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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Am I the only one who think we might have a better side than the won we lost at the end of 2011-12 season ?? Other than Davis and Aluko(and Jelavic but he left mid-season) who else would we seriously take back who'd be better than what we'll have after Sept1? Some may say McGregor but to me he was always prone to the odd blunder, particularly in OF games. Wonder what Ally McCoist thinks. Or does he still think we're well short of Celtic. Bet there's a few in the boardroom who'll be a bit miffed at that comment especially after all the players he's been allowed to bring in.
  2. Celtic control large sections of the Scottish media. That is very apparent. That is why very little has been made of this in the Scottish media. Journalists know if they portray Celtic in a bad way or write unfavourable articles about Celtic they will get banned from the Glitterdome and/or will be shunned by the club. Slowly but surely our club is waking up to this but way too late. Journos did not fear what they write about Rangers knowing there's little chance of repercussions. The BBC ban is a start but much more needs to be done.
  3. The club has been far too slow taking action against these parasites and the publications who employ them. Life bans are a must for the likes of Spiers, Guidi & Keevins. Newspapers are less of a worry these days because their sales are on the decline but banning broadcasters is absolutely necessary. The BBC should have banned long ago as should ClydeSSB even if they are supposedly a sponsor.
  4. we couldn't have afforded them but could have got transfer fees for them, albeit much reduced. Does anyone know if the club is still pursuing the five for breach of contract? that seems to have gone quiet
  5. Only if we want to stay in d2 forever. We need to sign players to get us out of d2 hence the need to pay higher salaries to get better players than we'll face in d2. If they get us out d2 then it could be argued the higher salaries were justified. McCoist will need to justify his salary by virtue of a vast improvement in onfield performances & Mather will need to justify his by improving & growing the business. Can they do this ? only time will tell but frankly I've not got much confidence in either
  6. whereas I'd agree Mather's salary is ridiculous for where we are at present (as is Ally McCoist's salary) I believe the greatest challenge facing any Rangers CEO at present is how to increase revenue & grow the business over the next few years. Mather should now come out & tell us how he intends to achieve this. Such salaries should, in my opinion, only be paid at Rangers from now on by way of of bonuses achieved via the success of the team & good commercial & financial results
  7. With the exception of Liewell, a lot less than this I would think.
  8. am I the only one who thinks there'll be a takeover bid soon?
  9. The fact is we're paying out far too much wages to non-playing staff. Don't forget the manager is supposedly on £750k pa - far too much for div2. I would be interested to know what percentage of the wage bill goes to non-playing staff. I think we'd be shocked
  10. Their supporters in the mhedia & politics will do all they can to ensure they're beyond reproach. Sadly I see things getting much worse in this country before much longer. They are a club out of control whose supporters think they can do as they please wherever they go. Their chief executive won't do anything in case of reprisals. We've already seen that in his dealings with their notorious Green Brigade. Their placemen in the SFA such as Regan & Lunny won't do anything either. Where is the leadership in Scottish football & Scottish politics to confront with & deal with this grotesque club & its parasite followers?
  11. Never under-estimate their bigoted,hatred for us and all we stand for. Some of them hide it others don't. Nowadays it seems there's no depths to which they'll sink to destroy us
  12. and this man became Defence Minister in a UK government. You couldn't make it up
  13. There are famous Rangers-supporting people in politics, the media & entertainment. They seem somewhat reluctant to be seen as Rangers supporters for some reason. Again does it come back to the 'toxic brand' stuff ? However life is about choices. I choose not to vote for Celtic-supporting politicians at all levels, will not support Celtic-supporting sportspeople in other sports and will not purchase anything released by Celtic-supporters in the entertainment industry. Petty? maybe but that's how they have worked for years. I strongly believe unless all of us rise to this challenge we will become a sort of 'second class' majority in this country. A very dangerous scenario indeed.
  14. They will vote for their own in any political party they think will win power. They historically all voted for the Scottish Unionist Labour Party(due to their dominance in Scotland) despite all being rabid Irish nationalists every saturday afternoon at 3pm onwards. A very strange mix I'd have thought: Scottish unionist/Irish nationalist. The truth is there's no political party for non-catholic unionists in Scotland. The labour party is over-run by them, the Tories are for the toffs & the Lib-dems are, well, just the Lib-dems. Also they are bold and do not hide their Sellik allegiance whereas Rangers people in politics/media seem reluctant to reveal theirs. I find this extremely worrying. It seems to me to be an attempt to make Rangers to be some sort of 'toxic brand' . I could go on and on about their 'club for all' nonsense but I won't.....................
  15. I d still maintain they are a minority albeit a loud & vociferous minority who seek to rule primarily for their own interests. You could add this in turn often leads to corruptive circumstances such as we see regularly at GDC & previously at Monklands(although someone will probably say it ongoing there )
  16. totally irrelevent anyway. The SPL(or should it be Celtic) had their enquiry regards dual contracts & it never stripped us of any titles because it concluded we gained no sporting advantage. This appeal (and the one before it) is all about whether tax was liable on the EBT's. Two separate issues. BTW does anyone know if the HMcL legal billhas been paid for the SPL enquiry?
  17. I think it depends whereabouts you live. In the West of Scotland it certainly seems more but in the East I'd say it's less. It's difficult to say but they do seem to live together in areas & always employ within at the workplace don't they?
  18. SEVCO 5088 never owned Rangers assets. SEVCO SCOTLAND did
  19. In any appeal situation to overturn a previous verdict surely you have to prove something to have been incorrect or present some new evidence. Unless HMRC can do this then they'll undoubtedly fail in this appeal.
  20. Them & their people(who represent less than 20% of the scottish population) are seriously over-represented throughout the country but especially in the political,media & legal professions. When minorities start to get too much power the consequences are nearly always the same. Let's hope it doesn't get to that but I'm not hopeful.
  21. Celtic's whole existence nowadays is predominately based on appealing to the population of an Irish catholic background that their ancestors have been dealt a past injustice and Celtic provides the stage for them to show their condemnation of those they believe were responsible for that injustice and the alleged prejudice they get in their daily lives. Even Reid not so long ago talked of them not willing to sit at the back of the bus any longer. Desperate, desperate stuff because the world has moved on & Celtic haven't. Decent people of all backgrounds wouldn't touch this club & its support with a bargepole as is often witnessed by what happened yesterday at Brentford by way of their supporters. It is there for all to see but almost always covered up by their placemen(& women) in the political and media professions. How long can this continue unchallenged I ask? And at what price?
  22. We pay ? we pay who/what? this taxcase no longer has anything to do with us.
  23. Imagine Atletico Bilbao(from the Spanish basque region) supporters constantly sang songs about basque ETA attrocities bombing & killing Spanish citizens, do you think the Spanish FA would tolerate it ? then how much longer do we in this country need to put up with this grotesque club & its scum support ? it is there for all to see week in week out yet no one has the balls to take action against them. Suspend them or shut them down. Ask the FAI if they'll take them but I think I know what they'll say
  24. Templeton gives the ball away needlessly too often for my liking
  25. Who then ? seemed to be putting himself forward for vice-chairman or something. All this coming out now SFA have dropped their enquiry into his association with whyte ?
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