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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Questions still needs answered i.e.


    was SDM forced to sell to Whyte by LBG? if so by whom at LBG & for what reasons ? Was it Fullerton & Kane?

    why did HMRC pursue the BTC when EBT's were a perfectly legal form of tax avoidance ? HMRC haven't won an EBT case yet as far as I know

    Did someone use his contacts to get HMRC to pursue the BTC in order to financially cripple Rangers ? was it Reid?

    Were LBG & HMRC part of a co-ordinated masterplan designed destroy Rangers? if so who masterminded it ? Reid?

    How did Whyte manage to get away without paying PAYE/NI for as long as he did when normal businesses would have been brought to book much sooner by HMRC?

    why did the SFA take no action against Whyte for not paying PAYE/NI when they were advised about this by JT long before administration?

    And finally did the SFA know about Whyte's background when he got Rangers ? if so why didn't they act

  2. Decent statement. Remains to be seen if BBC Scotland's sports presenters(if they can be called that) will continue to ignore this ruling and what action will be taken if they do. So far we've had words but no action from the BBC Scotland hierarchy

  3. Historically who's won more honours - US OR THEM? answer that Mr English.

    And where will they go if they leave Scottish football ? England ? don't make me laugh........ The English now know all about them & their vile anti-British support

    Run the finances expertly ? only if you call one of their three companies being loaded with debt I suppose. They need CL football to have any chance of breaking even


    maybe he'll use all these 'contacts and knowledge and expertise' to get his chum at the SPFL a sponsor. Or do successful businesses steer clear or sponsoring corrupt organisations run by people like Liewell ?


    Another ridiculous article from a third rate journalist working for a declining newspaper who won't even produce their sales figures

  4. my take on all of this is that by allowing Murray, Blin & McClelland into the boardroom Mather, Stockbridge & co have more or less invited the foxes into the hen house. These 2 groups have widely differing views. They cannot possIbly work together. There's no doubt in my mind there will be some sort of boardroom coup but I simply cannot fathom out what McColl's role is in this i.e. won't invest and doesn't want control

  5. BBC Scotland is a largely unaccountable organisation who employ individuals such as Spence, Speirs, Cosgrove etc who do pretty much as they like. The only reason they get away with it is because of its guaranteed funding via the licence fee. Until this funding gets withdrawn and they need to produce accurate & factual broadcasts so that they rely on audience figures then the likes of Spence will continue to spout this type of anti-Rangers nonsense which he knows isn't true but knows he'll away with it. There is only one solution -



  6. How this man benefits the SFA is beyond me - in his role as Celtic, he is clarly looking to get Celtic our of Scotland altogether! How does that one work?!


    where would Celtic go if they get out of Scotland? England certainly don't want them. The English now know all about the club, its supporters and all they stand for. Just ask the good people of Brentford. They'll tell you.

  7. Have we got enough blazers? Both sides have went from 100% confident of winning, to this pish. Surely the whole point of Blin, was to replace Stockbridge? Mental.


    With all that's been said, how can all of them seriously work together? Unless there will be a boardroom coup once Blin & Murray get into the boardroom. We shall have to wait & see how the develops

  8. We fielded a strong side - we realistically should have won.


    to be fair we were without Wallace,Black, McLeod & Peralta. Three of them will be our midfield this season along with Law who played in the game. We don't have a big squad any longer & perhaps it showed today. If only 2 or 3 players drop out then we'll struggle.

    That said I would have thought the likes of Shiels & Templeton would have taken this opportunity today because if Ally goes 4-4-2 he may well decide to put 4 midfielders in with Daly and probably Clark up front. That would mean no starting place for Shiels & Templeton.

    I also think today would highlight the fact that there are still areas in the team needing strengthened. Will we ever sign a recognised RB ? I also think we lack a bit of pace up front particularly in the wide areas like Aluko gave us and I do get the impression Ally wants someone to partner Daly up front hence his pursuit of Kenny Miller.

    However not all doom & gloom. The team does look much improved from last season does it not?

