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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. In fact why have an interview with Scotzine in the first place ? does Irvine not know who Scotzine are ?
  2. Liewell will do nothing for Scottish football. His first & only priority will be to look after Septic's interests. I'm astounded no one else can see this
  3. Celtic need the CL money just to almost break even. Their operating costs are well over £54m
  4. remember also that when the bunnet bought them back in 1994 he switched their bank to the CIS who are now a basket case needing to raise £1.5billion very soon. Giving out longterm loans like Ra poops got may well be called in if(as expected) the Bank of England take over the running of the CIS bank.
  5. didn't Rhegan extend Levein's contract for the current WC qualifying campaign ? only to sack him after 4 games and 1 point on the board almost a year ago which cost the SFA quite a bit in compensation
  6. give me a clue. Was it dummy Doncaster? Another worrying aspect is digging up players from the lower English leagues who are eligible thro' a distant Scottish relative. The question needs asked whether these players will be good enough to get 2nd place in a qualifying group and into playoffs(Scotland realistically won't win a group). I have my doubts I have to say.
  7. 'he was led to believe Craig Whyte was worth £80million and had no reason to doubt that' Don't suppose anyone thought to check this out ? AJ certainly didn't seem to think so. Whyte was a man who owned a load of companies none of which seemed to be trading & making any money I've always maintained SDM was forced to sell to Whyte by LBG's Scottish business division who threatened to withdraw financial support to MIH unless he did so. And who ran LBG's Scottish business division at that time? go on tell me
  8. another thing I'd add is that as long as Celtic continue buying players around the £2m or £3m mark we should be able to compete with them.
  9. And they wonder why no one will sponsor the SPFL ? Who will sponsor a one horse race where 11 of the 12 teams in the so-called showpiece premiership league have no ambition to win it? That's why SPFL clubs are giving away so many freebies and 'buy one get three free' season tickets. The SPFL premiership attendances are fictitious for many of the clubs. Scottish football began its slow, lingering death when Rangers were voted out the SPL in summer 2012. You may not agree with much of what CG said but he was bang on about trying to get Rangers out of Scottish football. It's commercial madness for Rangers to be playing against Stenhousemuir & Arbroath. England may not be an option but some newly-formed Northern European league from the benelux & scandanavian countries may be an option in the future. Celtic ? couldn't give a damn about them. We don't need them as our attendances show. As their domestic attendances decline and they cover empty seats with flags(a premiership practice it seems) they rely on CL participation but for how long will the easy passage be there for them ? why should clubs like lyon & PSV be given harder qualification ties after coming second in much stronger leagues than the SPFL? How much longer will they accept that? We shall see
  10. He'll be judged by results starting from September next year for Euro2016. All games between now & then are relatively meaningless. Progress will be only when Scotland actually qualify for an EC or WC finals
  11. we shall see how all of this unfolds following the outcomes of the police & insolvency service investigations but anyone who thinks this all in the past & finished is seriously deluded.
  12. Yes I found the administration 'odd' too. That prize money was withheld because the SPL would have been facing insolvency without it. You do know that an agreement secured under duress/blackmail can be overturned in a court of law? I'd say that's exactly what happened here and the Insolvency Service will go down this route & get this money back for creditors. Let's hope Dumbcaster still has it somewhere although I suspect not. People need to realise that the whole saga starting from SDM being forced to sell to whyte right thro' to the 5 way agreement & illegal registration embargo isn't over & done with. There are 3 separate police investigations plus the one by the Insolvency Service. It may take years but I genuinely believe we'll find out everything in the end even in a nation as corrupt as ours
  13. as I said earlier the Insolvency Service may think otherwise. That money most certainly didn't belong to the SPL
  14. and did D&P have the right to do this? I'm sure the Insolvency Service may think otherwise
  15. BBC Scotland is over-populated with individuals who have an agenda against us. Full co-operation with them can only be resumed once that situation changes
  16. I'm still amazed that they could withhold the oldco prize money for season 2011-12. I'd have thought BDO would have been legally obliged to get that for the oldco creditors. I wouldn't have thought it would have been for negotiations with the newco
  17. would the SRU allow murrayfield to be used for a football final? not as if they need the money.
  18. What are the chances of legal action now this document is now in the public domain ?
  19. Isn't their ground too small for any cup final involving Rangers ?
  20. In 1993 we won the SC against Abersheep there and later that year beat Hibs in the LC final when McCoist scored one of the best overhead kicks you'll ever see
  21. it's not until April6 next year - long way off. Why don't they bring it forward ?
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