say this but I do think we still lack MF creativity and genuinely worried no CB has signed so far. Hoping to be proved wrong however....................
  21. I still think we lack MF creativity. We've got ball winners and box-to-box midfielders but no one who can get on the ball & create openings. That said I think CB is top priority. Hopefully Moshni & Pandza will sign soon.
  22. Not sure I'd agree with you D'Art when you say 'a crisis very much of our own making.' Our problems started the minute Whyte got Rangers. I'm one of those who doesn't believe SDM willingly sold Rangers to Whyte. He was well warned by the likes of AJ. If whyte never got Rangers then the events that followed would never have happened. We need to know if SDM got blackmailed into selling to whyte? if so by whom and for what reasons? was it the bhoys at LBG ? were they part of a bigger plot including HMRC masterminded by a former labour minister who now sits in the Lords? Let's hope now that the Insolvency Service are now looking into this then we'll find out what really led to Whyte's disasterous reign at ibrox
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