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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. of course. like who/where did they get this info from? as I said looks like someone has been storing this up over a period of time & waited for their moment. who? if I were Ian Black I'd be getting legal advice pronto. This looks like someone has literally been spying on him
  2. the fact that it goes back to 2006 is the interesting part. Someone must have compiled this over a period of time and waited for their moment to produce this ? who?
  3. Another question needing asked is what are the Green Co's longterm plans for Rangers?
  4. don't know. just my theory. King has always said he'll invest money into the club but not to existing shareholders like the Easdales did
  5. What I see happening is if McColl's group gets Murray & Blin elected onto the board and the current three directors mentioned get removed, there will be a new shares issue in which Dave King (and maybe others too) will be allowed to invest & will effectively gain control.
  6. is this where Dave King will enter proceedings?
  7. The Easdales aren't investing in the club. They're simply buying existing shares from others
  8. load of nonsense. They should ask clubs how many free season tickets they've given out. I know of two clubs, St midden & Motherwell, where an adult buying a season ticket has got 3 (yes THREE) free child tickets. And talking of St Midden, whenever you see a home game on TV in their South Stand(on RHS on TV) virtually no one pays into that stand. This season will be all about falsifying attendance figures for the SPFL premiership( or whatever name they've called it)
  9. Agree with what you say & in no way would I suggest we lose our identity in but (and it's a big BUT) over the next few years our biggest challenge is to increase revenue and to do that we'll need to tap into other markets for that revenue. The most obvious one is England & the 'British Card' will generally work well there as we saw the other night in Sheffield. Hopefully that will gain us more followers by becoming the 'second team' to many English clubs' supporters who will hopefully support Rangers in some way by means of maybe attending the odd game or buying Rangers shirts etc.
  10. The problem with the Scottish/N Ireland, protestant, unionist identity is that it is a limited commercial market. If we wish to compete & become a global brand we need to look beyond this identity & reach into other markets to grow the business worldwide like the Man Utds, Barcelonas etc
  11. how many will be back this season do you think? ho ho ho ho
  12. Agree but when are we likely to see results i.e. prosecutions? whyte's been gone over a year now(thankfully). Still no one brought to book for any of the ones I mentioned
  13. Pro-british or anti-british isn't the issue here. It's breaking the law by showing blatant support for banned terrorist organisations which is the issue. I said on a post a few weeks ago imagine if the basque club Atletico Bilbao's supporters started showing their support for the basque separatist terrorists ETA at la Liga matches. Do you think the Spanish government & Spanish FA would sit back & do nothing ? doubt it somehow
  14. just how many investigations are there going on regards our enemies ? 1) HMRC leaks for the tax case blog 2) according to leggo there's at least three into Whyte and his Rangers takeover(or whatever you could call it) 3) the insolvency service investigation into whyte's takeover & ownership of Rangers 4) now this charlotte fakes nonsense when are we likely to see outcomes for any of these investigations? are we likely to see prosecutions? if so when & who ? this must be costing the public purse a fortune doing all of these
  15. Murphy isn't in the government at present. Surely it's for the actual governments at either holyrood or(more likely) westminster to deal with this situation. All in all scottish politics and the SFA are both so corrupt at present it make you despair does it not?
  16. read this earlier on RM. A couple of questions need asked in my opinion 1) given that a sizeable section of the support of one of its member clubs seems to be actively showing support for banned terrorist organisations shouldn't the SFA be getting involved ? 2)is there any political will either at holyrood or westminster to tackle this problem club given that a section of its support are in effect blatantly breaking the law by showing its continued support for banned terrorist organisations?
  17. I'd much prefer if at least one CB was already here.............. It's early days yet but I'd like to see us scoring more goals. Six goals in six pre-season games ain't a lot considering the standard of most of the opposition
  18. hopefully we'll find out in the next day or two what the situation is with Pandza & Moshni. I share your concern that something hasn't been done about the defence. I'd have thought that would have been no1 priority
  19. SPFL is a meaningless name change IMO. The same lunatics are still running the asylum. Scottish football is desperately short of funding. Will they now reveal details of the TV contract? is it true it's on less money than before & we're locked in long term? that would mean tv companies getting OF games for a pittance for years to come when we return to top league.
  20. pity we can't score goals though. until today we'd scored just 6 goals in 5 games. not good enough.
  21. I'm not convinced some of these fees are as reported. They'll be based on games over a number of years.
  22. The other thing you need to remember at JT is that whilst at the DR it was he who supposedly advised the SFA that Whyte wasn't paying over PAYE/NI to HMRC. The SFA (or was it Regan on the advice of who?) for whatever reason took no action at that time but following administration handed out fines, embargoes & a life ban for whyte after it became apparent what had gone on. As there are currently investigations by the police and the Insolvency service regards Whyte's ownership of Rangers it may be no bad thing to have JT employed by us whilst these investigations are ongoing with the ultimate aim being the club getting exonerated for all that happened during whyte's ownership. If it is concluded by these investigations that the SFA were negligent then the roof could literally fall in on scottish football as oldco shareholders take legal action against the SFA. We should then be returned to the top division of Scottish football with a full apology following a total clearout of the SFA starting with Regan
  23. As I said earlier from the team we lost both Davis & Aluko would walk into the current side and Barca72 is probably right about Naismith too(unfortunately). But we're not as far away as some would think in my opinion. If we did get Pandza & Moshni then that should be a better CB pairing than we had. If we could add a bit of creative MF quality that might just be all that's needed
  24. perhaps a better, more tactically aware manager might get more out the current squad ? sorry to disagree but I really don't think Celtic are anywhere near as good as you're making out
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