  9. I don't think it'll be anywhere near 80-90 million. Even if they manage to get into the CL group stages again next season and the following season it should average out at about £20m per season (MAX) in extra revenue for them which would give them £60m for this season and a further 2 seasons of CL group stage participation, but it won't all be clear profit by any means, so the £50m to £60m they bring in might only equate to £30m to £40m in profit or something along those lines.


    Celtic need the CL money just to almost break even. Their operating costs are well over £54m

  10. Very interesting article indeed, so they have £2m or so a year going out in debt servicing and repayments; probably manageable with CL money but could be a bit of a millstone before 2019.


    remember also that when the bunnet bought them back in 1994 he switched their bank to the CIS who are now a basket case needing to raise £1.5billion very soon. Giving out longterm loans like Ra poops got may well be called in if(as expected) the Bank of England take over the running of the CIS bank.

  11. The more you look back at it, giving Levein the job was just crazy. I think it was Gordon Smith who has to carry the can for that one, though I'll be happy to blame Regan given half a chance.


    I mean, Levein's c.v read like a check list of danger signals:


    No major club experience

    No surprising Cup success at a smaller club

    Feeble attempt at managing in England

    History of greeting in public when his team lost

    Inability to shave or dress as befits a man in his late 40's

    Worrying east coast accent, eh


    Add to that minor data like being unable to organise a defence, enable his team to pass to each other or possess a backbone (cf: Lee Wallace) and his appointment remains a mystery, unlike his subsequent disappearance into the footballing void.


    didn't Rhegan extend Levein's contract for the current WC qualifying campaign ? only to sack him after 4 games and 1 point on the board almost a year ago which cost the SFA quite a bit in compensation

  12. Interesting that outside the timmy players in the squad there are only TWO players representing the SPFL Premiership.


    Who was it that said 'these exciting times' when speaking of the top SPFL division?


    give me a clue. Was it dummy Doncaster?

    Another worrying aspect is digging up players from the lower English leagues who are eligible thro' a distant Scottish relative. The question needs asked whether these players will be good enough to get 2nd place in a qualifying group and into playoffs(Scotland realistically won't win a group). I have my doubts I have to say.

  13. 'he was led to believe Craig Whyte was worth £80million and had no reason to doubt that'


    Don't suppose anyone thought to check this out ?

    AJ certainly didn't seem to think so.

    Whyte was a man who owned a load of companies none of which seemed to be trading & making any money


    I've always maintained SDM was forced to sell to Whyte by LBG's Scottish business division who threatened to withdraw financial support to MIH unless he did so.

    And who ran LBG's Scottish business division at that time? go on tell me

  14. And they wonder why no one will sponsor the SPFL ? Who will sponsor a one horse race where 11 of the 12 teams in the so-called showpiece premiership league have no ambition to win it?

    That's why SPFL clubs are giving away so many freebies and 'buy one get three free' season tickets. The SPFL premiership attendances are fictitious for many of the clubs.

    Scottish football began its slow, lingering death when Rangers were voted out the SPL in summer 2012. You may not agree with much of what CG said but he was bang on about trying to get Rangers out of Scottish football. It's commercial madness for Rangers to be playing against Stenhousemuir & Arbroath. England may not be an option but some newly-formed Northern European league from the benelux & scandanavian countries may be an option in the future.

    Celtic ? couldn't give a damn about them. We don't need them as our attendances show. As their domestic attendances decline and they cover empty seats with flags(a premiership practice it seems) they rely on CL participation but for how long will the easy passage be there for them ? why should clubs like lyon & PSV be given harder qualification ties after coming second in much stronger leagues than the SPFL? How much longer will they accept that? We shall see

  15. The thing about WGS in comparison to the two previous incumbents is that he at least seems to understand the basics of football and transmit that to the players.


    He'll be judged by results starting from September next year for Euro2016. All games between now & then are relatively meaningless. Progress will be only when Scotland actually qualify for an EC or WC finals

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