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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Raman Bhardwaj@STVRaman54m

    More detail re Ian Black & 3 bets against own club.Two were at Hearts, but we're told he didn't play in either game.One at Rangers, did play

    Also told Ian Black did not bet on Rangers to lose.


    if this is true will the club take action ?

    why should Rangers be punished for his time at Hertz for games he never played in?

    is he the only player ever to have had a bet on his own team? will Ally produce his list now ?

    I think the SFA might have dug themselves a hole here which could grow and grow

  2. What we all need to realise that this is all part of their masterplan since you-know-who was their chairman. They're trying to portray us as a 'toxic brand'. We're racists, bigots, who ran up a £134m tax bill paying players we couldn't afford whilst they're the good guys at the 'club for all'. The reality is of course completely different as can be see by their supporters constantly displaying support for terrorists groups and their supporters general behaviour as the people of Dundee & Brentford will testify for in recent times. It's all about headline-grabbing & it matters not whether factually correct or not. Once the headline has got out it will have some sort of lasting effect.

    The piece of scum is playing his part too. The actual article in the newspaper did not actually mention Rangers by name but the implication was there. The headline got out. No one bothered to check the facts & this guys background except VB. Also, how is the police investigation progressing ? most buses have CCTV in them nowadays so surely the attackers would have been identified by now. Was there really an incident at all ? considering Girvan's previous I'd cast doubts on that.

    Sooner or later there'll be another headline like this one where the mhedia are only too willing to put out a headline portraying Rangers and/or its supporters in a bad light. They probably won't bother to check their facts either. If they think there's a market out there for anti-Rangers stuff out there then they'll soon find out there isn't when their sales fall even further than now.If this doesn't give Rangers supporters a reason to stop buying the Sun then nothing will.

  3. For as long as the BBC continue to be funded by a mandatory annual licence fee we have the right to demand accurate, unbiased broadcasts. It seems to me the BBC Scotland cannot hope to achieve this if they continue to employ the likes of Spence, Cosgrove etc who have an anti-Rangers bias for which they use the BBC Scotland to air this bias. This cannot be allowed to continue & I hope we pursue them until we get the desired result i.e. the removal of these cretins from their positions within BBC Scotland

  4. I've completely stopped reading articles from Britney. He has absolutely nothing to say which is even in the slightest bit interesting or worthwhile.


    Speirs has no credibility left whatsoever ever since Chris Graham wiped the floor with him on Scotland Tonight on the night of the BTC result last year.

    Being caught out telling blatant lies on live television you'd think organisations in this country wouldn't employ him again. Yet again this is Scotland unfortunately

  5. True, but that's only because his name's already mud. Any shit thrown in the direction of Whyte is taken for granted.


    So many of his wrongdoings are hiding in plain sight. He appears to be completely above the law with regards to any crimes against Rangers.


    aren't there 3 police investigations and an investigation by the Insolvency Service regards Whyte ?

  6. I'd like to know how anyone is going to decide where the line for that "more equitable" split could fairly be drawn under a gate sharing plan.


    Without European competition group stage football each year neither us or the east end lot are even close to being profitable clubs and yet you guys think we should be able to take a £15m per season ticket revenue hit on the chin?


    Right well, there goes any chance of having a squad which is going to regularly have a shout of making it through 3 qualifying rounds to reach European competition group stages.


    There goes half, perhaps even more of the club's infrastructure and staff.


    Are the people who ultimately decide gate sharing will be good for Scottish football even if it shatters Rangers & Celtic going to pop down to Ibrox & Auchenhowie to hand out the 50 to 100 redundancy letters personally and apologise to the employees?


    the reality is Rangers need to look for additional sources of revenue just now especially as we're out of Europe for the forseeable future. That will be the challenge facing those remaining after the forthcoming EGM or AGM. For example why pay £3.5m for a carpark which gets used every second saturday ? can't it be used at other times to generate income ? just one idea which I think should be looked at

  7. The dont own anything. But bear in mind we are talking about greens cva deal here .


    when the CVA got rejected Whyte was irrelevent to the whole process. Even if Whyte was a SEVCO5088 director it never got the assets. Sevco Scotland got them. Was Whyte a director of SEVCO Scotland ? NO

  8. he got enough in writing that he is currently a director of sevco 5088 and green tried and failed to remove him as one.


    and of course someone like Whyte would never produce a forgery would he?

