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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Waddell conveniently ignores the fact that Motherwell finished last season on the Supporters Trusts overdraft (not account).
  2. once the 'dave king show' comes to town all bets will be off. I don't think the Easdales are anywhere near control. That 10% will be diluted once there's a second share issue underwritten by King
  3. the more games he gets in the first team as a young player the better he'll be when he's older. That's where Ness and others failed. They left too soon and have struggled to make an impact elsewhere. One day we'll no doubt have to sell McLeod & we'll get more money for him as he'll be a better, developed player ready for the likes of the EPL.
  4. by early next year I'm convinced we'll be nearly back to where we were(in terms of the team) before we newco'd. I think Ally has done extremely well in his recruitment over the summer. The team looks much better already and we will be ready for a crack at the SC I'm sure. Long may it continue
  5. They saw their opportunity and did their utmost to put us out of business altogether. The consequences of that have still to be fully realised for Scottish football as a whole in my opinion. A good example is the new SPFL. Why will no one sponsor it ? the answer is obvious but no one will admit it.
  6. The Easdales have certainly coughed up a few millions to get 10%ownership of Rangers which could be seriously diluted if Blin & Murray get control of the boardroom and have a second share issue underwritten by King who would then become major or majority shareholder.
  7. when SDM abandoned ship at Ibrox & whyte took over we were left with no representation in the SFA & SPL at the time. So the dhims simply took over both & we now a situation where Stewart is Liewell's man at the SFA & Neilly is Peter's man at the SPFL
  8. I presume you don't know who else works for the Herald e.g. Michael Grant, Gerry Hassan etc. Bitter, bitter anti-Rangers individuals.
  9. remember also that when PLG became manager the debt had fallen to £6m. Unfortunately thereafter far too much money got wasted & HBOS got taken over by LBG and the 2 bhoys running its Scottish business division did their best to make things as difficult as possible for us to compete against their club
  10. good to sign we're still trying to get a CB and a forward but I still think we'll need to revisit the RB position. Foster doesn't fill me with confidence and youngsters Hegarty & McAusland are CB's in my opinion
  11. We could do a lot worse than bring back John McClelland as chairman. Unfortunately for many I'm a staunch believer that corrupt,dark forces within LBG & HMRC who were part of a masterplan by a former Lhabour cabinet minister(now in the lords)to destroy us was the reason the oldco met its fate.Nothing to do with McClelland's previous Chairmanship. McClelland may be a bit long in the tooth now but is still well-respected in the Scottish business hierarchy
  12. it needs to be done one way or other. This cannot continue. I'm convinced we've been infiltrated with dhims masquerading as us to get jobs within Rangers with the aim of causing damage. I SAY AGAIN, CLEAR OUT ALL NON-FOOTBALLING STAFF WITHIN RANGERS WITH ACCESS TO CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.
  13. For me , the Easdales are simply a couple of Rangers supporters living their dream of becoming part-owners of Rangers. They'll never fully own Rangers once McColl & King make their move. They need to realise that. Forget the allegations, much of which is unproven. They will do no harm to the club whatsoever. Meanwhile I think there are much more important issues to consider................
  14. Why is our CEO doing an interview with a low circulation rhag such as the Herald ? who reads this irrelevant so-called newspaper apart from a few pseudo-academic dhims?
  15. Well how else would you expect them to find out why there are these continual leaks ? CLEAR OUT THE WHOLE DAMN LOT OF THEM..........................
  16. Once McColl gets control and puts Blin & Murray in charge, they must completely clear out the non-footballing staff at Rangers to eradicate these 'leaks'.
  17. another one of the mhedia unless I'm mistaken.
  18. I believe the latest we'll be back in Europe(providing we qualify) will be 2015/6. That will be 3 full years since we went the newco route. I believe the SFA will be forced to make an extraordinary application for us once the full story comes out about their incompetence & lack of action during whyte's ownership & nonpayment of taxes
  19. because too many chairmen were too afraid/incompetent/stupid to ask the relevent questions. The chairman of little Annan Athletic was the exception who warned about what is surely going to happen i.e. clubs won't get the cash amounts promised
  20. things can change. Don't believe all you read in newspapers. The first stage of the plan would be to get Blin & Murray into the boardroom to replace the present incumbents. Stage two would be a second share issue underwritten by King (&maybe others) which will provide much needed funds for the club. That is what I genuinely believe will happen before the end of the year
  21. if you read PZJ on McMurdo's daily blog they may not be as cash-rich as some would have you believe. Did you know they've not paid corporation tax since 2001? very strange
  22. you can't & they won't tell you anyway. It's the way business deals like these are done
  23. I think Ally has his eye on winning the SC & signing KM would greatly assist in that respect. That said I think Ally will quite happily wait til new year if need be to get him. To win the SC we'd almost certainly need to beat you-know-who. KM & Daly together up front would, I believe, give us every chance of beating them with their dodgy-looking defence this season.
  24. why would anyone sponsor the top division where it's a one-horse race and 11 of the 12 teams have absolutely no chance or ambition to win it ?
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