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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. She despises Rangers but edits a book about the Rangers so-called financial collapse. Why? because she was glorifying about our troubles and couldn't resist putting the boot in via this book and whatever else she's been involved in which is anti-Rangers. If you provoke & antagonise your enemies be prepared for a response from them. Looks like she got more than she bargained for. Rough luck Angie babe.

  2. Rhegan & Liewell worked together at Coors down south a few years back. That's how they've known each other for years.

    Rhegan's recruitment to SFA CEO is another masterclass of corruption. He was headhunted(stop laughing at the back) by recruitment firm Nolan Partners where Dr John Reid's son is employed in I believe a fairly senior role. When Gordon Smith left the SFA CEO position(and Rhegan got it) it's been suggested that there was no advertising the position. They went & got Liewell's puppet Rhegan who had just left a CEO role at Yorkshire County Cricket who were glad to see the back of him after a truly awful 3 year period there.

  3. one of the problems which will need to be addressed is that we lack pace up front thro' the middle & in wide areas. Playing Daly up front with a pacier striker than we've got at present would be our best option IMO

  4. Taken from FF.


    Zaluskas has turned down a deal with us today. We offered him more money than what 2 other teams have already offered and he still refused.


    The deal for Pandza is dead. We will not offer him a contract as he has only played 4 games in over a year and the fact he would be a luxury player given we have only conceeded 3 goals and scored 20odd.


    if we're serious about winning the SC this year I do think we'll need to strengthen the CB area in January. Jig cannot go on forever.

  5. The younger players who played last season may find their first team opportunities harder to come by this season & it's vital they make the most of them when they come along.

    Unfortunately I don't see too many of them lasting the course on the journey back to the top. Only McLeod, Aird & maybe MacKay look like they might make it IMO

  6. On the contrary, Murray was completely clear yesterday in saying the club would need to be capitalised again in the next year.


    In my view, another share issue is inevitable but may only be successful if there's substantial change on the board. I also believe King will under-write this issue but, again, only in the correct circumstances. :)


    I don't listen to Radio Scotland so wasn't aware he'd made the statement about the club needing to be capitalised again. However will he not need to state how he would envisage this being achieved ? Would indeed Dave King underwrite a shares issue?

    And here's another scenario - what if Mike Ashley flogs Newcastle and substantially increases his stake in Rangers? according to Bill McMurdo that's exactly what he's planning to do. The requisitioners may then be too late by the time the AGM comes around

  7. being locked up for fraud is not unproven speculation - no one with that in their past should be anywhere near Rangers


    you'll find a lot of eminent, self made celebrities from the business world(if that's the right description) have business dealings in their early days they'd rather forget about. Richard Branson is one. Even SDM's early business dealings were suspect and he owned Rangers did he not ? I'm a great believer(unfortunately) that often where's there's vast wealth there's often been vast crime. That's unlikely to change.

    What I would say about the Easdales is that their businesses are known about. The exact opposite of Whyte whom no one knew for sure what he was worth

  8. To be fair, he may have seen the light, we all make mistakes.


    He got led up the garden path by ra bhoys about fictitious stories about cheating and tax evasion by big bad Rangers in Scottish football. He's nothing more than a third rate reporter/journalist who didn't research these stories properly and was made to look pretty stupid when they proved to be untrue. Maybe he is seeing the light now but it's a bit too late in the day for that. His credibilty is gone along the rest of this lot e.g Speirs. How any media organisation could employ them now is beyond me.

  9. is this like the dog attack or the one on george galloway at the airport neither of which was recorded by the local cctv strangely or did it actually happen?


    probably neither happened. It's called headline-grabbing. Reid was a master of this particularly whilst in government. He brought it to Shellik when their chairman. Matters not if headline is inaccurate or totally wrong. The purpose has been achieved

  10. Can't say I have a great deal myself. That's not the point though - we need to disassociate ourselves from extremists. Otherwise the story becomes 'thug Rangers fans victimise brave journalist & wife' rather than 'BBC reporter spends two years winding up fans and finally gets a slap on wrist.'


    we are dealing with extremists though. They are extreme in their pure hatred of everything that is Rangers. They can dish it out but can't take it back.

  11. Decent signing again by Ally IMO. We need an experienced back up for Bell. Best to get Gallacher out on loan & game time which he wouldn't get with us. Let's Ally see how good he really is. McGregor did this in his younger days with us where he went out on loan to Dunfermline & somebody else I can't remember. Did him no harm.

    Ally needs to win SC this season (or at least get to final) . Needs better players than we had last season to do this

  12. Their interest is that if the case goes against Rangers, the SFA will then feel able to use our claims of a continuing history to once again attempt title stripping.


    No they won't. There are two separate issues here.

    Firstly HMRC's claim was whether there was tax liable on the EBT scheme. The FTT ruled by a 2-1 majority verdict there wasn't although a smallish penalty applicable to oldco could apply for poor administration in certain cases, HMRC have chosen to appeal this verdict to the UTT.

    Secondly the SPL(not the SFA) set up a commission led by LNS to determine whether we'd gained a sporting advantage by use of these EBT's. The ruling was we hadn't but incurred a fine because these EBT's should have been declared to the SPL/SFA(despite the fact they were in section6 of the clubs accounts every year they were used). The SPL chose not to appeal this verdict.

  13. 'debts of between £50m and £124m' .................................who writes this stuff ?


    After winning the FTT,the only major debt the oldco owed was the NI/PAYE amount Whyte never paid over to HMRC.

    Ticketus dropped out as a creditor when they sought legal recourse against Whyte himself, of which they were successful not so long ago.

    Other debts were football debts & small business debts which came nowhere near even £50m if added to the non-payment NI/PAYE debt.

  14. Indeed, something that has the potential to seriously physically hurt some innocent gets a 5k fine.... Whilst a few naughty words get a threat of playing in an empty stadium.... UEFA are did dies too it seems


    you forget the nice wee cosy relationship THEY have with UEFA. All that wining & dining Platini & co was for a reason - to get UEFA to overlook their misdemeanours and hammer anyone else, especially us. It's working well for them. As I said previously how many UEFA fines is that they've now had in the past few seasons?

    UEFA are corrupt. So are FIFA.

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