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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. From the supposed list I’d have to say Beale would be the safest appointment. The likes of Soanne & Knutsen could have been too big a risk and was Dyche really interested?
  2. Elite Sports Group collapsed apparently. Getting desperate for funding to stay afloat
  3. Barring a miracle looks like Michael Beale will be new Rangers manager from what I’ve been told
  4. I’d heard he would be part of Beale’s first team coaching staff along with Neil Banfield and a.n.other
  5. No manager or coach would risk their reputation working for our board and DoF. Except maybe Michael Beale
  6. Last summer’s recruitment was shambolic. GvB has now carried the can for it. A new manager will fare no better with the current crop of players.
  7. Where we are at the moment I think we need someone with bags of experience to take over. I think that rules out Michael Beale
  8. just hope for the board’s sake they‘ve got his replacement in place before the AGM. Another murty type situation isn’t acceptable
  9. Right country maybe wrong manager ? 🤠 OGS perhaps?
  10. Can’t see us appointing a foreigner. Probably an English manager. Think Dyche might be too much in salary for us. Dont see Scott Parker’s name on that list. He’s managed Fulham & Bournemouth and has got a decent championship record. Him with a scottish assistant might be an option like Gerrard did with McAllister
  11. Have to say I’m genuinely surprised as I thought he’d get until the end of this year. That’s the easy part done. Now get a replacement who can turn things around with the squad he’s going to inherit. No sign of the DoF going too?
  12. Great news but it’s fit CB’s we need most at the moment
  13. You forgot the goalkeeper situation which makes absolutely no sense to me 😎
  14. I get the impression the board will allow GvB to carry on until early January including the yahoos game when we’ll have some players back from injury by then presumably. After then they’ll make a decision.
  15. A good OP/article. We’re carrying to many old players and other older players on long term deals. Perhaps some of these players lost their desire or are past their best. Maybe both as well as others now looking to leave. What does concern me though is the number of us who think ditching GvB & bringing in a replacement (who?) will guarantee an improvement. Not quite that simple unfortunately. And I do believe our DoF has a few questions to answer too
  16. Perhaps these other clubs you refer to have a DoF/Sporting director who is more competent than ours. One that wouldn’t let Morelos and Kent run down their contracts and leave for nothing or allow four CB’s to leave last summer and replace them with Souttar and fellow injury-prone defender Ben Davies. And don’t get me started on the goalkeeper debacle or other issues too If GvB does go then who replaces him and will it be the DoF who gets the new guy in? And will this guy all of a sudden work miracles with the squad he inherits a very large number of whom are constantly picking up injuries. Others well past their best. And if the new guy doesn’t do any better will we bin him and get someone else in and start all over again? Meanwhile will the DoF still be in his position? See an issue here? I do Finally, no issues in the board ? Not sure about that. Dave king seems to think so too.
  17. Would be unusual to hold a press conference to sack a manager would it not?
  18. Tavernier & Goldson have got new 4 year deals as far as I know. Both in their 30’s now. The DoF(at any club) has to take his share of responsibility & not be seen to be hiding be the manager as ours appears to be doing at present. Wilson has to take his share of the blame for the poor recruitment in the last 2 transfer windows. I’m genuinely stunned if Matondo is on £28k p.w. as well as all the other mistakes.
  19. If these figures are true(the Rangers ones) then our DoF has a lot of questions to answer. Too many older players with no sell on value earning too much money. Giving players in their thirties 4 year deals makes no sense
  20. Rodgers looked a goner at Leicester not so long ago. However they stuck with him & he’s won again today. Moyes at West Ham now looks in most trouble My own view on the GvB situation is not to get rid off a manager until you’ve got his successor identified. Our previous on this has not always been great i.e. Pedro & Warburton
  21. Can't see it. Think the board are of the opinion it’s down to the amount of injuries we’ve got. Not saying I agree with that just how I see it
  22. First half was torture but Kent seemed to rediscover his form second half which made a big difference Would like to see the Barasic penalty incident again. Looked a stonewaller from where I sit in the SJ rear
  23. My point exactly. We won’t generate £86.6m again unless the team is successful on the park. At the moment that looks unlikely. Are we back to existing on directors loans again?
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