  9. They were indeed and it was discussed on here on numerous occasions. At one point they were forcing SDM into selling off very valuable property assets for a fraction of their real value at a time when the property market had completely slumped due to the 2008 financial crisis.


    was it not the case LBG bought a shareholding in MIH after Rangers were sold to the fraudster ?

    are you not suspicious now ? LBG were over-focussed on Rangers. Why ? because of who was running LBG in Scotland at that time. That's why

  10. Shame it's not going to be permanent.


    If we could ship them out to Edinburgh, Glasgow could bring back the "glasgow's miles better" campaign! :D




    What would have the good people of Edinburgh have done to deserve this hardline Irish republican organisation ?

    Ship them back to Oir-lund where they supposedly come from (so they say). Yet again Ireland wouldn't want them either

  11. Again I have to ask why the bank seemed so focused on our debt which was around 3% of the £750m MIH debt ?

    Surely Rangers were a very small debt which was part of an extremely large bank debt. The way LBG were acting you'd never have thought so.

  12. What's the weather like in Imagination Land at the moment?


    We seem to be omitting the part where Lloyds took control and enforced Donald Muir onto the board to sort out the mess.


    a lot of clubs have/had a hell of a lot more debt than that. Did their banks take control? This was a deliberate act by LBG because of who was running its Scottish business division at that time. They & Muir did such a good job that they handed Rangers over to a fraudster who'd conned ticketus into giving him the money to give to LBG.

    Try looking at the bigger MIH picture. They were over £700m in debt so why were LBG so focused on Rangers?

  13. I stopped reading here:


    He didn't successfully do anything. He ran up a huge unsustainable debt again so the bank took control and they alone brought the debt down by severely limiting our expenditure. That bastard gets no credit here.


    It's also worth adding that since Murray we have had two different ownerships, both of which are destructive and self serving, and there comes a point where we can't just blame 'The Man' and have to stand up and be accountable for our actions.


    what 'unsustainable debt' ? yes after kaunus the debt rose to £30m but AJ got in down to around £18m. It was not 'unsustainable'. It was being continually reduced but that wasn't good enough for the 2 bhoys at LBG's Scottish business division who put the financial squeeze on Rangers so as to assist their club(and of course HMRC did their bit by chasing a fictitious EBT tax debt)

    You should note too that Rangers debt was 3% of the MIH debt (over £700m) yet LBG seemed totally focused on Rangers for some reason. Why was that ? Maybe Fullerton & Kane at LBG could answer that one

  14. No, we werent singled out IMHO. HMRC also sought monies from EPL clubs - Arsenal I know for sure settled with HMRC for EBT debts and IIRC Chelsea were another that settled with them.


    Which shareholders will take legal action and fund that legal action ?


    SDM made HMRC an offer which they didn't accept. Why did they accept Arsenal and Chesea's offers then?

    BTW there were 26,000 oldco shareholders. I'd bet they DO take action once HMRC lose the UTT. Their shares are now worthless because when HMRC pursued Rangers tho' the BTC the club became unsellable(until you-know-who appeared). No BTC would have meant no Whyte

  15. Craig - EBT's were a perfectly legal form of tax avoidance. Over 5000 UK companies used them. Why were Rangers singled out ? I believe we were deliberately targeted.

    The reason we(I mean oldco shareholders here) may not have taken the legal route is that the UTT is allegedly still to conclude following the HMRC appeal. Once that happens I'd be amazed if oldco shareholders didn't take legal action if,as expected, HMRC lose again

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