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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. they may not appear to be working together publicly but privately I suspect they are. I believe they must be acquainted with one another. They're both around the same age &I believe their backgrounds must have crossed while both worked at Weirs in the 1970's before King went to SA around 1976. Their successful careers since then are, of course, well known.
  2. we can still sign free agents after Sept1
  3. IMO King & McColl are working together at present. Their plan is to get rid off the current board, replace them with Blin & Murray who will have another shares issue which will be underwritten by Dave King(& maybe others). This will lead to Dave King becoming the major or majority shareholder.
  4. let's just get to the SC final & take it from there
  5. Let's just win the SC first & take it from there. The team by the end of season will be unrecogniseable from the one at Forfar.
  6. that's why he wants him even if it's only for this season. I'm convinced we'll play them in the SC this season.
  7. it's an absolute disgrace that anyone even considered re-hiring mediahouse. How much longer is McColl going to wait?
  8. He was certainly invaluable to have around during that time but unfortunately I think he's now well past his best & if he's honest Ally will struggle to keep him in the starting XI this season never mind next season. He'll be one of our higher earners til then and frankly his wages could have been better spent
  9. Jig is 35 now & is under contract til the end of next season I believe. Will he be able to last that long? Not the best use of valuable financial resources IMO.
  10. I wonder if McColl's plan is to get rid off the current board, appoint Murray & Blin who'll and have a second share issue which will be underwriiten by someone like Dave King who'll pump in the much-needed millions & become the major/majority shareholder.
  11. but what's in this for McColl? what's he trying to achieve given the fact he's no interest in owning or running Rangers. This is what I don't get
  12. who is running the club ? until someone gains a major or majority shareholding then we'll continue as we are. CG's notion of no one owning more than 15% shareholding doesn't work. We can see that now
  13. the same side supported by Fullerton & Kane (ex-LBG Scotland business division at time of Whyte's takeover)
  14. It's Bill McMurdo's son who has same name. Like me I think he's sceptical as to what the intentions are behind McColl's group. If they get rid of the current board what are their plans for the club? They've said little or nothing.
  15. Guidi, English & Speirs should all have been served life bans from Ibrox & MP. Radio Clyde too for that matter.
  16. HA HA HA looks like Dundee Hibs will lose the case if the fat, sweaty one is the best they can get..............
  17. could they have been any more 'vitriolic in all matters Rangers' than they were?
  18. Hopefully they'll be banned from Ibrox & MP indefinitely. No point in throwing them out of one press conference. Like to think one or two other Shellik-minded so-called journos will get the same.
  19. HMRC chose to investigate Rangers EBTs because a former labour cabinet minister(now in the lords) used his contacts within that organisation to do so thus making the club unsellable(until you know who came along). He also got his bhoys at LBG to do their bit to financially cripple Rangers despite the fact the bank debt was reducing year on year
  20. your answer to A is misguided. The 2 Bhoys running LBG's Scottish business division at that time were the cause of this IMO. MIH had debts of over £700m and Rangers were around 3% of that yet they seemed more pre-occupied with Rangers £18M DEBT (which AJ was reducing year on year) than the infinitely larger MIH debt. Why was that? surely not because of their Sellik allegiance? I'm sure the police investigations & the Insolvency Service will be interested to find out why LBG were so keen to get this debt cleared to such an extent they put Rangers into the ownership of a fraudster
  21. They'll probably do nothing. We live in a country where IRA/PIRA are accepted 'good terrorists' & the UVF/UDA are 'bad terrorists'. But what are we prepared to do about it? As for the stuff about Lunny it's a fact of life these days Celtic-minded people are dominating Scottish football within the SFA & the newly-formed SPFL. Again it's a question of what are we prepared to do about it ? from what I've seen 'not a lot' would be the answer to that question & the earlier one.
  22. McColl's group will get their way in the end. The current board are just delaying the inevitable
  23. As soon as the CVA got rejected Whyte was irrelevant. I don't believe for one minute he has had anything to do with Rangers since we went the newco route. The SFA banned him for life from Scottish football and I cannot accept D&P, CG or anyone would have been daft enough to try & involve him since we went the newco route. I normally enjoy leggo's blogs but he's becoming a bit like toxic thomson these days i.e. trying to make up a story where none exists like he did with the BTC & all the subsequent cheating nonsense
  24. sorry bud but I just find it incredible that this has supposedly knowingly gone on for 7 years and all of a sudden it appears in the news now. is Black the only footballer ever to have had a bet on a game he's played in?
  25. so someone in ladbrokes decided to become a whistleblower then ? do we know this for sure? have the SFA considered what to do if Black denies the allegations? will they then still try & punish him if they think he's guilty? what if Black decides to take legal action against the SFA & the whistleblower who would need to be identified in a lawcourt? is it not the case that the whistleblower is breaking privacy laws and whatever else? Think this has along way to run yet.
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