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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. http://www.thepfa.com/transferlist


    This is great fun to look through, trying to find a gem on a freebie.


    Gary Taylor-Fletcher would certainly get goals at our level, but he's 32 & probably wouldn't fancy it anyway. I'd certainly offer the Arsenal LB Samir Bihmoutine a trial at least, Arsenal standard ought to be good enough for us.


    why would we want a third LB when we don't even have one recognised RB ? Or would he get played out of position too?

  2. We thought that last season but Inverness certain did this!


    With the players we've added over the summer that shouldn't happen this season. Of course we're still short in 2 or 3 positions but we are getting back to where we were before we went newco. If Ally can wheel & deal in January & add 2 or 3 players(and release 2 or 3 at the same time presumably) then there's no reason why we can't get to the SC final IMO

  3. I wouldnt mind Zaliukas at the club but we would be better waiting till January and seeing if we can get rid of some CB's first.


    He is better than most of the CB's we have at the club so would improve us - but we dont need him IN ADDITION to what we have.


    It is very clear we will win this league so no need to rush out and sign him. Further, he doesnt seem to be inundated with offers either - so the longer he delays the less we have to pay him IF he signs.


    if we're serious about doing well in the SC then Zaliukas is the type of player we'd need. However this whole thing is dragging on far too long

  4. A wee snippet from this week's Hamilton Advertiser.


    St Bride's Celebrations.


    Ceremonial Knights and Dames of the Scottish Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem gathered from throughout Scotland and welcomed a new leader during a special mass at St Bride's RC Church in Bothwell.

    Archbishop Emeritus Mario Conti the new grand prior of the Scottish Lieutenancy, and Bishop Joseph Toal, apostolic administrator of the Diocese of Motherwell, led the celebrations as Titchie Greig was installed as the new Lieutenant of the Holy Sepulchre for Scotland.

    He took over from SHERIFF FRANK LUNNY, Knight Grand Cross, who had been Lieutenant for Scotland since July 2005. SHERIFF LUNNY was invested as a Lieutenant of honour by his successor.


    I should add, there is an accompanying photograph of 5 dozen folks in an array of medieval robes sporting large crosses across the chests, right shoulders, and left breasts. Disappointingly, given the organisation is an equestrian order, no horses; although plenty of horses arses on show.


    SHERIFF FRANK LUNNY is Vincent Lunny's old man. Vincent is pictured replete in the robes of St Bilbo of the Blessed Dildo. He looks positively tumescent and is clearly attracting the attention of Archbishop Mario Conti.


    Sincerely, I hope Vincent only views referred incidents whilst replete in his robes? We should be told.


    Nothing surprises me any longer. Corrupt and rotten to the core. And I don't just mean Scottish football

  5. celtc will be a close second to rangers in players getting done.


    No they won't. How many Celtic players has Lunny banned so far?

    And don't forget in the game Gunning got banned Stokes blatantly dived to win a free kick from which he scored. Lunny did sweet FA about it

  6. How many Yahoo divers, con-artists, and nasty-foul deliverers has Lunny fined/sentences thus far? Just asking ...


    None. That's not his job. His job is to pick out anyone (Celtic players excluded)who may have committed offences the referee missed. Usually with BBC Scotland assistance. In the game Barry Ferguson mentions (Celtic vs Dundee U)Stokes took one of the most blatant dives you'll ever see to win a free kick from which he scored to win the game. What did Lunny do ? Absolutely nothing. And it's not an isolated case by any means and will get worse now Liewell is in the SFA boardroom influencing everything no doubt.

    The SFA & SPFL are corrupt to the core. No wonder adidas are reconsidering their deal with the SFA & the SPFL can't get a sponsor

  7. We don't need ANY MORE players to get to the SPFL... We have a squad more than capable of getting to. The SPFL. As for the League Cup and Scottish, we don't need to be spending 5k a week on a couple of players in the hopes of picking up a trophy. That would be 500k a season on 2 players just for a CHANCE to be competitive. In the cups......


    For a chance to be competitive in the cups? Try telling that to Ally McCoist. Think you will find he would like to win both LC and SC although obviously not the LC this season. That is why he wants the best players he can get.

  8. Good piece Dart but I cant help feeling this little scrote is getting too much attention. I have given up on the BBC being impartial about Rangers and dont give a monkeys what Spence and Co think tbh.


    For as long as we have to fund the BBC via a licence fee then we have every right to demand its broadcasts are accurate,impartial & properly-researched. Because of this bizarre method of funding (which is outdated in my opinion) there is no real incentive for them to do this. It doesn't matter how small or large their audiences are so you get kid-on journos/reporters like Spence saying what they like regardless of whom he offends or how accurate he is.

  9. Just how big do you think our squad has to be? How much more money would you spend on our wage bill? We already have the second highest in the country by some distance.


    if we want to get back to the top division as quickly as possible then we've no choice but to spend the money to get the right players to do this and to try and win the LC & SC each season. However that said there are certainly players who are now probably surplus to requirements and between now & the end of january I'm sure Ally & his assistants will be trying to move them on.

  10. We can't even have a run the Scottish League Cup so i don't know where you get that from mate.


    We got put out the LC without the summer signings. We wouldn't have lost that game now. I happen to believe this side could certainly get to the SC final if we can add one or two players in January for the weaker areas of the team.

    As for getting back into Europe all we can hope for is for an extra ordinary application if Whyte's takeover is deemed fraudulent but when that's likely to behave to say I've no idea

  11. whenever I hear Rhegan's name mentioned I think of 5 way agreements, title-stripping & illegal registration embargoes. I want to know if Rhegan knew about Whye's background prior to him acquiring Rangers and why he did nothing to stop him & I would also like to know at what point he knew Whyte wasn't paying PAYE/NI and why his organisation took no action on Whyte until administration . Has he been acting on instructions from someone throughout his time at the SFA? his old buddy from Coors maybe?

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